Top Doctors caught pushing fake Covid Fear and Lies to Coerce people into getting Jabbed

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Top Doctors caught pushing fake Covid Fear and Lies to Coerce people into getting Jabbed
DeAnna Lorraine reveals the LIES of the doctors caught on tape trying to think of ways to coerce people into getting the Covid jab. Kabala Harris admits the "vaccine" doesn't work!

My comment: The fear around Covid is insane and destroying peoples' lives.

These guys: "You need to watch the video, otherwise you wouldn't believe us!"

*Doesn't show the video*

Me: Huh. I guess I don't believe them.
Top Doctors caught pushing fake Covid Fear and Lies to Coerce people into getting Jabbed
DeAnna Lorraine reveals the LIES of the doctors caught on tape trying to think of ways to coerce people into getting the Covid jab. Kabala Harris admits the "vaccine" doesn't work!

My comment: The fear around Covid is insane and destroying peoples' lives.

The real. I've seen the virus ravage families firsthand. Just got back from Western MI and it's about as bad as it gets.
Posting alt-right misinformation doesn't help. It's just helping to extend the shelf life of this virus.
The real.


The real. I've seen the virus ravage families firsthand. Just got back from Western MI and it's about as bad as it gets.

I have seen all kinds of things ravage families during my 60 years on this planet. This is the only one that democrats used to shut down a nation and destroy an economy just to win an election.

Posting alt-right misinformation

Fuck you and your concocted "alt-right" bullshit. That stupid phrase was made up out of thin air 4 years ago. Its a stupid made-up phrase just like homophobia, another word that never existed until about 10 years ago.

If you want to be a scared rabbit with your mask and your vaccine and your distancing and live your life like a coward then go ahead but don't push that shit on normal people.


I have seen all kinds of things ravage families during my 60 years on this planet. This is the only one that democrats used to shut down a nation and destroy an economy just to win an election.

Fuck you and your concocted "alt-right" bullshit. That stupid phrase was made up out of thin air 4 years ago. Its a stupid made-up phrase just like homophobia, another word that never existed until about 10 years ago.

If you want to be a scared rabbit with your mask and your vaccine and your distancing and live your life like a coward then go ahead but don't push that shit on normal people.

Been out and about with precautions since the end of June, 2020. And yes, Western MI is becoming a war zone. Why do you think the government is sending teams of doctors to two separate health organizations in Michigan. It's because of fucksticking "normal" patriots like you who just can't bring themselves to do the right thing so we can all get on with our lives. Well, let me break this gently to you, snowflake. Your right to personal liberty ENDS at the tip of your nose. After that, you are in community territory. You have no right to force your ignorance and stupidity on others. For the last fucking time, Trump LOST. Stop being a little bitch about it.

The term "alt-right" has been around for more than a decade. It was originally rooted in white supremacy and nationalism. Then..Barack Obama got elected. And everyone lost their fucking minds. :)
Over the last ten years, it's grown to co-opt just about all of the right wing and most of the Republican party. You need to get out more.
Top Doctors caught pushing fake Covid Fear and Lies to Coerce people into getting Jabbed
DeAnna Lorraine reveals the LIES of the doctors caught on tape trying to think of ways to coerce people into getting the Covid jab. Kabala Harris admits the "vaccine" doesn't work!

My comment: The fear around Covid is insane and destroying peoples' lives.

Have you gotten the vaccine?
Been out and about with precautions since the end of June, 2020. And yes, Western MI is becoming a war zone. Why do you think the government is sending teams of doctors to two separate health organizations in Michigan. It's because of fucksticking "normal" patriots like you who just can't bring themselves to do the right thing so we can all get on with our lives. Well, let me break this gently to you, snowflake. Your right to personal liberty ENDS at the tip of your nose. After that, you are in community territory. You have no right to force your ignorance and stupidity on others. For the last fucking time, Trump LOST. Stop being a little bitch about it.

The term "alt-right" has been around for more than a decade. It was originally rooted in white supremacy and nationalism. Then..Barack Obama got elected. And everyone lost their fucking minds. :)
Over the last ten years, it's grown to co-opt just about all of the right wing and most of the Republican party. You need to get out more.
And your rights end at the tip of your crooked nose, not in the arms of anyone else. If you think vaccines and masks don’t work hide under your bed and STFU.
Doctor stuff, for the most part. Many also know they will receive more gubbamint cheese for parroting the political narrative about a virus with a minuscule mortality rate.
Yes! It’s all some sort of vast conspiracy.

No doubt Keyser Sose (George Soros) is involved.
Yes! It’s all some sort of vast conspiracy.
No, it's not. Just follow the money instead of swallowing the propaganda.
Do you deny the money that's flowing to COVID cases? Do you deny that COVID has a minuscule mortality rate?

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