This whole thread is bullshit. Leftists never convert. Their brains are fucked for life until I see a successful reversion.
Well now you're just being stupid. Of course leftists convert. Not very often because few are unable to uncross the wires in their brains. But it does happen.

Proof of it happening or :anj_stfu:

Read it again Marion. Seems like Hell has just frozen over and the Pigs are flying home. It happened. DEAL with it. :biggrin:

Don't you know David Horowitz? You ever hear of his conversion? Same damn story. That's why (if you read the article) it was Horowitz that TRIGGERED her conversion. Because he came to his senses and made the same conclusions..
It is completely absurd to say that an entire classification of people is completely incapable of change or converting. Of course there will be some who not only can, but do. It would be a statistical impossibility not to have some.
This whole thread is bullshit. Leftists never convert. Their brains are fucked for life until I see a successful reversion.
Well now you're just being stupid. Of course leftists convert. Not very often because few are unable to uncross the wires in their brains. But it does happen.

Proof of it happening or :anj_stfu:

Read it again Marion. Seems like Hell has just frozen over and the Pigs are flying home. It happened. DEAL with it. :biggrin:

Don't you know David Horowitz? You ever hear of his conversion? Same damn story. That's why (if you read the article) it was Horowitz that TRIGGERED her conversion. Because he came to his senses and made the same conclusions..
It is completely absurd to say that an entire classification of people is completely incapable of change or converting. Of course there will be some who not only can, but do. It would be a statistical impossibility not to have some.

I think it's more common than you know. Especially when the freshly tortured minds march out of Liberal colleges into the real world and discover how things REALLY work (or don't work)..
It's really something to watch the entire ideology of the left imploding. It's not only this woman who has seen the light - but here we have self-professed communist Van Jones complaining about the fascism and oppression of free speech by that side of the aisle. There are many who are starting to wake up.

And....even if they don't "convert" - all we really need them to do is pull the entire party back from the edge of irrational insanity. I never agreed with JFK's Democrat Party, but I could work with them. They were rational people who didn't hate America. We don't need 100% conservatives (though it would be nice!), we just need an opposition party that isn't committed to destroying all of humanity.

Liberal Van Jones blasts 'ridiculous' campus 'safe spaces'
This whole thread is bullshit. Leftists never convert. Their brains are fucked for life until I see a successful reversion.
Well now you're just being stupid. Of course leftists convert. Not very often because few are unable to uncross the wires in their brains. But it does happen.
Proof of it happening or :anj_stfu:

Dear Marion Morrison:
The whole point of the OP was to present a real life example of this.
Please don't push anyone else to "beat their head against the wall".

Are you asking for ADDITIONAL proof? If so, can you make that clear next time.
Otherwise, it looks like you totally ignored the OP and didn't read or consider it before posting
and demanding "more proof."

If you mean one story doesn't show a pattern, that might make more sense.
What you posted makes it look like you didn't even read the OP, thus the reaction that ensued.
This is one exceptional article from a hardline leftist...

Woman's "Top 10 Reasons I Am No Longer A Leftist" Goes Crazy VIRAL!
I bet all her old friends now HATE her.

Who knows, or cares.
But again what you're describing is clique culture --- not politics. Apples and oranges. Her main complaint seems to be that she found herself in a constricting clique.

Whelp --- that's never going to end well in anything. One of the pitfalls of being a joiner rather than an independent thinker.
Don't you know David Horowitz?

Yeah, the white supremacist guy.

You ever hear of his conversion?

When he was "liberal", he sent his woman friend get killed by black panthers to save his own ass. He's a complete douche of a human being.

So he's a hero of yours?

Same damn story. That's why (if you read the article) it was Horowitz that TRIGGERED her conversion. Because he came to his senses and made the same conclusions..

It does seem be a pattern, that the complete douche liberals are the only ones who "convert". Something about conservatism attracts the scum.
Some reasons I am no longer a extreme conservative
1. I love science...I was a fool as I'd only hurt myself to get rid of our science institutions...Trillions of dollars in economic gain is worth spending the money!
If you "love" science - why do you reject it? :dunno:

Science has proven that "Global Warming" is a scam - yet you reject science of the scam.

No it hasn't.
Denying reality does not change reality.
This whole thread is bullshit. Leftists never convert. Their brains are fucked for life until I see a successful reversion.

Look at the chants, that's SLA and Stepford wife-ish.
Unless someone figures out a way to un-crosswire their brains , they're fucked. I hope someone does before they all have to be put down. Couple more times of them getting violent and they will have to be put down.

I don't play. Yes I'll pick a pitbull up by the neck and cut its air off and then throw
it over a 6 foot fence.
You don't mess around with stupid stuff. You nip it in the bud. It's called "Handling Business"

I was a former leftist. In school, I supported gun control and protecting the environment and other left-wing positions. The problem was I started thinking. When I examined the evidence, it didn't support what my positions were.

Now here I am sticking it in the face of all the left-wingers that never reached the "thinking" point in there lives.
This is one exceptional article from a hardline leftist...

Woman's "Top 10 Reasons I Am No Longer A Leftist" Goes Crazy VIRAL!
I bet all her old friends now HATE her.

Oh absolutely. Left-wingers are the most intolerant people on the face of the earth. They HATE her guts.
While simultaneously screaming about "tolerance". Just like they hoard their wealth while simultaneously screaming about "socialism". Just like they assault women and treat them as sexual objects to be used and abused while screaming about "feminism". The list goes on and on and on.

At the end of the day it boils down to this: guilt.

The hatriot feels guilty for treating women like animals for sexual gratification so they feign outrage and scream for "feminism". The hatriot feels guilty for hoarding their wealth and denying assistance to anyone so they feign outrage and scream about "socialism". You show me any issue a leftist is losing their shit about and I will show you a leftist guilty of being on the other side of that issue in their own personal life.
Some reasons I am no longer a extreme conservative
1. I love science...I was a fool as I'd only hurt myself to get rid of our science institutions...Trillions of dollars in economic gain is worth spending the money!
2. Love education! WTF was I thinking? Trillions of dollars in economic gains flushed down the crapper. For what? So I could tell some poor person that they couldn't get a basic education and that would hurt our economy.
3. I believe the safetynet is a good thing! Granny doesn't need to live on the street and the disabled kid doesn't need to die. Oh'did I say that our economy is stronger and we don't have slums like India????
4. Less angry and more at peace with my self. Think about it for a minute...I don't need to judge people for wanting to be something different. When I was a right wing nut I felt so much hatred that it was the focus of my life.

How could one go from liberal to conservative? The only area I could see is maybe the family and maybe a little in wanting a more efficient government...But to become the opposite of all the above is very fucked.
You were never "right wing".
I too used to be a liberal, until I realized what a bunch of hateful conformists Liberalism had become. They have their own dogma and their own form of thought police. Liberals want to dictate language and thought, like some characters out of an Orwellian novel. They want to dictate new norms and standards, ones I can't afford or ones I don't agree with personally. And believe me, money and wealth plays a big part in this. Poor leftist liberals are few and far between.
I too used to be a liberal, until I realized what a bunch of hateful conformists Liberalism had become. They have their own dogma and their own form of thought police. Liberals want to dictate language and thought, like some characters out of an Orwellian novel. They want to dictate new norms and standards, ones I can't afford or ones I don't agree with personally. And believe me, money and wealth plays a big part in this. Poor leftist liberals are few and far between.

Actually they're nonexistent. "Leftists" and "Liberals" are two different things. Might wanna start there and reassess.

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