Tommy Robinson Lawyer Judge didn't view evidence, Islamists threaten acid attacks on his wife

Nothing to do with this issue.
It is very much to do with this issue. These idiots are trying to make out he is some kind of hero. He isnt.

No they are not.


This Robinson character indeed has a checkered past, BUT THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE.

The issue is the establishments continued refusal to deal with the real problems of integrating the Islamic culture with the centuries old British culture. The Moslem culture flatly and adamantly rejects the ideals of the enlightenment, not just the radical elements, but the moderate elements as well.

The establishment refuses to address the cultural cleavages and protect the native inhabitants from dangers that are inherent in this conflict, not just in the more radical elements, but even in the more moderate elements. Surveys among the Muslim populations have even revealed these attitudes as being true.

The state wants to whitewash these attitude and pretend they don't exist for political purposes, and it largely controls the press to DE-emphasize these problems.

Mr. Robinson was correct, if it hadn't been for his notoriety, the press would have never covered that trial, they were there to cover HIS coverage of the trial and the fact that he shouldn't have been there in the first place. The establishment doesn't want him exposing this problem, it doesn't want him in politics, it causes them problems.

Now everyone in Britain is aware of this problem the establishment was trying to cover it up.

Good on him.


HIS PAST IS OVER HIS RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, THEY BROKE THAT when they stopped Tommy like we said you have BS INFORMATION...


View attachment 208327
You quote Katie Hopkins who is employed by the same people who fund lennon. Do some research you clown.
So what?
No they are not.


This Robinson character indeed has a checkered past, BUT THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE.

The issue is the establishments continued refusal to deal with the real problems of integrating the Islamic culture with the centuries old British culture. The Moslem culture flatly and adamantly rejects the ideals of the enlightenment, not just the radical elements, but the moderate elements as well.

The establishment refuses to address the cultural cleavages and protect the native inhabitants from dangers that are inherent in this conflict, not just in the more radical elements, but even in the more moderate elements. Surveys among the Muslim populations have even revealed these attitudes as being true.

The state wants to whitewash these attitude and pretend they don't exist for political purposes, and it largely controls the press to DE-emphasize these problems.

Mr. Robinson was correct, if it hadn't been for his notoriety, the press would have never covered that trial, they were there to cover HIS coverage of the trial and the fact that he shouldn't have been there in the first place. The establishment doesn't want him exposing this problem, it doesn't want him in politics, it causes them problems.

Now everyone in Britain is aware of this problem the establishment was trying to cover it up.

Good on him.


HIS PAST IS OVER HIS RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, THEY BROKE THAT when they stopped Tommy like we said you have BS INFORMATION...


View attachment 208327
You quote Katie Hopkins who is employed by the same people who fund lennon. Do some research you clown.

What about Katie Hopkins? Don't dump your non sequiturs on me.
Dont be obtuse. She works for rebel media like lennon does.
So what?
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
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It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?

Somehow, we on both sides of the Pond are supposed to ignore exactly who these people are and exactly what they have done in their own lives. A person has a responsibility for what he or she does in his or her own life.
I dont suppose that any of these idiots actually support drug dealing,wife beating and fraud but their rabid hatred of Muslims means that they cant utter a peep of condemnation.
Its partisanship gone mad.
Strange how you support violence against right wing female politicians and can barely bring yourself to condemn the paedo muslim rapists without qualification!
When you factor in the fact that the entire population of Rotherham metro is about 250000 , the number of children raped by Muslims is absolutely staggering.

The child rape supporters here try to portray the situation as one of bigotry, but the reason people are focusing on Muslim rapes is that there are so fucking many of them, not to mention how they are racially motivated.
A great article, but I’m having trouble formatting so follow the link to read it in its entirety.

Telford and the Left | The Spectator

Telford and the Left
Leftist hypocrisy exposed again over Muslim grooming gangs
Daisy Cousens

The sleepy town of Telford, England, is home to the latest bout of grooming gangs and child sexual exploitation. On March 11, the Mirror revealed the results of an eighteen-month investigation into the rape and sexual trafficking of up to 1,000 girls, some as young as 11, with offenses dating back to the early 1980s. It is said to be the UK’s worst and most prolific case of child sexual abuse. Since the release of the investigation by the Mirror, more Telford victims have found the courage to come forward.

The Telford case bears an eerie likeness to the infamous Rotherham scandal, in which 1,400 girls were raped and trafficked by grooming gangs between 1997 and 2013. Similar cases were reported in Rochdale, Oxfordshire, Newcastle, and eleven other English towns. The incidents, although widespread and involving thousands of victims, have three things in common. The victims; primarily white girls. The perpetrators; predominantly Muslim Pakistani men. The crimes; not dealt with by authorities for years, because police and local councils did not want to be accused of racism.

The fact the majority of the perpetrators are Pakistani Muslims is an uncomfortable fact, especially for the politically correct leftist droves. ...
Stating Pakistani Muslim men are disproportionately represented in grooming gangs and gang rape is the grossest of understatements. A December 2017 report by Quilliam International found 84 per cent of men convicted of being members of grooming gangs from 2005 to 2017 are Pakistani Muslims. This is, to use the left’s favourite expression, problematic, as Muslims represent about only seven per cent of the UK population.

This awkward fact can be blamed for the deafening silence on the issue in the cultural mainstream. Regardless of the fact the Telford girls are seemingly textbook victims, the largely left-wing #metoo campaign and its adherents have turned their back on them.

The Left prefers instead taking down straight, white, wealthy men, and the glitz and glamour of exposing the culture of sexual exploitation in Hollywood. Engaging in this practice involves no political incorrectness, and no risk of being branded anything other than a victim. In addition, the protection from all critique by aggressive feminist hordes makes this public dialogue a very safe space.

As such, the #MeToo brigadiers wouldn’t dare risk a backlash by even alluding to the fact there could also be a culture of sexual exploitation within the ranks of Islam. After all, according to leftist rules of intersectionality, Islam scores more points on the victimology scale than gender. Especially if the females in question are white. For all the cultural Left cares, the Telford girls, branded with the smear of ‘rural, white, and working class’, can rot in obscurity. (One young teen claims she was ‘laughed at’ by her social worker when she told her she was being sold to Pakistani men for sex.)

What has also remained largely ignored is the profoundly racist nature of the attacks. Unsurprising, as the leftist ‘in vogue’ definition of racism involves an alleged power imbalance between whites and non-whites. According to the Left, only whites can be racist. However, the rape and sexual exploitation of ‘infidel’ girls and women is not a new concept within Islam. It goes back to Muhammad, who made it perfectly clear that his soldiers were permitted to rape female infidel slaves. Sure, other cultures have done the same over the course of human history, but only Islam is carrying it into a modern, prolific context....

So what does this little bitch Robinson want to do? Just run around kicking up hatred of other people? He seems to be a worthless waste of the air we breathe.

So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.

What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.

What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities didn't throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.


The truth is the authorities are still trying to cover up the muslim paedo rape gangs, more so now that it’s become evident they have been operating unmolested (excuse the pun) virtually NATIONWIDE for years.

No they arent. Why do you make things up ?
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
Unlike yourself my heroes do not beat up women for refusing to hide their drug stash. Why do you glorify this ?
So what does this little bitch Robinson want to do? Just run around kicking up hatred of other people? He seems to be a worthless waste of the air we breathe.
So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.
What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.
What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities didn't throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.

The truth is the authorities are still trying to cover up the muslim paedo rape gangs, more so now that it’s become evident they have been operating unmolested (excuse the pun) virtually NATIONWIDE for years.
No they arent. Why do you make things up ?

Yes, they are, dumbass. You have a real problem on your hands. They'll probably kill you within 10 years. You don't have a zombie apocalypse, you have a Muslim apocalypse with government backing.

What does the queen think about all that?

She always struck me as a straight-up woman.

But you know, there's a reason we ran the Brits out of the US 200-something years ago.
So exactly what was the crime for which he was arrested?


Contempt of court.
He jeopardised the trial of some rapists.
They might have got off because of his antics.
His trial was scheduled before his arrest. It had to be in order for it to be conducted so closely on the heels of his arrest.

The fix was in and the real reason He was arrested is that he was trying to alert people to the extensiveness of the coverup of Muslim rape. Those who have been covering it up wanted him silenced.
"it had to be" - clown.
Of course it was, moron.

What other arrests result in a prison sentence just a few hours later? It usually takes weeks or even months to schedule a trial such as this.

He had already been convicted a year earlier.

The appeal judges also found he was sentenced as if he had pleaded guilty, despite it being unclear what he was admitting to, and there had been a “muddle” about the nature of the contempt he faced.....

Disgraceful way to treat people, don’t you think, Tammy?
So indecent was their haste, they messed up bigly.
So what does this little bitch Robinson want to do? Just run around kicking up hatred of other people? He seems to be a worthless waste of the air we breathe.
So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.
What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.
What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities didn't throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.

The truth is the authorities are still trying to cover up the muslim paedo rape gangs, more so now that it’s become evident they have been operating unmolested (excuse the pun) virtually NATIONWIDE for years.
No they arent. Why do you make things up ?
No who aren’t what???
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
Unlike yourself my heroes do not beat up women for refusing to hide their drug stash. Why do you glorify this ?
You have approved of violence over and over again on this board, and you have made your own suggestions of how to increase the physical damage done to a female politician - ie by smashing her in the face with house bricks.

You also suggested an elderly pastor should have been hit harder with a baseball bat as his head injuries apparently weren’t sufficiently severe enough for your liking!

You regularly support violence - even against women, so your faux concern here isn’t washing, Tammy.

Now, please show me where I’ve ever glorified violence of ANY KIND :th_waiting:
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
Unlike yourself my heroes do not beat up women for refusing to hide their drug stash. Why do you glorify this ?
You have approved of violence over and over again on this board, and you have made your own suggestions of how to increase the physical damage done to a female politician - ie by smashing her in the face with house bricks, and you also suggested an elderly pastor should have been hit him harder with a baseball bat as his head injuries apparently weren’t sufficiently severe enough for you!
You regularly support violence - even against women, so your faux concern here isn’t washing, Tammy.
Now, please show me where I’ve ever glorified violence of ANY KIND.
Its sad that you support a wife beating fascist because you hate muslims so much. You have no credibility because of this.
So let me get this straight. A guy that is fighting for the rights of rape survivors, essentially a member of the #MeToo movement, and you hate him?

I just don't get it.

He should be one of your heroes.
What rights are he fighting for? The culprits were in court,on trial, and about to be sent away for a long time. His antics could have caused a mis trial and they could have gone free. The defence actually applied for a mis trial. Those young girls could have seen their abusers walk free.
What a laugh.

Did you see the protests? He wasn't the only one out there.

Good thing our authorities didn't throw everyone outside of the OJ trial in jail, the pokey would have been overflowing. And maybe, just maybe, OJ would have not gotten off according to your logic.

The truth is the authorities are still trying to cover up the muslim paedo rape gangs, more so now that it’s become evident they have been operating unmolested (excuse the pun) virtually NATIONWIDE for years.
No they arent. Why do you make things up ?

Yes, they are, dumbass. You have a real problem on your hands. They'll probably kill you within 10 years. You don't have a zombie apocalypse, you have a Muslim apocalypse with government backing.

What does the queen think about all that?

She always struck me as a straight-up woman.

But you know, there's a reason we ran the Brits out of the US 200-something years ago.
There is no problem. You have zero knowledge of the uk.
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
Unlike yourself my heroes do not beat up women for refusing to hide their drug stash. Why do you glorify this ?
You have approved of violence over and over again on this board, and you have made your own suggestions of how to increase the physical damage done to a female politician - ie by smashing her in the face with house bricks, and you also suggested an elderly pastor should have been hit him harder with a baseball bat as his head injuries apparently weren’t sufficiently severe enough for you!
You regularly support violence - even against women, so your faux concern here isn’t washing, Tammy.
Now, please show me where I’ve ever glorified violence of ANY KIND.
Its sad that you support a wife beating fascist because you hate muslims so much. You have no credibility because of this.
I support people being allowed a fair trial, no matter who they are.

I support citizen reporters doing the job the lame stream media refuses to do.

I support those who expose the government, social workers, the police and the crown prosecution service for their disgusting complicity in this nationwide horror.

YOU on the other hand prefer this to be covered up because most of the filthy perps are your brethren.

And YOU practically pee yourself with glee when people with different viewpoints to yours who expose what you want to keep hidden are incarcerated with indecent and unnecessary haste and without a fair trial and representation.

That you’ve always lied about the fact that the vast majority of the filthy paedo perps are Pakistani means YOU have no credibility at all in this matter - and your attitude is decidedly creepy.

What does that say about you???
This is what happens to Labour MPs who try to debate the issue honestly:

Jeremy Corbyn 'wrong to sack shadow minister Sarah Champion for claiming UK has problem with Pakistani grooming gangs'

A cabinet minister today condemned Jeremy Corbyn for allegedly “sacking” a Labour frontbencher over her claim the country had a problem with British Pakistani men raping white girls.

Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid said there must be an “honest open debate” about child abuse and that racial motivation in cases must be addressed.

MP Sarah Champion, a long-standing anti-child abuse campaigner, quit after saying Britain has a problem with “British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls” in a column for The Sun. There is widespread speculation she was encouraged to stand down. Some critics have said the Labour MP for Rotherham has been “silenced”. ...

Jeremy Corbyn 'wrong to sack shadow minister in race row'
It seems to be the case that this Robinson targets people of the Muslim faith and does nothing other than this. What good is he?
He isnt good for anything. He is a stain. But what do you expect from a wife beating coke dealer ?
But you like women being beaten. You said a female politician should have had house bricks thrown in her face.
Unlike yourself my heroes do not beat up women for refusing to hide their drug stash. Why do you glorify this ?
You have approved of violence over and over again on this board, and you have made your own suggestions of how to increase the physical damage done to a female politician - ie by smashing her in the face with house bricks, and you also suggested an elderly pastor should have been hit him harder with a baseball bat as his head injuries apparently weren’t sufficiently severe enough for you!
You regularly support violence - even against women, so your faux concern here isn’t washing, Tammy.
Now, please show me where I’ve ever glorified violence of ANY KIND.
Its sad that you support a wife beating fascist because you hate muslims so much. You have no credibility because of this.

Why do you advocate Muslim rape gangs so much?

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