Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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even though the debate is just starting Biden is already fumbling his words and having long pauses .. he even said he beat medicaid [whatever that means ] Trump looks sharp and is pointing out the advantages Biden inherited from his admin like low inflation ,no new wars , and the vaccine ect .. Trump hit Biden with his draconian mandates that hurt the economy and pointed out that most of the jobs that Biden claims he created were bounce back jobs from the COVID shutdowns .. Trump also nailed Biden on the millions of illegal immigrants he's let flood into the country ..Biden actually said we finally beat medicare ! he actually said that .. and Trump pointed out that Biden is right on beating medicare with the millions of new illegal immigrants Biden is allowing access to Medicare and Social security .. WOW ! CNN cut away from Biden and went to Trump while iden was pausing and fumbling his words . Trump looks sharp and Biden looks confused ! though I am a Trump supporter I am not gloating .. its sad to see Biden the POTUS performing so badly .. and were just 5 min into the debate ..
Unfortunately I agree. Biden sounds terrible. It’s absolutely depressing.
they are now talking about immigration and border security .. Biden accuses Trump of separating families .. and claims 40% less are coming over under his admin and the mumbles incoherently ... Trump replies with facts refuting Bidens claims .. Biden mumbles and stumbles ... its looking very bad Biden .. Trump brings up the hundreds of thousands dying from drugs and people being raped and murdered by illegals because of Bidens open borders .

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