Too Far? New Attack Ad Targeting Allen West Depicts Him Beating Women

The Infidel

May 19, 2010
This is getting really old...

What about the civility lefties...??? What about the truth???

If I remember correctly, Obama said we need to have more civility.

[ame=]Fighter - YouTube[/ame]
He beats up women because he doesn't want tax money going to kill.. Women. Figure out that logic. Way over the top.. Off the cliff.. And whatever else.. Shameless.
Allen West is a complete lunatic, this ad was softball and the right wing goons are getting all butthurt over it. Grow up.
You ain't seen nothing yet... these scumbag leftists will stop at nothing to keep the moonbats from dwelling on Obama's abysmal record.
Just in case no one's figured it out yet, democrats are assholes. really big assholes.
Take for instance the elections between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The two sides had handed out handbills and articles accusing each other of misdeeds during the 1796 election. This was but a prelude. Jefferson was just a little bitter that he lost to Adams and when the 1800 election rolled around, Jefferson decided to get personal. Jefferson and his followers called Adams a hypocritical, bald, blind, crippled, and toothless old fool. In his bid to become "King of America" he would marry his children to those of King George III and would rule over the country like a tyrant. Not only was he a monarchist, but a whoremaster, too, and had sent his running mate to Europe to procure prostitutes. Adams' side was not any kinder to Jefferson. They accused Jefferson of bilking creditors and business partners; giving in like a coward as governor of Virginia when the British invaded his state during the Revolutionary War; and cheating an old widow out of her husband's pension. They claimed Jefferson was a "howling atheist," and if he were elected he would confiscate and burn all the Bibles in America; tear down all the churches; put an end to the institution of marriage; and clap the country's women into bordellos. The Hartford Connecticut Courant warned that if Jefferson was elected "murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest would be openly taught and practiced. The air will be filled with the cries of the distressed, the soil will be soaked with blood, and the nation black with crimes."

The elections between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson were no less severe and personal. Adams' side claimed that Jackson was an adulterer, a liar, a bigamist, and a murderous drunk who gambled on cockfights. They went as far as to point out all the American citizens that Jackson had "killed, slashed and clawed" to death in various brawls and duels. Jackson wasn't the only target; they also went after his family. They called Jackson's mother a prostitute who'd been imported by the British as comfort for the English Revolutionary War troops. Worst of all for Jackson, they picked on his dear wife Rachel, who was vulnerable due to a problem with her divorce from her former husband, which wasn't granted until after she'd married Jackson. They called Rachel an adulteress and a paramour, causing the Jacksons great personal pain. Jackson's side shot back by calling President Adams an elitist tyrant who lived in a "presidential palace" in "kingly pomp and splendor." He traveled on Sunday instead of going to Church; installed "gambling tables and furniture" in the White House on the public's bill; and had premarital sex with his wife Louisa. Jackson ended up winning the 1828 election, but it came at a cost. His wife died soon after from a heart attack. Jackson lived the rest of his life believing that it was because of the slings and arrows she weathered during the campaign.

Histeria: Candidate Mudslinging
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Just to be fair, shouldn't we have something like a black democrat beating up white women or maybe a democrat just ripping the baby out of women's bodies.

This is racism pure and simple. If it was a republican Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee would be allo up in it by now, before now.
Im not suprised by election year ads.

Both sides make ridiculous claims and spin quotes out of context. However I'm continually suprised by fools who take political ads at face value.

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