Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.

IIRC Roberts passed the ACA because it was a tax, and Congress has the authority to pass tax law, not that he actually agreed with the legislation.

It was a capitation tax. THAT is UnConstitutional and Congress has no such authority.

And you're an idiot. Article 1 Section 8, the Congress has the power to tax and spend.
Demorats are pond scum.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
I agree that Judge Kavanaugh will never forget what the democrats have done to him, but I don't believe that he'll let it influence his rulings. I think he's better than that. Were he to attempt to retaliate, it would lower him to democrat levels. No decent human wants to go there.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.
If you wanted investment in America and Americans did it occur to you to mention that to Barack during the 8 years he was putting every nation on the planet in front of ours?
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.
If you wanted investment in America and Americans did it occur to you to mention that to Barack during the 8 years he was putting every nation on the planet in front of ours?
He tried to tax the rich their fair share or more like it- of course he wasn't able to. With Republicans you get garbage, and garbage propaganda. Great job...
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.

It's a moot point. The moron base of mental midgets will be a minority sooner than they think. The legacy of 200 years of white autocrat rule will be wiped out in a few short years after that. Most of these assholes children, which of them any woman would reproduce with, will be a subordinate of a non white in their jobs.

The offspring of any of these morons intelligent to have any job other than under the desk service attendants.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
I agree that Judge Kavanaugh will never forget what the democrats have done to him, but I don't believe that he'll let it influence his rulings. I think he's better than that. Were he to attempt to retaliate, it would lower him to democrat levels. No decent human wants to go there.
since your party and its propaganda machine and you people all know that Hillary is a criminal murderous pedophile without any evidence, that is ridiculous. Same deal with Obama holder learner etc etc. Just brainwashed garbage. You're a disgrace.
Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.

IIRC Roberts passed the ACA because it was a tax, and Congress has the authority to pass tax law, not that he actually agreed with the legislation.

It was a capitation tax. THAT is UnConstitutional and Congress has no such authority.

And you're an idiot. Article 1 Section 8, the Congress has the power to tax and spend.

All tax laws must start in the house, Obama care started in the senate, that's why they fought so hard to say it was not a tax.

That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.

It's a moot point. The moron base of mental midgets will be a minority sooner than they think. The legacy of 200 years of white autocrat rule will be wiped out in a few short years after that. Most of these assholes children, which of them any woman would reproduce with, will be a subordinate of a non white in their jobs.

The offspring of any of these morons intelligent to have any job other than under the desk service attendants.
They are not stupid, they are totally missinformed. So it has been for a long time, hopefully the age of information will help. So far not so much. Hillary should have fact checked the bastards...
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.

It's a moot point. The moron base of mental midgets will be a minority sooner than they think. The legacy of 200 years of white autocrat rule will be wiped out in a few short years after that. Most of these assholes children, which of them any woman would reproduce with, will be a subordinate of a non white in their jobs.

The offspring of any of these morons intelligent to have any job other than under the desk service attendants.


That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.

It's a moot point. The moron base of mental midgets will be a minority sooner than they think. The legacy of 200 years of white autocrat rule will be wiped out in a few short years after that. Most of these assholes children, which of them any woman would reproduce with, will be a subordinate of a non white in their jobs.

The offspring of any of these morons intelligent to have any job other than under the desk service attendants.

Ahh the racist left show's it's true colors again.
More than ever Supreme Court Justices need 24/7 armed Secret Service protection. The only way liberals are going to get back the court in this generation is by the most extreme violence imaginable. But we don't have to "imagine" it - just look at their recent actions.
Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.

IIRC Roberts passed the ACA because it was a tax, and Congress has the authority to pass tax law, not that he actually agreed with the legislation.

It was a capitation tax. THAT is UnConstitutional and Congress has no such authority.

And you're an idiot. Article 1 Section 8, the Congress has the power to tax and spend.

All tax laws must start in the house, Obama care started in the senate, that's why they fought so hard to say it was not
Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.

IIRC Roberts passed the ACA because it was a tax, and Congress has the authority to pass tax law, not that he actually agreed with the legislation.

It was a capitation tax. THAT is UnConstitutional and Congress has no such authority.

And you're an idiot. Article 1 Section 8, the Congress has the power to tax and spend.

All tax laws must start in the house, Obama care started in the senate, that's why they fought so hard to say it was not a tax.

Who cares? The Republicans wouldn't pass a damn thing LOL. Obama had 30 days of control and passed ACA barely. And you can't raise taxes in the middle of another GOP World melt down.

That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.
If you wanted investment in America and Americans did it occur to you to mention that to Barack during the 8 years he was putting every nation on the planet in front of ours?
He tried to tax the rich their fair share or more like it- of course he wasn't able to. With Republicans you get garbage, and garbage propaganda. Great job...
Yeah, that 3.7% unemployment rate is just garbage. All it's doing is forcing companies like Amazon to increase wages. Damn I miss....O.... hell, I can't even make myself say it sarcastically. Maybe someone should send this to Obama.
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

You're some kind of stupid--:auiqs.jpg:

Both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh came through the gate in 2006 as G.W. Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Judiciary as they were the majority. Now while Democrats turned down a lot of G.W's nominees these two came through that gauntlet with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and several other prominent Democrats voted for their confirmations. Anthony Scalia's they're NOT.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings, that Roe v Wade was precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone for you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

These same voted for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Federal District Court of appeals in 2006.
Brett Kavanaugh - Wikipedia


The ONLY reason Democrats tried to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were pissed that Republicans blocked Merrick Garland, Obama's last nominee.

Now with Kavanaugh looking to be close to confirmation, and the accusations of sexual assault--the WAR is on.


Blue wave coming this November 2018
Not to be a wet blanket, but Kav is only 1 of 9 votes. Roberts has shown that he can be the swing vote, like he did to pass Obamacare. I don't think that the USSC will be much different unless Trump gets to replace one of the remaining Leftists on the Court.

Hate to break it to you, but this won't be Trumps last pick....

You libtards dicks are in the dirt...…….
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

You're some kind of stupid--:auiqs.jpg:

Both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh came through the gate in 2006 as G.W. Bush nominees to Federal District courts. In 2006 Democrats owned the Judiciary as they were the majority. Now while Democrats turned down a lot of G.W's nominees these two came through that gauntlet with flying colors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and several other prominent Democrats voted for their confirmations. Anthony Scalia's they're NOT.

In fact, Niel Gorsuch is the only nominee in my memory that stated during confirmation hearings, that Roe v Wade was precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone for you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

These same voted for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Federal District Court of appeals in 2006.
Brett Kavanaugh - Wikipedia


The ONLY reason Democrats tried to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were pissed that Republicans blocked Merrick Garland, Obama's last nominee.

Now with Kavanaugh looking to be close to confirmation, and the accusations of sexual assault--the WAR is on.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

Rave on you idiot....

Your Scum Bag tactics will cost you a Historic loss....

Just wait and see....

The more you dumb asses show your ass the

worse it's going to be for you....

So Spew all the Scum you can muster....
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Unfortunately, leftist agenda is not gonna die as long as Soros and other Swamp members are paying for it to agonize but stay alive. Too much money has been poured into it.
The GOP that brainwashes you has wrecked the middle class and the country the last 35 years and it just gets worse. We need investment in America and Americans. And we have a flat tax system now if you count all taxes, absolutely ridiculous, super duper.

It's a moot point. The moron base of mental midgets will be a minority sooner than they think. The legacy of 200 years of white autocrat rule will be wiped out in a few short years after that. Most of these assholes children, which of them any woman would reproduce with, will be a subordinate of a non white in their jobs.

The offspring of any of these morons intelligent to have any job other than under the desk service attendants.

Ahh the racist left show's it's true colors again.
I have never heard anyone say that before LOL. My first minority supremacist...
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
I agree that Judge Kavanaugh will never forget what the democrats have done to him, but I don't believe that he'll let it influence his rulings. I think he's better than that. Were he to attempt to retaliate, it would lower him to democrat levels. No decent human wants to go there.
since your party and its propaganda machine and you people all know that Hillary is a criminal murderous pedophile without any evidence, that is ridiculous. Same deal with Obama holder learner etc etc. Just brainwashed garbage. You're a disgrace.
Awe... you sound a little bitter. Have you had a bad day?:boohoo:

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