Tom Selleck is a thief. Busted!


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Tom Selleck accused of public water theft Report -

Tom Selleck appears to be in hot water.

Calleguas Municipal Water District filed suit against the actor and wife Jillie Mack on Monday, claiming he used a public hydrant to fill a commercial water truck on 12 different occasions, according to Courthouse News Service.

With the state of California suffering through a serious drought, the water district says that it saw the truck fill up from a hydrant at a Thousand Oaks construction site and then take seven trips in September and October 2013 into the Hidden Valley area that is believed to be Selleck's residence.
These assholes need to be in jail. If it was just a regular joe/jane, you KNOW some cuffs would have been slapped on some wrists. But celebs? Exempt. Not.
These assholes need to be in jail. If it was just a regular joe/jane, you KNOW some cuffs would have been slapped on some wrists. But celebs? Exempt. Not.
Nope, "this is a civil action, not a criminal case. Ventura County sheriff's Capt. John Riley meanwhile told NBC News that the sheriff's office did investigate allegations of criminal water theft, but "we are unable to establish a crime was committed."

Lawsuit Accuses Tom Selleck of Stealing Water but Cops Come Up Dry - NBC News

Book em anyway Dano
I cannot stand uppity assholes that think they are above anyone else.
These assholes need to be in jail. If it was just a regular joe/jane, you KNOW some cuffs would have been slapped on some wrists. But celebs? Exempt. Not.
Nope, "this is a civil action, not a criminal case. Ventura County sheriff's Capt. John Riley meanwhile told NBC News that the sheriff's office did investigate allegations of criminal water theft, but "we are unable to establish a crime was committed."

Lawsuit Accuses Tom Selleck of Stealing Water but Cops Come Up Dry - NBC News

Book em anyway Dano

Yeah... as usual. Fascism at its typical.
Point is...people with community veggie gardens or poorer folks trying to grow their own little crop of veggies for their own consumption..or farmers who need water to grow crops to feed us....are set to a strict rule and asshole celebs want their grass green because its "pretty". of them decides to take a tanker truck and STEAL water from a hydrant...water that might be needed for a fire or in general, keep households not on 6 acres with a water supply.

He's an asshole. So are all the other celebs that think they are better than anyone else.
Was it Tom Selleck or people working for Tom Selleck? Did he have Higgins create a distraction while T.C and Rick loaded up the truck?
Was it Tom Selleck or people working for Tom Selleck? Did he have Higgins create a distraction while T.C and Rick loaded up the truck?
Ya know..I was telling Mr Gracie that after we discussed it. What if his ranch hand is paid every month by Selleck, as usual monthly business expenses for truck loads of water to be purchased, ranch hand manager takes that check, cashes it, sticks it in his pocket, and STEALS the water instead of driving wherever to BUY it like he is supposed to? Sellck would have no clue. On the books, it shows Tanker Water Truck Pickup at WhereverWaterIsPurchased store. But it doesn't match with WhereverWaterIsPurchased store's logs. "Gosh Mr Selleck. You ranch hand manager hasn't been here in months. We thought you began purchasing water from another company".
Something like that. Maybe its because we hate knowing Selleck could potentially be a selfish thieving asshole.
Because there are worse things out there that a person can be guilty of, I am still going to love watching him on Blue Bloods. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)

Selleck was getting the water to keep his avocado trees alive, not to fill his swimming pool. I think some of you are misguided in using Tom's celebrity as an excuse to rant against the rich. If you look at this as a farmer, albeit a rich famous farmer, attempting to get some water for his avocado crop would you all be up in his face? What if the "farmer was poor? and he was desperate to keep his avocado trees from dying? It doesn't matter that it's Tom Selleck. His fame won't keep his avacado trees alive.

I don't begrudge Tom attempting to get some water to keep his avocado trees alive. He should have paid for the water though. Me thinks that Tom didn't know the water was stolen. Why would a guy with his good rep and bank account risk stealing the aqua? My guess is that his gardener got some money from Mr. Selleck to buy some water and the guy pocketed the money and stole the water.

Does anyone here REALLY think Tom Selleck devised a scam to steal water for his avocado trees?

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