Tomorrow is "Thank a Liberal Day"!

Yes. I can hear the thanks and acollades from all the murdered babies. Can't you?
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the millions of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would be counted in the Census.

An egg is not a chicken.
Republican has nothing to do with it. Your embryo is human. You can lie, play stupid, or ignore that fact.
You better run off to the fertility clinics and free all the frozen embryos.

Go now!
Go fuck yourself, filthy trash.
I got chunks of guys like you in my stool.
is that from the blow jobs?.....hey just else would they get there?....


What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. -Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
And yes, Republicans used to be liberal.
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
Thank you liberals for Big Government.

It works so well.
The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.
Thank liberals for employment benefits
Liberals didn't provide them. Your employer did.
Thank liberals for over-time pay
Liberals didn't provide it. Your employer did.
Thank a liberal for worker compensation such as on-site accidents
Liberals didn't provide that. Your tax money (and your employer's) did.
Thank a liberal for a reasonable retirement age
Liberals didn't provide it. They simply took a lot of money from YOU for forty years, and now are giving a small fraction of it back. Sucker.
Thank a liberal for even the concept of a minimum wage
And the millions of "starter" jobs inexperienced people could have had to join the workforce, that were eliminated when liberals priced them out of the market with silly "minimum-wage" laws.

I could go on, but you get the picture. Liberals have done very little, and most of that did far more harm to you than good.

Fortunately you have started to learn over the last few years, that liberals lie extensively and completely, to keep you thinking they did you some good. And you have begun booting the liberals out of their cushy government jobs in response to their constant lies, incompetence, and failures.
Things like over time pay and work compensation are LAWS. Those laws were put in place my liberals. Employers have no choice but to honor those laws.

And consequently, where they would have allowed overtime in the past...they won't now. Good job !!!

What work mean pay people ?
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?

Ask them...they just threw you sorry stinking liberal asses out as the majority in the senate.
Thank you liberals for Big Government.

It works so well.
The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Keep blathering Chris.

Your stupid redundant comments are not changing anyone's mind. Or do you need to say this to get turned on and suck on your Obama doll ?

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