Tomorrow, this image will be on every newspaper


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
America turns a corner, we're with him, not you...


We're with him.

Meanwhile, another American hero and Vietnam vet works tirelessly and with honor to help remove the cancer from this country...


America needs heroes.
Washington D.C. Ceremony


  • President Bush
  • President Obama
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Fmr. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT)
  • Fmr. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
  • Fmr. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

  • Vice President Joe Biden
  • Fmr. Gov. Tom Ridge (R-PA)
  • Fmr. Secretary of Defense William Cohen
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
  • Fmr. Sen. Gary Hart (D-CO)
  • Fmr. Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI)
  • Fmr. Sen. Phil Gramm (R-TX)
  • Fmr. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg
  • Russian Political Activist Vladimir Kara-Murza
Annapolis, MD Ceremony


  • Gen. David Petraeus

  • Secretary of Defense James Mattis
A number of military officials will join Mattis in guiding McCain’s casket, and some of the senator’s Vietnam War compatriots will also serve as pallbearers.
America turns a corner, we're with him, not you...


We're with him.

Meanwhile, another American hero and Vietnam vet works tirelessly and with honor to help remove the cancer from this country...


America needs heroes.
Sweet pic, but Trump sent them to represent his administration. It doesn't mean anything.
America turns a corner, we're with him, not you...


We're with him.

Meanwhile, another American hero and Vietnam vet works tirelessly and with honor to help remove the cancer from this country...


America needs heroes.
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?

Been ther
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?

Been there every Memorial Day and every November 14th ever since it was built. I have 234 buddies on that wall who were killed 14-17 November 1965 in one little football field sized shithole .
There's a walkway in front of the curb that forms a gutter.

  1. a channel at the side or in the middle of a road or street, for leading off surface water.
It is amazing how the Trumpians can scrabble to rationalize the embarrassment of The Donald being excluded from this funeral. They had to rationalize Trump being excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. They had to rationalize Trump being excluded from the Royal wedding in May.

And this rationalization involves elevating boorish, immature behavior to suddenly being a virtue. "He tells it like it is!", they'll say. Telling it like it is never included insults, slights and fear mongering until the outsized yet fragile ego of Donald Trump became a political figure.

His comportment has done nothing to elevate our civil discourse. Quite the opposite. His comportment has done nothing to unite our nation. Quite the opposite. Consequently, his comportment has done nothing to make America great. Quite the opposite.

But the Trumpians are so deeply invested in the persona and behavior of this disgusting person that they are abandoning their own belief in ethics and civility. They excuse, they rationalize, they even celebrate the behavior of a spoiled brat. I pray they expect more of their children than they do of a president.

The Trumpians will insult the dead in order to elevate their petulant boy in the White House. One day, and that day cannot come soon enough, the Trumpians will awake from the spell cast upon them by this reality TV game show host. And on that blessed day, they will realize their shameful rationalizations. They will know what contrition means and we, the mature, reasonable, educated citizens should welcome them back into a civilized discussion on how our nation will continue .
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?

Been ther
I predict no papers will run this
If they do, will they photo shop the American flags out of the gutter? Wouldn't surprise me.
Uh, sorry Hoss, that's not a gutter.
Ever been to the Viet Nam vet's memorial?

Been there every Memorial Day and every November 14th ever since it was built. I have 234 buddies on that wall who were killed 14-17 November 1965 in one little football field sized shithole .
There's a walkway in front of the curb that forms a gutter.


    • a channel at the side or in the middle of a road or street, for leading off surface water.
My apologies Hoss, I've been there and don't remember the gutter.
It is amazing how the Trumpians can scrabble to rationalize the embarrassment of The Donald being excluded from this funeral. They had to rationalize Trump being excluded from Barbara Bush's funeral. They had to rationalize Trump being excluded from the Royal wedding in May.

And this rationalization involves elevating boorish, immature behavior to suddenly being a virtue. "He tells it like it is!", they'll say. Telling it like it is never included insults, slights and fear mongering until the outsized yet fragile ego of Donald Trump became a political figure.

His comportment has done nothing to elevate our civil discourse. Quite the opposite. His comportment has done nothing to unite our nation. Quite the opposite. Consequently, his comportment has done nothing to make America great. Quite the opposite.

But the Trumpians are so deeply invested in the persona and behavior of this disgusting person that they are abandoning their own belief in ethics and civility. They excuse, they rationalize, they even celebrate the behavior of a spoiled brat. I pray they expect more of their children than they do of a president.

The Trumpians will insult the dead in order to elevate their petulant boy in the White House. One day, and that day cannot come soon enough, the Trumpians will awake from the spell cast upon them by this reality TV game show host. And on that blessed day, they will realize their shameful rationalizations. They will know what contrition means and we, the mature, reasonable, educated citizens should welcome them back into a civilized discussion on how our nation will continue .


McCain from 2008 likes your new style.

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