Tonights Survey:What Excuses Will Hillary Give The FBI When They Grill Her?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:hellno: :lalala: :oops-28: Lets have some fun with Hillary. Looks like the FBI wants to speak to her over her email/private server debacle. OK, so put yourself in Hillary's chair and they have at least 20 intense/cringing questions to ask of her.
How do you think Hillary will answer them in the first sentence?
This should be easy,,,,and come up with at least three please !!:desk:
the fbi is sexist

she can't expect to know things while in charge

it's not like someone died
Hillary,,,,I,,,,personally believe,,that summa,,,,people in our nation dont have maps,,,including Huma!
Very obviously, her first response will be "At this time what difference does it make?" I am sure many have made that same observation.

Her second will be. I ran into this same problem with the Whitewater investigation. It showed that there were underlings out to get me. They all were indicted, justice was served.

If those don't do it for her, her third response will be. "this all has to do with the bimbo eruption, they are out to get me. The vast right wing conspiracy is taking advantage of my advanced age and obvious brain damage.

One more and probably the one she will use, "IT'S MY TURN DAMN IT, I WAS PROMISED!!!!!"
Probably the same response that's always given when she is questioned by authorities "I don't recall"
Probably the same response that's always given when she is questioned by authorities "I don't recall"

Considering her physical and mental state that excuse might actually be true. Hell she couldn't remember sniper fire.
Remember? I fell down and hit my head on cement while surrounded by aides and SS 24/7. My Medical team says I don't have to answer.
The last Lie* I heard out of the Clinton Camp is that the FBI is investigating Mrs. Clinton's server, not Mrs. Clinton.

This is too much to sell to anyone with an I. Q. of over 75, but fortuitously for the Clintons, a 75 I. Q. is high for members of the Democratic they think they can hold off The Bern with it.

The Fix is in at the Attorney's General's Office...but the FBI deal has not yet been closed..and there is not a certainty that it will be closed.

*Lie is all that will do here. The Clinton's left mere Spin behind long ago.

P. S. Of all the harm this rank Fool Obama has done to this nation, the most damaging blow he has inflicted on our society is to corrupt the Justice Department.

People don't realize how important that is to our Liberties. Nixon tried to do the same thing...and, in my was the main thing that got him run out of office. I think the same thing would have happened to Obama....if he didn't have a Get-Out-of-Jail Free RACE Card.
OP- Not happening. She will be totally exonerated, dupes. FBI just doing idiotic GOP rumor control....
Excuse Me, I really need to go to the ladies room, in all fairness to u guys, i dont think u want to smell my gas.
This is just one more in a long line of Right Wing fake scandals dating back to Whitewater. Nothing will come of this e-mail issue other than stricter controls going forward based on lessons learned.
Remember? I fell down and hit my head on cement while surrounded by aides and SS 24/7. My Medical team says I don't have to answer.
Madam Hillary, every time we try to call you, some bimbo named Huma answers the call and tells us that u are either too tired or too confused to speak to us, ,,and u want to be the president of the united states?
It worked SO WELL the last time, this murderer testified, She see's NO REASON that it won't work again....and again...and again...

It worked SO WELL the last time, this murderer testified, She see's NO REASON that it won't work again....and again...and again...

What Difference Does It Make! I Dont Recall !! and I did not have sex with Huma !!!!
FBI: Where is your private server?
Hillary: What do you mean by "is"?

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