Tommy Robinson Lawyer Judge didn't view evidence, Islamists threaten acid attacks on his wife

It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?

Somehow, we on both sides of the Pond are supposed to ignore exactly who these people are and exactly what they have done in their own lives. A person has a responsibility for what he or she does in his or her own life.
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?

Somehow, we on both sides of the Pond are supposed to ignore exactly who these people are and exactly what they have done in their own lives. A person has a responsibility for what he or she does in his or her own life.
I dont suppose that any of these idiots actually support drug dealing,wife beating and fraud but their rabid hatred of Muslims means that they cant utter a peep of condemnation.
Its partisanship gone mad.
I get gag orders on lawyers and witnesses. But why a gag order on reporting?

So exactly what was the crime for which he was arrested?


Contempt of court.
He jeopardised the trial of some rapists.
They might have got off because of his antics.
His trial was scheduled before his arrest. It had to be in order for it to be conducted so closely on the heels of his arrest.

The fix was in and the real reason He was arrested is that he was trying to alert people to the extensiveness of the coverup of Muslim rape. Those who have been covering it up wanted him silenced.
I thought you guys advocated harsh treatment for criminals?

Seriously? :rolleyes-41:

I advocate for making Muslims in prison eat whatever's cheapest to feed them, or starve. Halal or not, you're a criminal.

Why should taxpayers have to pay more for your picky eating habits?

When I was growing up, there were 2 choices at suppertime: Eat it, or don't.
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So exactly what was the crime for which he was arrested?


Contempt of court.
He jeopardised the trial of some rapists.
They might have got off because of his antics.
His trial was scheduled before his arrest. It had to be in order for it to be conducted so closely on the heels of his arrest.

The fix was in and the real reason He was arrested is that he was trying to alert people to the extensiveness of the coverup of Muslim rape. Those who have been covering it up wanted him silenced.
"it had to be" - clown.
A person has a responsibility for what he or she does in his or her own life.
Yes. Like facilitating the rape of children.

Who does this? Are they not apprehended once found out and put on trial? Regardless of country, these people are found out eventually and put in handcuffs. It would help if we could all agree on the specifics, including the age of the children. There are stories of adults having sex with children as young as 12 and 13, and of adults chasing teens for sex. I suspect that there is a double-and-triple standard that regards both religion, and also the gender of the victim: male or female. I believe that ALL should be apprehended and be in prison. Get pervies like moore, and perhaps trump, in jail, too.
So exactly what was the crime for which he was arrested?


Contempt of court.
He jeopardised the trial of some rapists.
They might have got off because of his antics.
His trial was scheduled before his arrest. It had to be in order for it to be conducted so closely on the heels of his arrest.

The fix was in and the real reason He was arrested is that he was trying to alert people to the extensiveness of the coverup of Muslim rape. Those who have been covering it up wanted him silenced.
"it had to be" - clown.
Of course it was, moron.

What other arrests result in a prison sentence just a few hours later? It usually takes weeks or even months to schedule a trial such as this.

I get gag orders on lawyers and witnesses. But why a gag order on reporting?

Its to ensure a fair trial. If there are multiple defendants being tried at different times then newspaper reports of the earlier trials could influence jurors in the later trials.
When they are all dealt with the proceedings are made public. There is no suppression,its just a delay.
So exactly what was the crime for which he was arrested?


Contempt of court.
He jeopardised the trial of some rapists.
They might have got off because of his antics.
His trial was scheduled before his arrest. It had to be in order for it to be conducted so closely on the heels of his arrest.

The fix was in and the real reason He was arrested is that he was trying to alert people to the extensiveness of the coverup of Muslim rape. Those who have been covering it up wanted him silenced.
"it had to be" - clown.
Of course it was, moron.

What other arrests result in a prison sentence just a few hours later? It usually takes weeks or even months to schedule a trial such as this.

He had already been convicted a year earlier.
I am intrigued. What does Tommy Robinson do or say that indicates that
he "hates" muslims other than complain about the issue of "sex grooming of
girls" by some muslim mobsters? -----

He was focusing only on the Pakistani sex grooming gang, which had been known by the authorities for years.

A national disgrace.
Exactly. And why do people focus on this epidemic of mostly Pakistani paedo grooming gangs? Because the Left still defend them by trying to play down the problem, and because all the authorities, including the police, willfully turned a blind eye to it for two decades! Also, it is happening all over the country.
It is an absolute disgrace of the highest order.

Grooming gangs of Muslim men failed to integrate into British society


Adil Khan, Mohammed Amin, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid (L-R) bottom row Abdul Aziz, Abdul Qayyum, Hamid Safi and Kabeer Hassan were convicted of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with girls under the age of 16, among other offences. CREDIT: AFP PHOTO / GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE

Researchers, who analysed 264 convictions of grooming gang members since 2005, had initially expected to find Asians had been unfairly singled out.

However, they discovered that 222 of those convicted, or 84 per cent, were men of Asian origin. Only 22 were black and 18 were white with two offenders not having an identified ethnicity. The findings are in stark contrast to the fact Asians make up only seven per cent of the UK population, the report said.

Muna Adil, one of two authors, said: “We began thinking we would debunk the media narrative that Asians are over-represented in this specific crime. But, when the final numbers came in we were alarmed and dismayed. For both of us being of Pakistani heritage, this issue is deeply personal and deeply disturbing.”...

Grooming gangs of Muslim men failed to integrate into British society
So being against child rape makes one an anti Muslim bigot! That’s great to know. Guess I better say I am for child rape to avoid that label huh?

That is the plan and it is quite intentional as it seeks to maximize the number of children raped. If she and others are persistent enough in the name calling, people who know about Muslim men raping children will keep quiet about it out of fear that they will be labeled by the likes of this very sick individual. Indeed, this is exactly the mechanism responsible for so many rapes to begin with as people made the decision to sacrifice the children to the rape gangs rather than face the wrath of all the Coyotes.

The more children that are raped, the more it serves the Islamization process as it establishes the dominance of the quasi-religious ideology she serves over that of the native Brits. It all serves a political purpose rather than sexual. The support for the rape of children does not stem from any actual pedophillic sympathies so much as it does jihad. It's all about the supremacist ideology asserting itself by attacking the weakest individuals in the culture it is invading.Coyote and others are simply serving the needs of the ideology.
Even the child victims were told they were being racist when they named the filthy perverts who drugged, trafficked and raped them.

So what does this little bitch Robinson want to do? Just run around kicking up hatred of other people? He seems to be a worthless waste of the air we breathe.

So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.

What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.

What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities didn't throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.


The truth is the authorities are still trying to cover up the muslim paedo rape gangs, more so now that it’s become evident they have been operating unmolested (excuse the pun) virtually NATIONWIDE for years.
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So what does this little bitch Robinson want to do? Just run around kicking up hatred of other people? He seems to be a worthless waste of the air we breathe.

So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.

What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.

What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities did throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.


Everybody has the right to a fair trial.Its the cornerstone of our society. Lennon was trying to circumvent that.

But you were absolutley fine with Robinson NOT getting a fair trial.
In fact, you were practically wetting yourself with glee over it.

And BTW, as a ‘man’ who approves of violence against women and the elderly, why are you so concerned over Robinson’s alleged past violent actions???

RU a hypocrite by any chance???

A person has a responsibility for what he or she does in his or her own life.
Yes. Like facilitating the rape of children.

Who does this? Are they not apprehended once found out and put on trial? Regardless of country, these people are found out eventually and put in handcuffs. It would help if we could all agree on the specifics, including the age of the children. There are stories of adults having sex with children as young as 12 and 13, and of adults chasing teens for sex. I suspect that there is a double-and-triple standard that regards both religion, and also the gender of the victim: male or female. I believe that ALL should be apprehended and be in prison. Get pervies like moore, and perhaps trump, in jail, too.

You're a dumbass, they should hang.

"Mr Krasniqi, the court was told, also played a smaller part, although a witness recalled seeing him standing over the girls with a knife at one point, laughing and pointing at Mary-Ann saying: "Cut her fat off.""

That's not an English name.

Gang 'raped, tortured and murdered' teenager
So being against child rape makes one an anti Muslim bigot! That’s great to know. Guess I better say I am for child rape to avoid that label huh?

That is the plan and it is quite intentional as it seeks to maximize the number of children raped. If she and others are persistent enough in the name calling, people who know about Muslim men raping children will keep quiet about it out of fear that they will be labeled by the likes of this very sick individual. Indeed, this is exactly the mechanism responsible for so many rapes to begin with as people made the decision to sacrifice the children to the rape gangs rather than face the wrath of all the Coyotes.

The more children that are raped, the more it serves the Islamization process as it establishes the dominance of the quasi-religious ideology she serves over that of the native Brits. It all serves a political purpose rather than sexual. The support for the rape of children does not stem from any actual pedophillic sympathies so much as it does jihad. It's all about the supremacist ideology asserting itself by attacking the weakest individuals in the culture it is invading.Coyote and others are simply serving the needs of the ideology.
Even the child victims were told they were being racist when they named the filthy perverts who drugged, trafficked and raped them.

That's their plan. They do it quite knowingly and intentionally.

(And then turn around and try to claim they are so maligned when called on it)

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