Too Many Black Students Suspended Leads Oakland Schools to Stop Punishment


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
President Eisenhower, said "School integration will lead to social disintegration.... unless we handle it properly." Political Correctness means WE have to always say we are sorry for causing the outrageous behavior accepted in the Negro community and that is happening now. It needs to stop.

You see my fellow members of USMB, if the races are equal in intelligence then there should be evidence that they are; absence of such evidence is itself evidence that the races are not equal. The positive relationship between IQ tests, subtests, academic tests and real-world observances demonstrates the existence of a general mental ability. How can there be group or individual differences in intelligence if there is no such trait?

IQ tests are often dismissed because they were created by superior Whites. Scales and thermometers were also created by superior Whites. Should we dismiss their data also? You see, Whites are only 10% of the world's population but have launched a probe exploring beyond the solar system, have harnessed nuclear power, have unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, created computer science...... sub-Saharan Africans still cannot even feed themselves.

Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. In fact they are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society. Put Whites on an island and you get England. Put Asians on an island and you get Japan. Put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti lol.

Show me any community, city or state that is predominantly inhabited and run by Blacks anywhere in the world that is equal or superior to a comparable White one. By their fruits ye shall know them. Show me the fruits of that intelligence.

With kindest regards, I am

Steve_McGarrett---American Patriot

Oakland To Reduce Suspensions Over Race The Daily Caller
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Each generation of blacks has been reverting back to their natural primitive ways more and more.
IMO, this is so that the school district can get more money from the state. Absences are deducted from per pupil funding.

And the inevitable result will be yet more parents taking their kids out of the public schools and either placing them in private ones or doing home-schooling.
IMO, this is so that the school district can get more money from the state. Absences are deducted from per pupil funding.

And the inevitable result will be yet more parents taking their kids out of the public schools and either placing them in private ones or doing home-schooling.
Ironic isn't it? And sad at the same time.

Then again the US school system is rated so poorly in the OECD, that home-school or private school can be the only sure way to get up grades.

If you want a good example, take public school field trips.

I was visiting Baltimore Aquarium, and you could easily tell the difference between a public school and private school group.

The private elementary kids were given work to do, and the teacher took them around explaining things.

The public kids ran around disorganized, with no work to do, and a teacher saying ' that looks cool'.

Now, if I get that from a few minutes, imagine what a mess public schools are in the classroom.
Each generation of blacks has been reverting back to their natural primitive ways more and more.
It's genetic.
According to that ignorance, light skin blacks should be doing better but they don't. In fact, dark skinned blacks who are African immigrants fare much better because they are culturally superior. It's culture, not race.
Democrats create and feed this black-based, failing subculture. That is where the problem lies.
The culture feeding black failure assumes that black people aren't as intelligent as a schnauzer. They cannot be trained because they are untrainable. They must be accommodated. Lower the standards, don't complain when they scrstch up the furniture or shit on the floor, nothing more can be expected of them.

To liberals black people are nothing more than a subset of humanity. A separate species. That's the worst kind of racism there is.
I've read on this some, and it isn't clear in the Oakland case what is going on. For example, are blacks being punished more harshly for the SAME behaviors? If so, that is wrong. If they are simply misbehaving more often than whites, but being punished equally - tough shit.

But nothing says for sure either way. This isn't like the case in Minnesota where the stupid school officially blatantly, and illegally, stated there will be a different standard for different races.

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