Top Democrat Pelosi denies party members retreating from Obamacare


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May 31, 2009
Top Democrat Pelosi denies party members retreating from Obamacare

WASHINGTON Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:24pm EST

(Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Sunday that her party would not retreat from President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare reform law, despite unrelenting Republican opposition and emerging signs of market turmoil for consumers and health insurers.

Two days after 39 House Democrats joined Republicans on a bill aimed at undermining the law known as Obamacare, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi denied that Democrats have lost confidence in Obama's ability to overcome a botched rollout of his signature domestic policy achievement.

"There's a lot of whoop-de-do and ado about what's happening," Pelosi told NBC's "Meet the Press" program.

"It doesn't mean: Oh, it's a political issue, so we're going to run away from it. No. It's too valuable for the American people," she said, claiming similar numbers of Democratic lawmakers have joined Republicans on votes that challenged Obamacare in the past.

Her comments come at a time of intensifying concern for Democrats, who face a tough midterm election fight or control of Congress in 2014.

"I don't think you can tell what will happen next year, but I will tell you this: Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act," said Pelosi, who got Obamacare through the House in 2010 despite united Republican opposition.


Analysis: Republicans plan 2014 campaign around Obamacare chaos
WASHINGTON Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:06pm EST

(Reuters) - Just a few short weeks ago, Republican elders could only hope that time would make voters forget about the government shutdown the party engineered in October.

Now, with millions of Americans in an uproar over health insurance policies canceled because of President Barack Obama's health care law, Republicans believe they could seize control of the Senate and build on their majority in the House of Representatives in the November 2014 congressional elections.

Republican strategist Karl Rove, architect of George W. Bush's two presidential victories, said Obamacare could hurt Democratic candidates more than in 2010.

"In 2014, it's likely to be a bigger, more obvious and equally deadly issue for Democrats, especially incumbent Democrats in red, even purple states and districts who voted for the monstrosity," he told Reuters.

Groups allied to Republicans are already running digital ads against vulnerable Democrats, with TV ads coming in the months ahead.

"2014 will be a referendum on the failures of this administration," said Representative Greg Walden, head of the House Republican campaign committee.

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