Tommy Robinson loses libel case brought by Syrian schoolboy

That's for Yaxley_Robinson to answer. Perhaps after all the grooming gang crap were he stood up for
English girls being raped, addicted and enslaved by gangs of Pakistani men, and took lots
of hits for his trouble, he is sensitive to pernicious Muslims in England.

I don't know anything about this case in fact, however. Seems like English prosecutor was most
incensed that Muslims were named by Yaxley Robinson as school bullies.

Like I said, in the UK one of the biggest crimes one can commit is to speak frankly about the effect
Muslims have on the once great nation.

Yaxley-Lennon isn't the smartest of the bunch. He's a football hooligan, guilty of entering the US on someone else's passport, guilty of fraud, guilty of contempt of court, all sorts.

He's using Muslims because it makes him money, makes him someone. He'll say anything. You can't trust this dude. He's there for his own reasons and he doesn't care who he tramples on, doesn't care about innocence.

No, I don't think you're right about "one of the biggest crimes". Yes, there's a certain amount of narrative controlling, happens everywhere, and yes, people have been forced to accept certain things from Muslims that they wouldn't accept from others.

That doesn't mean you can't say it. It just means if you say something and you're wrong, you will suffer the consequences.
Yaxley-Lennon isn't the smartest of the bunch. He's a football hooligan, guilty of entering the US on someone else's passport, guilty of fraud, guilty of contempt of court, all sorts.

He's using Muslims because it makes him money, makes him someone. He'll say anything. You can't trust this dude. He's there for his own reasons and he doesn't care who he tramples on, doesn't care about innocence.

No, I don't think you're right about "one of the biggest crimes". Yes, there's a certain amount of narrative controlling, happens everywhere, and yes, people have been forced to accept certain things from Muslims that they wouldn't accept from others.

That doesn't mean you can't say it. It just means if you say something and you're wrong, you will suffer the consequences.
That's what I always heard when Robinson was opposing the grooming gangs.
He's a hooligan. He's the problem. Sorry but I don't think you need to be Jesus to
sound an alarm.

The Muslims are something of a protected class in the UK. Even you grant that.
That's what I always heard when Robinson was opposing the grooming gangs.
He's a hooligan. He's the problem. Sorry but I don't think you need to be Jesus to
sound an alarm.

The Muslims are something of a protected class in the UK. Even you grant that.
The case is a matter of public record. yaxley libelled a child and then could not back up his accusations. This is bad news in any jurisdiction and now he is fucked.
Robinson would be better off moving to Australia or the US where a harshly realistic assessment of is not grounds for libel though I have only barest details to go on.

I just know UK + any fair assessment of Islam= libel.
Actually, as a habitual criminal, he is not allowed to enter the US. Bummer !!
I'm getting one side of the story from you so don't expect me to defend what happened.
Yaxley-Robinson made allegations which were either true or false.
That's where the case should have been judged, not in a libel court.

Did the Muslim boy assault other students or not. Based on the one account I could see
that is never addressed.
There is no evidence that this child did anything. Yaxley could not produce any.
The case is a matter of public record. yaxley libelled a child and then could not back up his accusations. This is bad news in any jurisdiction and now he is fucked.

So, you are just assuming the charges are false. got it.

I look forward to hearing how the "boy" fares over the next 5 years.
Yes, but the point being made [which you are making now] is you can say these things about Christianity but not Islam [which is not the fault of Islam, but white liberals]...that is certainly a "fair assessment"
He libelled a child. Thats it. No flags being planted here.
So, you are just assuming the charges are false. got it.

I look forward to hearing how the "boy" fares over the next 5 years.
Nope. the court heard all the evidence and thats the end of it. yaxley is free to appeal if he thinks the court has made an error.
You have no interest in the boy, You just hate all muslims for the actions of a few. That makes you a piece of shit.
The case is a matter of public record. yaxley libelled a child and then could not back up his accusations. This is bad news in any jurisdiction and now he is fucked.
I know what the Brits consider "free speech" when Muslims are the subject.

Yeah, I know what the verdict was. No, I don't have any respect or confidence in the UK system
of "justice".
Nope. the court heard all the evidence and thats the end of it. yaxley is free to appeal if he thinks the court has made an error.
You have no interest in the boy, You just hate all muslims for the actions of a few. That makes you a piece of shit.
Actually, he hates seeing children raped because they are a different ethnicity than the rapists.

You are working to try to enable even more children getting raped for the same reason.
Nope. the court heard all the evidence and thats the end of it. yaxley is free to appeal if he thinks the court has made an error.
You have no interest in the boy, You just hate all muslims for the actions of a few. That makes you a piece of shit.

I saw nothing that the court heard ANYTHING about the boys' actual behavior. Was his school record entered into the record? Not that I trust british teachers to record any bad behavior.

YOu are a bigot and a racist.
Nope. the court heard all the evidence and thats the end of it. yaxley is free to appeal if he thinks the court has made an error.
You have no interest in the boy, You just hate all muslims for the actions of a few. That makes you a piece of shit.
And what makes you a piece of shit? Your stupidity? Your admitted admiration of Antifa?
Your ignorance of the US which you display every day? You're a quisling! And a boot licker.
I saw nothing that the court heard ANYTHING about the boys' actual behavior. Was his school record entered into the record? Not that I trust british teachers to record any bad behavior.

YOu are a bigot and a racist.
yaxley had no evidence to back up his claims. Boo fucking hoo. The nazi gets fucked.

Hey yaxley, obey "are" laws or fuck off !!
yaxley had no evidence to back up his claims. Boo fucking hoo. The nazi gets fucked.

Hey yaxley, obey "are" laws or fuck off !!

Sorry, when assholes like you say, "nazi", anyone with a brain, hears, "almost certainly not a nazi".

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