More “tolerance” from Ivy League Liberal Elites

sure, I am just saying looking at the photo I see Caucasian DNA being the predominate trait.
This pic is an African. The color is black. Not that it really matters but psychologically it is interesting that some people choose their black color as a basis of who they are while ignoring who they actually are. A simple Human Being
Curried Goat seems more white to me.
View attachment 965792
Sort of like Obama….just as white as he is black. But he chose to identify with black half, despite it was his black father who abandoned him and his white family who raised him. Maybe he figured doors would open to him - Ivy League, politics, etc. - that wouldn’t have had he been white. Who knows?
You’ll never be white. Sorry.
Can anyone figure out what movie I’m thinking about where the actor says, with some degree of contempt, “you’ll never be ________.”

edit: never mind! I thought of it. It was Christopher Plumber to the young Nazi, “you’ll never be one of them.”
It is a bad a photo to discern race.
Though that didn't stop you from fantasizing and comparing skin tones did it? :dunno: :laugh:

If I let you go on any longer you might of tried comparing skull sizes. Who knows how deep your Bingo goes?
My point is you use the black portion of your race while ignoring the other race that is a part of you.
I don't even know what that means. :laugh:

I may have Chinese and Indian heritage but I've never been to either place, culturally I'm West Indian/Afro Caribbean.
I do find race interesting, my children are part African. One branch of their family tree goes back to slavery.
I don't care.
I get accused, by you and others, of being racist all the time.
Because of the stupid shit you say. I didn't need to know if you were white or black or Asian, or Latin or gay or straight or whatever to sus that out. For people who aren't racist it's the content of your words that defines you.
Hence I bring the subject up as I think, curriedgoats can not call himself black and make posts as if claiming black gives the posts a perspective that is relevant. If anything, your posts are meant to cause hate of black people. I doubt you have the intellect to do this purposely.
1. I give my perspective as I see fit and you can address it however you feel like. :dunno:

2. Why in the world would anything I say cause you or anyone to hate Black people? What an odd thing to say. How would that work exactly?
By being the biggest bitch you point out others are big bitches? Here is a news flash, your posts have the opposite effect. They make you look like it is you who is the biggest bitch.

curriedgoats will never be american
Is that what it looks like to you? Because to me it looks like you folks cosplay and fantasize so much because you can't face reality, like the reality of my birthright citizenship. :laugh:
Can anyone figure out what movie I’m thinking about where the actor says, with some degree of contempt, “you’ll never be ________.”

edit: never mind! I thought of it. It was Christopher Plumber to the young Nazi, “you’ll never be one of them.”
Kind of like how you think Jews who don't practice aren't real Jews? :dunno: :lmao:

Did you read the samples of the messages? Tell me which one of them was the most egregious one to you. The one that really hurt your precious Snowflake feelings. :laugh:
Lol, doesn't hurt me at all. Keep up tormenting them, your losing the black vote in droves. Now you're going after the jews.
Kind of like how you think Jews who don't practice aren't real Jews? :dunno: :lmao:
When did I say that? If your mother was Jewish, you’re Jewish. But if you’re Jewish and vote Democrat, you’re either blinded by liberalism or just plain stupid.
I have no idea what you consider what your, birthright citizenship, is. What is your birthright citizenship.
It's a term from the Constitution proclaiming that everyone born here, like me, has a legal right to citizenship in the United States.
Correct, as I stated, you are not black.
Im not just Black but I am Black, dumbass. Are you confused about how being mixed works? How deep does your Bingo go? :dunno: :laugh:
You make comments that validate what I state yet call them dumb?
You are incredibly dumb. Apparently in your fantasy world being mixed is more like subtraction than addition? :dunno:
You are confused person. You should let go of this anger of yours and embrace me and others, as good friends.
Yep. I'm the confused one.... :lmao:
Im not just Black but I am Black, dumbass. Are you confused about how being mixed works? How deep does your Bingo go? :dunno: :laugh:
You are incredibly dumb. Apparently in your fantasy world being mixed is more like subtraction than addition? :dunno:
Yep. I'm the confused one.... :lmao:
You can identify as a transexual as far as I am concerned. Just calling you out on your nonsense, that is all. Being mixed, how does that work, when you add different colors to black. Adding white makes it less black. I am happy you are no different than me.
I thought Democrats and progressives were supposed to be tolerant? They sure do preach tolerance an awful lot.

If you tolerate something it means you put up with something you don't like. But they don't seem to put up with anything they don't like. Seems like what they want is everyone to tolerate them, but they won't tolerate anyone else.

Then "you need to be tolerant of others different than you and accept their differences and appreciate them because they are real people that their own unique lives"

Me "but what about what I think? It's different than what you think"

Them "F you! You biggot racist homephobe transphobic democracy destroying Hitler asshole right wing maga dickhead trumper xenophobe!!!!!!!!"

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