Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
As you all most likely know by now, I am supporting Ted Cruz for President. Today, while waiting for my turkey to finish roasting, I was reading this op-ed that popped up on my Internet news feed, and thought I'd share it. No, I'm not particularly familiar with the site or the author, but I still agree with the points.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio. (And don't even get me started on Rubio and immigration. We'll get to that.)

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz. (And without being one of the "good ol' Beltway Boys.)

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet. (Posted this one entirely, because I think this is an important point for many of us. I want an outsider, but I don't want an amateur.)

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Neither of these two would have gotten this far in any other election, and have only managed it this time because of conservatives' weariness with Washington "business as usual" and the GOP establishment and its tepid candidates.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. (Personally, I find his sincerity/backbone combination quite charming.)

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve. (Call me silly, but I think the President of the United States should actually love the United States, and be openly proud to do so.)

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise. (I also quoted this entirely, because I think it bears saying. Repeatedly.)

I think Ted Cruz is the leader we need: smart, serious, thoughtful, methodical, decent, and patriotic.
Why yes, after election he can call up the UN to call them all retards...
1. He's Canadian!

Americans have been fucking up this country long enough. It's time we elected a President from a place people actually like!

Plus, I put £20 pounds on Teddy at 8:1 odds, and I want to get paid!
1. He's Canadian!

Americans have been fucking up this country long enough. It's time we elected a President from a place people actually like!

Plus, I put £20 pounds on Teddy at 8:1 odds, and I want to get paid!
I have a 5 gallon bucket of Canadian quarters...
Top ten reasons to vote for this dickhead
1. You like driving on dirt roads
2. You hate everyone having health insurance
3. You love seeing corporations and the top 1% take 90% of the wealth.
4. You hate seeing America leading in science of any kind
5. You don't want poor people have a education
6. You think the unemployed are just bums
7. You want a war with iran
8. You want to go unwarned of the hurricane, tornadoe or flash flood. You hate government institutions.
9. You want to abolish the epa and fda...I love breathing shitty air and eating mold covered food!
10. I hate most people in general and want everyone to follow my short sighted belief system.
Top ten reasons to vote for this dickhead
1. You like driving on dirt roads
2. You hate everyone having health insurance
3. You love seeing corporations and the top 1% take 90% of the wealth.
4. You hate seeing America leading in science of any kind
5. You don't want poor people have a education
6. You think the unemployed are just bums
7. You want a war with iran
8. You want to go unwarned of the hurricane, tornadoe or flash flood. You hate government institutions.
9. You want to abolish the epa and fda...I love breathing shitty air and eating mold covered food!
10. I hate most people in general and want everyone to follow my short sighted belief system.

11th reason: The very thought makes his opponents spew incoherent garbage responses like these, and who doesn't need a good laugh?
As you all most likely know by now, I am supporting Ted Cruz for President. Today, while waiting for my turkey to finish roasting, I was reading this op-ed that popped up on my Internet news feed, and thought I'd share it. No, I'm not particularly familiar with the site or the author, but I still agree with the points.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio. (And don't even get me started on Rubio and immigration. We'll get to that.)

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz. (And without being one of the "good ol' Beltway Boys.)

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet. (Posted this one entirely, because I think this is an important point for many of us. I want an outsider, but I don't want an amateur.)

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Neither of these two would have gotten this far in any other election, and have only managed it this time because of conservatives' weariness with Washington "business as usual" and the GOP establishment and its tepid candidates.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. (Personally, I find his sincerity/backbone combination quite charming.)

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve. (Call me silly, but I think the President of the United States should actually love the United States, and be openly proud to do so.)

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise. (I also quoted this entirely, because I think it bears saying. Repeatedly.)

I think Ted Cruz is the leader we need: smart, serious, thoughtful, methodical, decent, and patriotic.
This is utterly ridiculous.

Cruz represents everything wrong with the social right and TPM extremists.

His fiscal policies are made up of failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma, he’s hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

His hateful, unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and their right to access marriage law, along with his contempt for the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, exhibit his opposition to the rule of law, the Constitution and its case law, and the protected liberties of all persons in the United States.

Cruz is a nativist reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, someone who would seek to compel conformity through the force of law by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The last thing America needs is the likes of Cruz, and the bane of social conservatism he would attempt to spread.
Same link debunks this image too

But . . . but . . . but . . . they WANT it to be true!!! Isn't that enough?! know he's a Cuban....That should send fear and loathing to a RWer...

At no time whatsoever have I been either responsible for your bigotries being projected onto me, or for treating your idiot expectations and opinions as though they carry the weight of a taco fart in a wind tunnel.

Do everyone a huge favor and stick a note to your computer monitor that reads, "I am a fucking moron. The world is nothing like my inane, bigoted imaginings, and it is a waste of time for me to tell people how confused I am when confronted with this fact." Then, when you think about posting this bullshit (ie. every time you post), please refer to that note and don't bother.
As you all most likely know by now, I am supporting Ted Cruz for President. Today, while waiting for my turkey to finish roasting, I was reading this op-ed that popped up on my Internet news feed, and thought I'd share it. No, I'm not particularly familiar with the site or the author, but I still agree with the points.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio. (And don't even get me started on Rubio and immigration. We'll get to that.)

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz. (And without being one of the "good ol' Beltway Boys.)

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet. (Posted this one entirely, because I think this is an important point for many of us. I want an outsider, but I don't want an amateur.)

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Neither of these two would have gotten this far in any other election, and have only managed it this time because of conservatives' weariness with Washington "business as usual" and the GOP establishment and its tepid candidates.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. (Personally, I find his sincerity/backbone combination quite charming.)

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve. (Call me silly, but I think the President of the United States should actually love the United States, and be openly proud to do so.)

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise. (I also quoted this entirely, because I think it bears saying. Repeatedly.)

I think Ted Cruz is the leader we need: smart, serious, thoughtful, methodical, decent, and patriotic.
This is utterly ridiculous.

Cruz represents everything wrong with the social right and TPM extremists.

His fiscal policies are made up of failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma, he’s hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

His hateful, unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and their right to access marriage law, along with his contempt for the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, exhibit his opposition to the rule of law, the Constitution and its case law, and the protected liberties of all persons in the United States.

Cruz is a nativist reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, someone who would seek to compel conformity through the force of law by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The last thing America needs is the likes of Cruz, and the bane of social conservatism he would attempt to spread.

Did I mention that the 11th reason to vote for him is because he provokes such frightened, frothing generalizations from leftists, and I find it hilarious?
As you all most likely know by now, I am supporting Ted Cruz for President. Today, while waiting for my turkey to finish roasting, I was reading this op-ed that popped up on my Internet news feed, and thought I'd share it. No, I'm not particularly familiar with the site or the author, but I still agree with the points.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio. (And don't even get me started on Rubio and immigration. We'll get to that.)

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz. (And without being one of the "good ol' Beltway Boys.)

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet. (Posted this one entirely, because I think this is an important point for many of us. I want an outsider, but I don't want an amateur.)

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Neither of these two would have gotten this far in any other election, and have only managed it this time because of conservatives' weariness with Washington "business as usual" and the GOP establishment and its tepid candidates.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. (Personally, I find his sincerity/backbone combination quite charming.)

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve. (Call me silly, but I think the President of the United States should actually love the United States, and be openly proud to do so.)

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise. (I also quoted this entirely, because I think it bears saying. Repeatedly.)

I think Ted Cruz is the leader we need: smart, serious, thoughtful, methodical, decent, and patriotic.
This is utterly ridiculous.

Cruz represents everything wrong with the social right and TPM extremists.

His fiscal policies are made up of failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma, he’s hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

His hateful, unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and their right to access marriage law, along with his contempt for the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, exhibit his opposition to the rule of law, the Constitution and its case law, and the protected liberties of all persons in the United States.

Cruz is a nativist reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, someone who would seek to compel conformity through the force of law by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The last thing America needs is the likes of Cruz, and the bane of social conservatism he would attempt to spread.

Did I mention that the 11th reason to vote for him is because he provokes such frightened, frothing generalizations from leftists, and I find it hilarious?

IOW, "I'm choosing the Leader of the Free World solely on the basis of my loathing of my fellow Americans." Can you distill that down to an acronym, or is it small[-minded] enough to fit on a bumper sticker?

Make sure your reply contains a gratuitous and unimaginative insult.
As you all most likely know by now, I am supporting Ted Cruz for President. Today, while waiting for my turkey to finish roasting, I was reading this op-ed that popped up on my Internet news feed, and thought I'd share it. No, I'm not particularly familiar with the site or the author, but I still agree with the points.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Ted Cruz

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio. (And don't even get me started on Rubio and immigration. We'll get to that.)

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz. (And without being one of the "good ol' Beltway Boys.)

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet. (Posted this one entirely, because I think this is an important point for many of us. I want an outsider, but I don't want an amateur.)

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Neither of these two would have gotten this far in any other election, and have only managed it this time because of conservatives' weariness with Washington "business as usual" and the GOP establishment and its tepid candidates.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. (Personally, I find his sincerity/backbone combination quite charming.)

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve. (Call me silly, but I think the President of the United States should actually love the United States, and be openly proud to do so.)

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise. (I also quoted this entirely, because I think it bears saying. Repeatedly.)

I think Ted Cruz is the leader we need: smart, serious, thoughtful, methodical, decent, and patriotic.
This is utterly ridiculous.

Cruz represents everything wrong with the social right and TPM extremists.

His fiscal policies are made up of failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma, he’s hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, the voting rights of minorities, and the due process rights of immigrants.

His hateful, unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and their right to access marriage law, along with his contempt for the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, exhibit his opposition to the rule of law, the Constitution and its case law, and the protected liberties of all persons in the United States.

Cruz is a nativist reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, someone who would seek to compel conformity through the force of law by increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The last thing America needs is the likes of Cruz, and the bane of social conservatism he would attempt to spread.

Did I mention that the 11th reason to vote for him is because he provokes such frightened, frothing generalizations from leftists, and I find it hilarious?

You see Ceci, the left wants to say how bigoted he is...............let me translate that for you...............he will demand they legally change the law; no more pen and phone. And what is wrong with that? If they have the votes in the congress, or in the public for the changes they want as they claim they do, no President can stop what they want.

No shortcuts for either side people. You want a change, get the people to support you! And for goodness sake, you lefties have insulted 2/3 of America by having a vote for things you wanted, losing that vote by overwhelming rule of the people of this country, you then refuse to accept what the people say, so go to the courts and tell Americans to pound sand!

You wonder why you have lost 900 seats of power? I just explained it in the last paragraph. It is why people are pissed, you continue to do it with trying to tell 2/3rds of Americans that there is something wrong with them for wanting to secure the border; and you can put poll after poll up over a year out to tell us how Hilly is going to win. With 2/3rds of the people so pissed, it is going to be President Cruz, and I for one, do not think there is a damn thing you can do about it-)

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