Tony Blair: 'Elements of truth' that Iraq war caused rise of ISIS



Tony Blair: 'Elements of truth' that Iraq war caused rise of ISIS | Christian News on Christian Today


But Blair acknowledged that he and other Western leaders made a mistake in trusting and relying on the intelligence information they received on Saddam's military strength, especially his rumoured "weapons of mass destruction."

Later on, the intelligence reports on Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" turned out to be false and no such weapon was found in the extensive search conducted by allied troops after Iraq fell.

The war that followed between pro-Saddam fighters and Iraqi forces backed up by US and British troops led to deadly sectarian violence that experts said led to the birth of al Qaeda terrorist organisation in Iraq, which then branched out into today's ISIS.


Is It Really Better That Saddam's Gone?

In human terms, the accounting is stark. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are estimated to have been killed in the violence unleashed in 2003, though the true number of deaths remains unknown. The continuing bloodshed in Iraq has contributed to the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, and the ascent of ISIS has exacerbated the outflow of refugees from Syria as well. “They are the forgotten casualties of the Iraq war. Fully one in six Iraqis (4.7 million people) fled or were forced from their homes following the U.S. led invasion in 2003, and most have not returned,” the International Rescue Committee writes. “Close to half are living in neighboring countries such as Jordan and Syria, while the remainder are uprooted within Iraq’s borders.” How would they answer the question of whether things are better now that Saddam’s gone?


Because Hillary voted for the war, the GOP's contention is that it's all Hillary's fault and Bush and the GOP are totally exonerated. That from a press release published all over the Land of Milk and Cookies located on the Bizarro world of the GOP.


Republicans released the Genie from the bottle. The worst thing we can do is put them back into the position of controlling US foreign policy.
And this excuses ISIS how?

Not engaging Iraq would have simply prolonged the inevitable.

This thread is an exercise in futile stupidity.
And this excuses ISIS how?

Not engaging Iraq would have simply prolonged the inevitable.

This thread is an exercise in futile stupidity.
Only a tard would make such a comment as yours.

Understanding people's motivations are the keys to defeating them. Something very difficult for the anti education Republicans to comprehend.
When Bush says there were no WMD's and his Fuddy says the same and says the Iraq so called war led to the creation of Isis, then how can you say it's a lie? What would Bush and Blair gain by lying?
The power vacuum created when Barry Hussein managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory and embrace the muslem brotherhood as the new future of the Mid East is what caused the rise of ISIS. If you are going to blame Bush for ISIS you have to blame Wilson for the rise of Hitler and the Nazis after WW1 and blame FDR for the Iron Curtain after WW2.
It isn't all Bush's fault and it isn't all Obama's fault. Bush and Co. really thought Iraq was just going to welcome us with open arms (they did) and be ready for democracy (no) and there wouldn't be a real armed struggle for power among the various tribal and sectarian lines (wrong). Basically the US set up the conditions for Iraq's civil war because we were short-sighted.

Fast forward to Obama pulling our last troops out of Iraq. al-Malaki leans on the Sunnis, Obama does nothing to stop him. Obama encourages the Arab Spring which starts a civil war in Syria, one battle-hardened (thanks to Iraq's civil war) faction of which evolves into ISIS. They offer the Sunnis in Iraq protection, which the Sunnis gladly take, and ISIS takes the war to Iraq, all the while Obama does nothing.

Basically, ISIS is a result of nobody in DC has a clue what to do and never listen to their people who do (meaning agents from the CIA, State Department, military, etc.). It's problem of both Democrats and Republicans.

If you have the time, there are some great episodes of Frontline on the whole mess.
Rise of ISIS: The Rise of ISIS
Bush's War: Bush's War
Losing Iraq: Losing Iraq
It isn't all Bush's fault and it isn't all Obama's fault. Bush and Co. really thought Iraq was just going to welcome us with open arms (they did) and be ready for democracy (no) and there wouldn't be a real armed struggle for power among the various tribal and sectarian lines (wrong). Basically the US set up the conditions for Iraq's civil war because we were short-sighted.

Fast forward to Obama pulling our last troops out of Iraq. al-Malaki leans on the Sunnis, Obama does nothing to stop him. Obama encourages the Arab Spring which starts a civil war in Syria, one battle-hardened (thanks to Iraq's civil war) faction of which evolves into ISIS. They offer the Sunnis in Iraq protection, which the Sunnis gladly take, and ISIS takes the war to Iraq, all the while Obama does nothing.

Basically, ISIS is a result of nobody in DC has a clue what to do and never listen to their people who do (meaning agents from the CIA, State Department, military, etc.). It's problem of both Democrats and Republicans.

If you have the time, there are some great episodes of Frontline on the whole mess.
Rise of ISIS: The Rise of ISIS
Bush's War: Bush's War
Losing Iraq: Losing Iraq
What do you expect Obama to have done. Our exist was negotiated by Bush before he left office. Should Obama have invaded a second time?
It isn't all Bush's fault and it isn't all Obama's fault. Bush and Co. really thought Iraq was just going to welcome us with open arms (they did) and be ready for democracy (no) and there wouldn't be a real armed struggle for power among the various tribal and sectarian lines (wrong). Basically the US set up the conditions for Iraq's civil war because we were short-sighted.

Fast forward to Obama pulling our last troops out of Iraq. al-Malaki leans on the Sunnis, Obama does nothing to stop him. Obama encourages the Arab Spring which starts a civil war in Syria, one battle-hardened (thanks to Iraq's civil war) faction of which evolves into ISIS. They offer the Sunnis in Iraq protection, which the Sunnis gladly take, and ISIS takes the war to Iraq, all the while Obama does nothing.

Basically, ISIS is a result of nobody in DC has a clue what to do and never listen to their people who do (meaning agents from the CIA, State Department, military, etc.). It's problem of both Democrats and Republicans.

If you have the time, there are some great episodes of Frontline on the whole mess.
Rise of ISIS: The Rise of ISIS
Bush's War: Bush's War
Losing Iraq: Losing Iraq
What do you expect Obama to have done. Our exist was negotiated by Bush before he left office. Should Obama have invaded a second time?
It isn't all Bush's fault and it isn't all Obama's fault. Bush and Co. really thought Iraq was just going to welcome us with open arms (they did) and be ready for democracy (no) and there wouldn't be a real armed struggle for power among the various tribal and sectarian lines (wrong). Basically the US set up the conditions for Iraq's civil war because we were short-sighted.

Fast forward to Obama pulling our last troops out of Iraq. al-Malaki leans on the Sunnis, Obama does nothing to stop him. Obama encourages the Arab Spring which starts a civil war in Syria, one battle-hardened (thanks to Iraq's civil war) faction of which evolves into ISIS. They offer the Sunnis in Iraq protection, which the Sunnis gladly take, and ISIS takes the war to Iraq, all the while Obama does nothing.

Basically, ISIS is a result of nobody in DC has a clue what to do and never listen to their people who do (meaning agents from the CIA, State Department, military, etc.). It's problem of both Democrats and Republicans.

If you have the time, there are some great episodes of Frontline on the whole mess.
Rise of ISIS: The Rise of ISIS
Bush's War: Bush's War
Losing Iraq: Losing Iraq
What do you expect Obama to have done. Our exist was negotiated by Bush before he left office. Should Obama have invaded a second time?

Renegotiated the agreement.
Or just told Iraq we were doing what we wanted and they were free to try to stop us.
Or just told Malaki what we were going to do to aide the Iraqis in their fight and if he didn't play ball we would find someone who would.
Or suspend any and all aid and payments until Iraq saw the light.

Instead, we got Obama's plan of cut and run, watch the Middle East burn, and keep telling the world "all is well."

Tony Blair: 'Elements of truth' that Iraq war caused rise of ISIS | Christian News on Christian Today


But Blair acknowledged that he and other Western leaders made a mistake in trusting and relying on the intelligence information they received on Saddam's military strength, especially his rumoured "weapons of mass destruction."

Later on, the intelligence reports on Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" turned out to be false and no such weapon was found in the extensive search conducted by allied troops after Iraq fell.

The war that followed between pro-Saddam fighters and Iraqi forces backed up by US and British troops led to deadly sectarian violence that experts said led to the birth of al Qaeda terrorist organisation in Iraq, which then branched out into today's ISIS.


Is It Really Better That Saddam's Gone?

In human terms, the accounting is stark. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are estimated to have been killed in the violence unleashed in 2003, though the true number of deaths remains unknown. The continuing bloodshed in Iraq has contributed to the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, and the ascent of ISIS has exacerbated the outflow of refugees from Syria as well. “They are the forgotten casualties of the Iraq war. Fully one in six Iraqis (4.7 million people) fled or were forced from their homes following the U.S. led invasion in 2003, and most have not returned,” the International Rescue Committee writes. “Close to half are living in neighboring countries such as Jordan and Syria, while the remainder are uprooted within Iraq’s borders.” How would they answer the question of whether things are better now that Saddam’s gone?


Because Hillary voted for the war, the GOP's contention is that it's all Hillary's fault and Bush and the GOP are totally exonerated. That from a press release published all over the Land of Milk and Cookies located on the Bizarro world of the GOP.


Republicans released the Genie from the bottle. The worst thing we can do is put them back into the position of controlling US foreign policy.
His support for invading Iraq sure as hell destroyed his career. Hope he got a lot of money for selling out.

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