Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
An ‘agenda’ which seeks to protect the rights and protected liberties of the American people from the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of reactionary conservatives.

An ‘agenda’ that opposes increasing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

And an ‘agenda’ that follows the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, as intended by the Framers.
Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.
I Agree, but when RBG gets wheeled out of there and Amy Barrett replaces her.....:5_1_12024::banana::cul2::dance:

The Notorious RBG will dance on Fat Donnie’s grave
Lol, because your predictions have been spot on lately?
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
An ‘agenda’ which seeks to protect the rights and protected liberties of the American people from the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of reactionary conservatives.

An ‘agenda’ that opposes increasing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

And an ‘agenda’ that follows the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, as intended by the Framers.

IMHO the progressive paradise known as CA is not a good example of how the majority of Americans want to live. Feces and needles on the streets as well as the largest homeless population in the US shows that progressivism is not a good model. Your last two points are in agreement with conservative philosophy. The dems used the IRS to hound conservatives as well as using the intel community to spy on and lie about the Trump campaign.
An ‘agenda’ which seeks to protect the rights and protected liberties of the American people from the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of reactionary conservatives.

An ‘agenda’ that opposes increasing the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

And an ‘agenda’ that follows the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, as intended by the Framers.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

No it doesn't, it simply becomes dormant for a time in that they can't force their desires on us.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
I just hope they do away with the voting rights and civil rights act as quickly as possible -- there is no need for it anyway, everyone is now treated fairly under the law -- this will only improve if we can only have conservatives in power in all facets of government.

Then those who are liberal will have to abandon these dreams of racial harmony, equal rights, gay liberties and all of that yucky stuff -- we are finally on our way to being a more theocratic country, as God intended.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Too many progressives still infesting the GOP delegations in congress, and Kavanaugh is a mixed bag at best...Lest we forget what a disaster Souter was, while Kennedy and O'Connor were wind socks.

Make no mistake, I like watching the leftbats getting their asses kicked as much as anyone else, but the notion that I'm going to get my liberty back from the very people who've been helping to take it away for numerous decades, is as dubious a proposition as there is.

We've certainly learned to be nail-biters, haven't we.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
So are you saying that the job of a SC justice is not to interpret law, but to "fuck up the libs"??

Would you have this same thought if the SC started to tip liberal? would you be ok with judges just fucking up the "conservatards"?
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

So you're complaint is that the courts have been politicized, so you now celebrate that the politicization is going your way?
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Sounds like an impartial judge
Yeah, thats terrible news for you guys.
You're some kind of stupid--:auiqs.jpg:

Both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh came through the gate in 2006 as G.W. Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Judiciary as they were the majority. Now while Democrats turned down a lot of G.W's nominees these two came through that gauntlet with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and several other prominent Democrats voted for their confirmations. Anthony Scalia's they're NOT.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings, that Roe v Wade was precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone for you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

These same voted for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Federal District Court of appeals in 2006.
Brett Kavanaugh - Wikipedia


The ONLY reason Democrats tried to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were pissed that Republicans blocked Merrick Garland, Obama's last nominee.

Now with Kavanaugh looking to be close to confirmation, and the accusations of sexual assault--the WAR is on.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

Rave on you idiot....

Your Scum Bag tactics will cost you a Historic loss....

Just wait and see....

The more you dumb asses show your ass the

worse it's going to be for you....

So Spew all the Scum you can muster....

Very typical of someone that has the attention span of a knat along with the reading comprehensiion skils of a 4 year old. I just gave you a FOX NEWS link that you steam rolled over--:aargh:

You've been duped again by Republicans campaigning on the U.S. Supreme court.

click this link to redirect to the post and try again.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Butt Hurt....

I'm loving it...……...

I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

The Socialist agenda requires the participation of the Courts to maintain power. Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be a major hurdle for the left for many years to come. Good!

And, as I posted elsewhere, he is the 96th judge appointed by President Trump. 96th! And there are more pending Senate approval for the lower federal courts.

THAT will be what changes the American agenda for decades to come.
Rave on you idiot....

Your Scum Bag tactics will cost you a Historic loss....

Just wait and see....

The more you dumb asses show your ass the

worse it's going to be for you....

So Spew all the Scum you can muster....

Very typical of someone that has the attention span of a knat along with the reading comprehensiion skils of a 4 year old. I just gave you a FOX NEWS link that you steam rolled over--:aargh:

You've been duped again by Republicans campaigning on the U.S. Supreme court.

click this link to redirect to the post and try again.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Butt Hurt....

I'm loving it...……...

I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked

That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
What is the left agenda? Healthcare for all Americans? Equal pay for equal work? A livable minimum-wage? Education?

The GOP agenda of tax cuts for billionaires isn’t going to last forever. The t@rds that believe in that are dying as they get older and older.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
What is the left agenda? Healthcare for all Americans? Equal pay for equal work? A livable minimum-wage? Education?

The GOP agenda of tax cuts for billionaires isn’t going to last forever. The t@rds that believe in that are dying as they get older and older.

I'll address your claims.

1) All Americans have equal access to healthcare. It is not MY responsibility to pay YOUR bills.
2) We have equal pay for equal work. Christ I'm tired of this bullshit claim. If a business could pay a woman less than a man for the same job, why would ANY business EVER hire men? Capitalism 101.
3) If your achievements in life have amounted to nothing more than minimum wage pay that is YOUR fault. You cannot legislate wealth.
4) Leftists have had control of the education system for decades and turned it into a preening sissy fest of lazy, self-entitled brats who can't even balance a fucking checkbook.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
He doesn't need to go after anyone he just needs to follow the Constitution(THE LEFT HATES THE CONSTITUTION) and rule accordingly and the left is not going to be happy. for a long, long time
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
So are you saying that the job of a SC justice is not to interpret law, but to "fuck up the libs"??

Would you have this same thought if the SC started to tip liberal? would you be ok with judges just fucking up the "conservatards"?

Lets see Trump will probably be re elected that means he may well get to pick a few more SC justices I'm sure he'll nominate a far left liberal don't you Hope. We had Hope and made Change happen in 2016 and today
Very typical of someone that has the attention span of a knat along with the reading comprehensiion skils of a 4 year old. I just gave you a FOX NEWS link that you steam rolled over--:aargh:

You've been duped again by Republicans campaigning on the U.S. Supreme court.

click this link to redirect to the post and try again.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Butt Hurt....

I'm loving it...……...

I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?
Kavanaugh's Revenge. It's coming. And it's gonna be a long agonizing one on Soros and the Democrats. He'll never forget what they've done to him and his family.

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