"Tolerant" liberals attack black conservative, call her 'n-word'


Aug 23, 2012
In my recap of last night’s speeches, I praised up-and-comer Mia Love for her spectacular performance. She’s a rising star within the party who delivered a barn burner Tuesday night, and she seems destined to become a regular fixture on the national stage. It seems her ideological opponents have noticed this as well, because she’s had to endure some ugly, ugly, attacks in the time since her appearance.

Overnight, liberals vandalized her Wikipedia entry with some deeply disturbing language. Among the nastier comments were vicious attacks calling Love a “token,” a “dirty, worthless, whore who sold her soul” and an “Aunt Tom.”

These remarks were doubtlessly posted by someone who bemoans the Republican Party’s mythical “war on women” and wishes they’d be “more inclusive.”

All of the changes were removed and repaired, but not before bloggers managed to grab screen images that are now spreading around the web. The worst of them chronicles the claim that Ms. Love “has sold out to the right-wing hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP and love to see people like Mia Love be exploited like the house ****** she truly is.”

Today on Twitter, Dems are minimizing the incident as they claim Conservatives are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. To them, this is no big deal.

So, to sum up, when an African-American woman takes the stage at the GOP convention and receives a thunderous standing ovation, it’s just evidence that the room is packed with racists, cheering for their token. When an African-American politician dares to turn her back on what the left thinks is her rightful political place, she’s a turncoat and a traitor to her race. So sayeth those who constantly accuse the GOP of refusing to embrace diversity.

Read more: http://www.caintv.com/MiaLoveWikipediapagevandalized-315

It's nice to see the "tolerant" and "loving" liberals in their natural state. This always happens with liberals, they say they love tolerance and diversity, but when anyone dares question their authority, they revert to their true form; that of an angry totalitarian bigot. Hussein and his far-left Democrat friends are so terrified of African American conservatives, as they're true Americans who actually worked to get where they are, as opposed to Obama-loving socialists who beg for handouts.

The liberals want nothing more than to keep the blacks under their thumb, to keep them completely dependent on the Democrat Party. Now many of you are probably thinking "but the Democrats want to keep everyone dependent on them, not just blacks," and while that is true, they seem to have a particular disdain for the African Americans. Notice how after voting Democratic in every election for over 50 years, the Democrats are still no better off than they were before? Not only that, but in many instances, they are even worse off. Notice how whenever Democrats speak to African Americans, they always talk down to them like they are a minority group, as opposed to treating them like equals, like you would any other American?

What was it that sent these spineless liberals cowering, you ask? This speech:
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So wait, liberals inserted plants in the crowd to racially abuse not 1, but 2 black women at the same GOP event within a mere day of each other?

Busy little bees, it appears.

I personally believe 1 event seems entirely believable, but I am more skeptical of the other.
Sounds like a heck of a gal.

But being a hot black woman who lives in Utah, runs in the snow and marries a white man with a buzzcut is just not... something... almost... every... other...

black person on EARTH

is going to do.

I'm sorry. That's the reality of it. A lot of these folks are great opportunists: they're willing to sign on to Republicanism because there's great opportunity there, desperate as they are for black tokens. And it could very well have some level of sincerity on the part of the black person. But it has no broad-based application. Push comes to shove, blacks know to vote D.
Black Republicans/conservatives are a nightmare for Dimocrats out of fear some of their house folks will see the light, so it's routine to trash them. Happens all the time. Hell, they even trash their own who dare speak the truth about the plight of black culture in America...see Bill Cosby for example.
Sounds like a heck of a gal.

But being a hot black woman who lives in Utah, runs in the snow and marries a white man with a buzzcut is just not... something... almost... every... other...

black person on EARTH

is going to do.

I'm sorry. That's the reality of it. A lot of these folks are great opportunists: they're willing to sign on to Republicanism because there's great opportunity there, desperate as they are for black tokens. And it could very well have some level of sincerity on the part of the black person. But it has no broad-based application. Push comes to shove, blacks know to vote D.
Not everyone views everything through the lens of skin color.
Afros are worthless animals. The only reason this Afro female is at the GOP convention is because the Republicans are so desperate to prove they're not "racist" by giving a platform to any ape that doesn't run away.

A negro Mormon. Funny.
Overnight, liberals vandalized her Wikipedia entry with some deeply disturbing language.

How do we know it was liberals?

These remarks were doubtlessly posted by someone who bemoans the Republican Party’s mythical “war on women” and wishes they’d be “more inclusive.”

"Doubtless" ? Sure, if you presuppose the conclusion you prefer and don't want to use evidence to back your assertion.
No comment or speculation on who did what, but. . .

Anybody else notice that, in the frozen frame before you start the video clip, the way her hands are positioned almost look like she's throwing her set up?

Made me giggle.

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