Tomorrow night Romney needs to remind America of one thing....

I'm sorry for you. That you don't pay attention to what obama has done. He depends on that, you know. You aren't to notice anything that isn't spoon fed to you by democrats.

Tonight obama has to show that Romney is clueless and incompetent. Romney only has to show us how clueless and incompetent obama is.

Does that mean you don't have a link?
I'm sorry for you. That you don't pay attention to what obama has done. He depends on that, you know. You aren't to notice anything that isn't spoon fed to you by democrats.

Tonight obama has to show that Romney is clueless and incompetent. Romney only has to show us how clueless and incompetent obama is.

Does that mean you don't have a link?


It means you're not using your brain
Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?
Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?

The people want answers tto the Benghazi mess and why there wasn't security. They also want to know why it took so long for Clapper (Intelligence) to decided it was a terrorist attack when their own State Department was on the phone 6 hours in real time during the attack and knew there was no mob.

The people want to know why there were riots all over the Middle East on 9/11 if Al Qaeda is indeed weakened. Which tells it is not weakened, but strong, well organized and well trained. Apparantly from Benghazi we can see the are not only well trained and well organied, but well armed. All of this tells us that Obama has been lying to us about the strength of Al Qaeda.

Our allies have turned their backs on us because we have ignored them. Look at Netanyahu. He can't even get a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. Not one meeting was held with leaders while they were here at the UN. Not one. But time was made for David Letterman and the View. What does that say about his priorities? It's clear. His personal agenda comes first. The country comes second. His "leading" is a sham.
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Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?

In one of his speeches, he said this of foreign aid...That foreign aid should go to the citizens, not the government who squanders it on themselves for personal luxuries and not the people. He concludes that the citizens apply for and get funds for entrepeneurships and start businesses and ultimately start trading with the US and other countries. This helps the people who need it and can help others by hiring people in their own country.

Thinking outside of the box! Who would have thought of that?
Romney is on thin ice? That's laughable. Obama is barely hanging on as the sitting president. He is even losing ground in traditional democratic states and districts.

Thin ice my ass
16 hours?

You are bitching about an extra 16 hours?

Bush had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS and couldn't get it done

Great point as usual.

Let me ask you something

Do you think that if Obama had gotten Osama in the 2nd term instead of the first, you'd see this irrational bullshit about "he didn't do it!" or "he doesn't deserve credit"? I would like to think that this is just nut-jobs being nut-jobs because of the election but the hesitance to give Obama credit for anything seems rather pronounced at this piont?

I think the President will do very well tonight and add to his lead.

Of course you would

These a-holes won't give him credit because he did not actually pull the trigger

Even if he did, they would credit the guy who made the weapon; not him.
Romney is on thin ice? That's laughable. Obama is barely hanging on as the sitting president. He is even losing ground in traditional democratic states and districts.

Thin ice my ass

Obama has it wrapped up when you go by electoral votes. Always has, always will. You'll learn your lesson on 11/6. :razz: :razz: :razz:
Still love this post:

Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

He he he.
Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?

The people want answers tto the Benghazi mess and why there wasn't security. They also want to know why it took so long for Clapper (Intelligence) to decided it was a terrorist attack when their own State Department was on the phone 6 hours in real time during the attack and knew there was no mob.

The people want to know why there were riots all over the Middle East on 9/11 if Al Qaeda is indeed weakened. Which tells it is not weakened, but strong, well organized and well trained. Apparantly from Benghazi we can see the are not only well trained and well organied, but well armed. All of this tells us that Obama has been lying to us about the strength of Al Qaeda.

Our allies have turned their backs on us because we have ignored them. Look at Netanyahu. He can't even get a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. Not one meeting was held with leaders while they were here at the UN. Not one. But time was made for David Letterman and the View. What does that say about his priorities? It's clear. His personal agenda comes first. The country comes second. His "leading" is a sham.

God you're so full of shit. I mean really...full-of-shit.

Back in the late 1990's, Al Queda staged coordinated car bombs outside of 2 embassies in Africa. They happened within 10 minutes of each other; in broad daylight. It involved thousands of pounds of TNT, coordination of two capitols hundreds of miles apart. The death/injury toll was massive.

The attack in Benghazi took place at a consulate, not the more heavily fortified embassy, involved RPGs and assault rifles and was done at night. The death toll was less than 10.

Try to tune your shit brains in to being able to see the difference.

You hate Obama. Thats fine. Haters will always hate. You should, however, try to internalize the facts of the matter at some point.
Romney is on thin ice? That's laughable. Obama is barely hanging on as the sitting president. He is even losing ground in traditional democratic states and districts.

Thin ice my ass

What is Romney going to propose that doesn't make him look like he wants to take the country to war? Obama will jump all over that

What is Romney presenting as his own Foreign Policy experience? I can see Russia from my house?
Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?

The people want answers tto the Benghazi mess and why there wasn't security. They also want to know why it took so long for Clapper (Intelligence) to decided it was a terrorist attack when their own State Department was on the phone 6 hours in real time during the attack and knew there was no mob.

The people want to know why there were riots all over the Middle East on 9/11 if Al Qaeda is indeed weakened. Which tells it is not weakened, but strong, well organized and well trained. Apparantly from Benghazi we can see the are not only well trained and well organied, but well armed. All of this tells us that Obama has been lying to us about the strength of Al Qaeda.

Our allies have turned their backs on us because we have ignored them. Look at Netanyahu. He can't even get a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. Not one meeting was held with leaders while they were here at the UN. Not one. But time was made for David Letterman and the View. What does that say about his priorities? It's clear. His personal agenda comes first. The country comes second. His "leading" is a sham.

God you're so full of shit. I mean really...full-of-shit.

Back in the late 1990's, Al Queda staged coordinated car bombs outside of 2 embassies in Africa. They happened within 10 minutes of each other; in broad daylight. It involved thousands of pounds of TNT, coordination of two capitols hundreds of miles apart. The death/injury toll was massive.

The attack in Benghazi took place at a consulate, not the more heavily fortified embassy, involved RPGs and assault rifles and was done at night. The death toll was less than 10.

Try to tune your shit brains in to being able to see the difference.

You hate Obama. Thats fine. Haters will always hate. You should, however, try to internalize the facts of the matter at some point.

shes just as full of shit as Katzndogs w/ her rw talking-point memes.
The Libya debacle is gonna hurt Obama. There's no question about that. He can't blame it away. It's all his awful mess. Romney should do very well in this Debate. Give him a slight edge, and then let the chips fall where they may on Election Day.
The last time Romney brought it up, he ended up looking like a fool.

He's said essentially nothing about it since that point. I don't think it's going to be quite the talking point you're hoping it will be.

Republicans lied about their reasons for going to war and then fucked up the execution......Mission Accomplished my ass

That has nothing to do with this thread. Go start your own thread to spread your lies in.

Read your OP gramps

The disaster we called the Iraq war was a Republican blunder
But By all means, talk about Bush and the war in Iraq, Romney. Please proceed, Governor. :eusa_clap:

Iraq worked.

The ISF is a fro real fighting force that is not killing our soldiers like Obama's Afhgan Forces are.

True story.

And your $2 Trillion number is absolute total bullshit
well i think obama done well to end war in iraq and get bin laden.

but no doubt librya thing huge promblem for white house and romney got attack to go on monday night

And how did "getting" bin Laden make a difference?
It mattered to the people of America.

Romney said it was a tragedy that we didn't get a deal so we could stay there longer.

His best bet would be to quietly try to change the subject.

On the contrary. The president will want to say Romney's positions are extreme so pointing out that they had the same thoughts on the subject will make Obama look foolish.

Since when did Obama claim that Russia was our number one foe?

Hint: Never.
Romney is on thin ice tonight

He has to attack Obama on his foreign policy decisions without seeming like a war monger

Obama sanctions on Iran don't work? Tell us what you would do differently
Don't like US policy in Egypt and Syria? Tell us your plan Mitt

Outside of putting boots on the ground in another unpopular war, what is Romney proposing that is different than what Obama is doing?

The people want answers tto the Benghazi mess and why there wasn't security. They also want to know why it took so long for Clapper (Intelligence) to decided it was a terrorist attack when their own State Department was on the phone 6 hours in real time during the attack and knew there was no mob.

The people want to know why there were riots all over the Middle East on 9/11 if Al Qaeda is indeed weakened. Which tells it is not weakened, but strong, well organized and well trained. Apparantly from Benghazi we can see the are not only well trained and well organied, but well armed. All of this tells us that Obama has been lying to us about the strength of Al Qaeda.

Our allies have turned their backs on us because we have ignored them. Look at Netanyahu. He can't even get a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. Not one meeting was held with leaders while they were here at the UN. Not one. But time was made for David Letterman and the View. What does that say about his priorities? It's clear. His personal agenda comes first. The country comes second. His "leading" is a sham.

Defending the CIA - The Week

The debate about whether the Obama administration misled Americans about the Benghazi terrorist attack continues to make lazy circles in the sky. As you ponder the scraps of news about what the intelligence community knew and when the intelligence community knew it, it might be helpful to remember that the IC is not designed to produce information that the public 24/7 news cycle can consume. It is designed to produce information quickly — yes — but NOT the type of information the public necessarily wants or expects. The IC's processes work to add value to policy-makers so they can make better decisions. They do not work to give policy-makers accurate talking points, or even the latest raw information. And the more the IC is pressed to adapt its workflows to fit the public/political demands of the moment, the more their product will suffer.

The people want answers tto the Benghazi mess and why there wasn't security. They also want to know why it took so long for Clapper (Intelligence) to decided it was a terrorist attack when their own State Department was on the phone 6 hours in real time during the attack and knew there was no mob.

The people want to know why there were riots all over the Middle East on 9/11 if Al Qaeda is indeed weakened. Which tells it is not weakened, but strong, well organized and well trained. Apparantly from Benghazi we can see the are not only well trained and well organied, but well armed. All of this tells us that Obama has been lying to us about the strength of Al Qaeda.

Our allies have turned their backs on us because we have ignored them. Look at Netanyahu. He can't even get a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief. Not one meeting was held with leaders while they were here at the UN. Not one. But time was made for David Letterman and the View. What does that say about his priorities? It's clear. His personal agenda comes first. The country comes second. His "leading" is a sham.

God you're so full of shit. I mean really...full-of-shit.

Back in the late 1990's, Al Queda staged coordinated car bombs outside of 2 embassies in Africa. They happened within 10 minutes of each other; in broad daylight. It involved thousands of pounds of TNT, coordination of two capitols hundreds of miles apart. The death/injury toll was massive.

The attack in Benghazi took place at a consulate, not the more heavily fortified embassy, involved RPGs and assault rifles and was done at night. The death toll was less than 10.

Try to tune your shit brains in to being able to see the difference.

You hate Obama. Thats fine. Haters will always hate. You should, however, try to internalize the facts of the matter at some point.

shes just as full of shit as Katzndogs w/ her rw talking-point memes.

Jackson is not so full of shit as some---but on this yes. Al Queda--through the efforts of both Bush and Obama--has been crippled. All evidence points directly to that fact. If this were 2015, she'd say the same thing but since the election is 2 weeks away; it's smear tactics 101.
Romney has made two attempts to politicize the tragedy at our consulate in Libya. The first time, on the night of the attack, he botched the information and accused our diplomats of "apologizing" to terrorists. Last week he botched his attempt to trip up the President...Proceed Governor

Lets see if he has learned from his mistakes
Romney has made two attempts to politicize the tragedy at our consulate in Libya. The first time, on the night of the attack, he botched the information and accused our diplomats of "apologizing" to terrorists. Last week he botched his attempt to trip up the President...Proceed Governor

Lets see if he has learned from his mistakes

Romney told the truth the day after Libya it was Obama that lied his ass off about some dumb fucking video....That is the fact you are trying to distort you pathetic hack.
Romney has made two attempts to politicize the tragedy at our consulate in Libya. The first time, on the night of the attack, he botched the information and accused our diplomats of "apologizing" to terrorists. Last week he botched his attempt to trip up the President...Proceed Governor

Lets see if he has learned from his mistakes

three strikes.

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