Are you a Trump loyalist? However remote the possibility, try, even if for a moment, to consider these things:

Biden is not a threat to National Security
We have a president who I believe is trying to do a good job. An added attraction to Biden is that he is not trying to tear our country apart like Trump tried to do. Trump even held out the possibility of his Vice prez being assassinated. How can any decent person stand this guy, much less want him in the white house again?
Gracious, you are in a rapidly diminishing group, aren't you?


That's good you don't like Trump. I suggest you avoid thought-terminating clichés and any right wing tropes that are floating about, it will make you more 'independent'.

Just sayin'

But, what rights are you referring to and what abuses of power are you referring to? I see none being removed by anyone on the left.

I don't do search requests, if you have something to share to buttress a point, the onus is on you to do it.

In other threads over the years, people chop quotes up, it means re-reading my own post but in snippet form, I always tell them I don't re-read my posts. I know what's in my posts.

So people who do a one reply, get a reply. No onus on anything. Just that simple.

Captain Caveman
In other threads over the years, people chop quotes up, it means re-reading my own post but in snippet form. I know what's in my post.
That's irrelevant to my comment.
So people who do a one reply, get a reply. No onus on anything. Just that simple.

Captain Caveman
You did not present an argument, you just said you liked a video.

That's not an argument.

I find it ironic, telling, and slightly hilarious that after a long, specific, and detailed OP in which Rumpole states primarily that the right wing is relying mostly on short catchphrases designed to stifle dissent rather than discuss issues, every response from presumably-right-leaning posters on the first page consist of exactly that ...

... plus one case of whataboutism.

... and nothing else.

So you value empty bloviation over simple succinctness.

Good for you.

Says something important.

Most definitely, but people like yourself who traffic in questions with assumed premises, and/or weasel words/vacuous generalisations, ad homs, rant words, unjust trivializing, cheap shots, childish/sophomoric quips, thought-terminating clichés, tired partisan tropes, posturing/self puffery are not decent at all.
What a bunch of nonsense just to say you know I am right!
What a bunch of nonsense just to say you know I am right!

Please reread the comment to which you have responded, and when epiphany is achieved, (or repeat until epiphany is achieved)
then I will be happy to engage.

But not a moment sooner.

There it is folks....It's not about policy.....It's 100% emotional incontinence,
Incompetent point; weasel/rant words lack sufficient coherence for debate.
100% of the time.

You are the poster boy for TDS, Gomer Pyle.
Three incompetent points:
1. See above
2. "TDS" is a thought-terminating cliché, the evidence of which is that it resonates only with MAGA republicans, who are on the whole, intellectually deficient., and by that act, not a merit worthy point for debate.
3. Ad homs are not conducive for constructive discourse, discussion and debate.

However, I'll cut you some slack, on #3, as that is something we all do, on occasion, such as this one.

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