Toomey Favors DADT Repeal

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Following the House of Representatives’ vote to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Senator-Elect Pat Toomey issued the following statement supporting repeal and supporting a Senate vote at the appropriate opportunity on the Senate calendar.

“As I’ve said previously, my highest priority is to have the policy that best enables our armed services to do their job,” Senator-Elect Toomey said. “Our civilian and professional military leadership have now spoken and said we should repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I would support a free-standing measure to do so.”

Toomey favors DADT repeal - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area

Awesome news. Toomey was a tea party candidate too, so this is an example of the limited government, as opposed to conservative government, that the movement started out supporting.
Following the House of Representatives’ vote to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Senator-Elect Pat Toomey issued the following statement supporting repeal and supporting a Senate vote at the appropriate opportunity on the Senate calendar.

“As I’ve said previously, my highest priority is to have the policy that best enables our armed services to do their job,” Senator-Elect Toomey said. “Our civilian and professional military leadership have now spoken and said we should repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I would support a free-standing measure to do so.”

Toomey favors DADT repeal - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area

Awesome news. Toomey was a tea party candidate too, so this is an example of the limited government, as opposed to conservative government, that the movement started out supporting.

Gawd I hate Toomey. I was nothing short of heartbroken election night when Sestak was ahead with 90% in, and here comes the weasly Alfalfa from behind and runs away with it. I can't believe I'm stuck with that sleaze as my senator for 6 years.

But it is nice to see that even the wackaloons are running out of legitimate excuses to oppose DADT repeal. Pretty soon the only acceptable answer will be what was the only honest answer from the get-go: "Because I'm anti-gay."
Following the House of Representatives’ vote to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Senator-Elect Pat Toomey issued the following statement supporting repeal and supporting a Senate vote at the appropriate opportunity on the Senate calendar.

“As I’ve said previously, my highest priority is to have the policy that best enables our armed services to do their job,” Senator-Elect Toomey said. “Our civilian and professional military leadership have now spoken and said we should repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I would support a free-standing measure to do so.”

Toomey favors DADT repeal - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area

Awesome news. Toomey was a tea party candidate too, so this is an example of the limited government, as opposed to conservative government, that the movement started out supporting.

Nice! I thought for sure he'd oppose it too. I am so proud to have him as my senator now. He's a real fiscal conservative, pro-life, pro-everything good pretty much.

I worked his '04 primary run against traitor/fossil/sellout Specter, it's good to see him finally getting what he deserves.

He was/is worlds better than Sestak.
GOP senators ready to vote against 'don't ask, don't tell,' aides say -

Four key GOP senators who have announced their support for a "don't ask, don't tell" repeal are prepared to join Democrats in voting to let the bill proceed, as long as Congress first deals with a measure to fund the government, aides to the four said Friday.
The aides said Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lisa Murkowski and Scott Brown will vote Saturday to end debate on the ban on openly gay and lesbian people in the military if the Senate passes a stopgap spending bill, a continuing resolution to keep the government funded.
Toomey rocks! I'm so glad he beat that creaton sestak. It got a little easy as word of the local dem corruption got around. I'd say more than a few votes went his way as votes against sestak.

any way

When clinton saddled us with DADT it was a slap in the face. He all but said Vets aren't mature enough to handle haveing gay people around.

Stoopudist part is that it's reps that want to keep this insanity, "just incase". Translation; We don't think Vets are mature enough to be around gay people.

FYI; We knew who was gay and who wasn't, b/c they tended to hang out together. It's not a secret.

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