Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Butt Hurt....

I'm loving it...……...

I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

You’re pulling my leg…

You can’t really be that Stupid….

I know you’re just funning me…
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Clarence Thomas never forgot either.

He has been staunchly strict-constructionist throughout his career on the Court.

He became exactly what Anita Hill feared.

Even with the pubic hair on the Coke can.
Communists and NWO Globalists could see their Agendas DOA at the Supreme Court for a very long time. Kavanaugh is gonna have his revenge. Communists/Democrats especially, are in big trouble. You think Kavanaugh will ever forget what they've done to him and his family? And hopefully, Trump can get one more Justice in there. One more, the Communist and NWO Globalist Agendas are finished for the foreseeable future. Go Kavanaugh! :)
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
What is the left agenda? Healthcare for all Americans? Equal pay for equal work? A livable minimum-wage? Education?

The GOP agenda of tax cuts for billionaires isn’t going to last forever. The t@rds that believe in that are dying as they get older and older.

What is the left agenda? Healthcare for all Americans? Equal pay for equal work? A livable minimum-wage? Education?

Who's gonna pay for it? You?
Who decides what that is and who gets it?
Again, who decides what a "livable minimum wage" is?
Education? We've already seen what the feds have done to our education system.

All socialist tripe designed to put power in the hands of an elite few.
Butt Hurt....

I'm loving it...……...

I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

Losing this SC battle and being exposed for what they are in front of the entire nation is the backfire of the Year. Libs thought Republicans didn't have the Will to stand up for a wrongfully accused man. Joe Manchin got the Message from W.VA and voted to try and save his seat in November. Every good conservative Should vote this turncoat out of office, He wouldn't even stand for his party or his beliefs in hope of Political gain and re election Vote him out west Virginia
Roberts was supposed to be Conservative, and he caved on Obamacare. Traitor!
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
He doesn't need to go after anyone he just needs to follow the Constitution(THE LEFT HATES THE CONSTITUTION) and rule accordingly and the left is not going to be happy. for a long, long time

What makes you think that liberals are going to be unhappy? The U.S. Supreme court has nothing to do with politics. I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat appointee to the court, they are going to base their decision on LAW, and only law not right or left wing hyperbole. They're not even listening to Sean Hannity--:auiqs.jpg:

You Trump tards sure don't have very good memories. It was a G.W. Bush appointtee to the U.S. Supreme court--(Justice Roberts) that was that final vote that gave you Obamacare. Do think that "liberals" were unhappy about that?

Republicans like to campaign on SCOTUS nominee's, but you certainly didn't get who you were promised you were going to get.

Click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.
Last edited:
I think you're butt going to hurt here is a few weeks.

The 2nd annual woman's march, January 20, 2018

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

The first women's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now you have the ME TO (women's) movement that is up on capital hill right now raising holy HELL with Republican Senators. There are Republican women outraged at the comments made toward Dr. Ford.


Me to movement--victims of sexual assault or harrassment.

Even a FOX NEWS poll shows that women are more apt to believe Dr. Ford.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

So what you've done is just given women another target, Kavanaugh, that the DNC is celebrating tonight over. Trump & Kavanaugh spell disaster for the Republican party--especially when it comes to WOMEN, the largest voting block in this country.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Democrats are going to play this deck of cards to no end--and the media is going to line their networks with more James Roche, former roommate of Brett Kavanaugh. It's just politics 101.

And for what? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch were both confirmed in 2006 to Federal District courts by a hoard of prominent DEMOCRATS. And you think you've won something--:auiqs.jpg:Click this link to redirect to the post on tbis thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.

Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

Losing this SC battle and being exposed for what they are in front of the entire nation is the backfire of the Year. Libs thought Republicans didn't have the Will to stand up for a wrongfully accused man. Joe Manchin got the Message from W.VA and voted to try and save his seat in November. Every good conservative Should vote this turncoat out of office, He wouldn't even stand for his party or his beliefs in hope of Political gain and re election Vote him out west Virginia

Republicans fell on the sword for Kavanaugh. Now if they're willing to lose more seats this November then so be it. Mitch McConnell stated he knew there was a storm coming this November and couldn't tell if it's a cat 3, 4 or 5. Maybe they thought, well hell--just confirm Kavanaugh--we know we're going to get our ass's kicked anyway so what difference does it make. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

There's millions of people that believe Dr. Ford. There's millions more that believe Kavanaugh lied under oath. Like his former roommate at Yale.

What is the leftist agenda?
1. Two people marrying so they can force legal access to adoptable kids where they share a contract banishing those kids for life from either a mother or father. (State sanctioned child abuse)

2. Forcing women (20% rape victims) to disrobe in front of deranged males behind doors marked “women”. (State sanctioned violation of women’s rights)

3. Making it legal to drug children with carcinogenic hormones & urge them to amputate healthy body parts so that their lives are miserable and filled with enabled delusions. (State sanctioned child abuse)

4. Forcing children in all public schools to be indoctrinated that all the above is “normal” under the umbrella of “anti-bullying” ( state sanctioned pedophile grooming).
It is state sanctioned child abuse for children to be missing a mother or a father in their home...unless it's Sil's home.
Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

Losing this SC battle and being exposed for what they are in front of the entire nation is the backfire of the Year. Libs thought Republicans didn't have the Will to stand up for a wrongfully accused man. Joe Manchin got the Message from W.VA and voted to try and save his seat in November. Every good conservative Should vote this turncoat out of office, He wouldn't even stand for his party or his beliefs in hope of Political gain and re election Vote him out west Virginia

Republicans fell on the sword for Kavanaugh. Now if they're willing to lose more seats this November then so be it. Mitch McConnell stated he knew there was a storm coming this November and couldn't tell if it's a cat 3, 4 or 5. Maybe they thought, well hell--just confirm Kavanaugh--we know we're going to get our ass's kicked anyway so what difference does it make. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

There's millions of people that believe Dr. Ford. There's millions more that believe Kavanaugh lied under oath. Like his former roommate at Yale.

You libtards are so full of SHIT....

You are going to get your ass kicked in November...

Can not wait...

Just look at the polls you love so much....

You tards are dead meat...
Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

Losing this SC battle and being exposed for what they are in front of the entire nation is the backfire of the Year. Libs thought Republicans didn't have the Will to stand up for a wrongfully accused man. Joe Manchin got the Message from W.VA and voted to try and save his seat in November. Every good conservative Should vote this turncoat out of office, He wouldn't even stand for his party or his beliefs in hope of Political gain and re election Vote him out west Virginia

Republicans fell on the sword for Kavanaugh. Now if they're willing to lose more seats this November then so be it. Mitch McConnell stated he knew there was a storm coming this November and couldn't tell if it's a cat 3, 4 or 5. Maybe they thought, well hell--just confirm Kavanaugh--we know we're going to get our ass's kicked anyway so what difference does it make. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

There's millions of people that believe Dr. Ford. There's millions more that believe Kavanaugh lied under oath. Like his former roommate at Yale.

You libtards are so full of SHIT....

You are going to get your ass kicked in November...

Can not wait...

Just look at the polls you love so much....

You tards are dead meat...

:aargh: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Roberts was supposed to be Conservative, and he caved on Obamacare. Traitor!

Haha you'll find a lot of what you say are traitors on the US Supreme court because they are NOT into your politics, (left or right) they are simply using the Constitution to guide their decisions.

Both sides of the isle have been surprised by decisions made by they're own judicial appointments to the court. Like G.W's appointment John Roberts, the deciding vote on Obamacare. He certainly wasn't the first Justice to do that, nor will he be the last.

Personally, I think we will see the swing vote coming out of Niel Gorsuch in the future.

A lot of people say that the Constitution is not a living document, but it's really a living document that comes out of every decision 9 U S Supreme court justices make, and those decisions are reaffirmed & referenced in every lower court across this country.
Last edited:
Haha you'll find a lot of what you say are traitors on the US Supreme court because they are NOT into your politics, (left or right) they are simply using the Constitution to guide their decisions.

Both sides of the isle have been surprised by decisions made by they're own judicial appointments to the court. Like G.W's appointment John Roberts, the deciding vote on Obamacare. He certainly wasn't the first Justice to do that, nor will he be the last.

Personally, I think we will see the swing vote coming out of Niel Gorsuch in the future.

A lot of people say that the Constitution is not a living document, but it's really a living document that comes out of every decision 9 U S Supreme court justices make, and those decisions are reaffirmed & referenced in every lower court across this country.

HaHa.. You're wrong. Roberts ADMITTED he went AGAINST the Constitution to pass Obamacare. ADMITTED IT, and explained why.
What is the leftist agenda?
Pretty much the opposite of the Rightist agenda.

Go down a list of the major issues and that will give you a little clue. Maybe stop by Vox or the Huffington Post or Slate or Salon or The Nation. Watch MSNBC, especially in the evening. Maybe read this for some hints: Party Platform - Democrats

Why do you feel a need to be obtuse? Are you pretending that the Right has an agenda, but the Left doesn't?

This place remains absolutely fascinating.
Last edited:
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
He doesn't need to go after anyone he just needs to follow the Constitution(THE LEFT HATES THE CONSTITUTION) and rule accordingly and the left is not going to be happy. for a long, long time

What makes you think that liberals are going to be unhappy? The U.S. Supreme court has nothing to do with politics. I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat appointee to the court, they are going to base their decision on LAW, and only law not right or left wing hyperbole. They're not even listening to Sean Hannity--:auiqs.jpg:

You Trump tards sure don't have very good memories. It was a G.W. Bush appointtee to the U.S. Supreme court--(Justice Roberts) that was that final vote that gave you Obamacare. Do think that "liberals" were unhappy about that?

Republicans like to campaign on SCOTUS nominee's, but you certainly didn't get who you were promised you were going to get.

Click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.
On Obamacare the Court actually said the People should Elect representatives to Change the Law, not rely on the court to settle Political Squabbles. Almost there with changing the LAW need more Republicans
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.
Anyone who thinks BK is the sort of LIB pussy 'forgive and forget' man is fucking delusional.
The LIBs are totally fucked whenever they get within a mile of the SC................for the next 30-40 years.
The LIBs never fuck up the chance to fuck up everytime!
He doesn't need to go after anyone he just needs to follow the Constitution(THE LEFT HATES THE CONSTITUTION) and rule accordingly and the left is not going to be happy. for a long, long time

What makes you think that liberals are going to be unhappy? The U.S. Supreme court has nothing to do with politics. I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat appointee to the court, they are going to base their decision on LAW, and only law not right or left wing hyperbole. They're not even listening to Sean Hannity--:auiqs.jpg:

You Trump tards sure don't have very good memories. It was a G.W. Bush appointtee to the U.S. Supreme court--(Justice Roberts) that was that final vote that gave you Obamacare. Do think that "liberals" were unhappy about that?

Republicans like to campaign on SCOTUS nominee's, but you certainly didn't get who you were promised you were going to get.

Click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
Tomorrow the leftist agenda dies for a generation.
On Obamacare the Court actually said the People should Elect representatives to Change the Law, not rely on the court to settle Political Squabbles. Almost there with changing the LAW need more Republicans

No that's not what the court said. The issue was if the court was going to consider Obamacare a "tax" which is ok in the Constitution versus the Federal Government being able to force the American public to purchase a product (health care insurance) which is unconstitutional.

Judge Roberts sided with the tax, henceforth Obamacare became a National mandated heatlh care law that you have to pay for.
Last edited:
That's really what they were afraid of. For decades most leftist victories have been achieved not through prudent legislation, but through manipulation of the courts. That ends tomorrow and they know it.

Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick - they were just smoke screens. They'll be tossed to the side by the end of next week, just watch.

And do you know what the greatest thing is, IMO? Kavanaugh is NOT going to forget the BULLSHIT the left just put himself and his family through. They are truly fucked.

You are such a child on this...and you have no idea why. think you know what I mean. But you have not a clue...guaranteed. Your kind never do.
Pictures, Polls and Bull Shit won’t cut it……

You libtards with your scum bag tactics

have assured the RIGHT a great Victory

In November……

Please keep spewing your Vile Vulgar Hate…

It just makes us STRONGER……………………

Um, you sound just like them. You are spewing uneducated vile vulgar hate yourself. Also, do you think it is more effective when you Capitalize The First Letter of your screeds? Hint: it isn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is winger.

Thy name is libtard that just got his ass spanked


Yeah, how so?

Losing this SC battle and being exposed for what they are in front of the entire nation is the backfire of the Year. Libs thought Republicans didn't have the Will to stand up for a wrongfully accused man. Joe Manchin got the Message from W.VA and voted to try and save his seat in November. Every good conservative Should vote this turncoat out of office, He wouldn't even stand for his party or his beliefs in hope of Political gain and re election Vote him out west Virginia

Republicans fell on the sword for Kavanaugh. Now if they're willing to lose more seats this November then so be it. Mitch McConnell stated he knew there was a storm coming this November and couldn't tell if it's a cat 3, 4 or 5. Maybe they thought, well hell--just confirm Kavanaugh--we know we're going to get our ass's kicked anyway so what difference does it make. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.


Blue wave coming this November 2018

There's millions of people that believe Dr. Ford. There's millions more that believe Kavanaugh lied under oath. Like his former roommate at Yale.

And there are many more millions that know that hearsay and unproven allegations are not enough to put men under the microscope.

Every single second the number of Democrats in this country drops. There aren’t enough of you left for a blue wave any more.

Be sure to get the fuck out of this forum when Democrats lose everything next month.

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