Top Scientists to Biden and Congress: 'Go Big on Climate... Do So Now'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Top Scientists to Biden and Congress: 'Go Big on Climate... Do So Now'

‘‘‘We must take immediate action to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions to limit the worst climate change impacts, protect public health and lives, and limit economic harms.’’’

The vast majority of the United States’ population agree with the climate scientists. Unfortunately, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats in Congress and all the congressional Republicans only listen to the representatives of Big Business and the fossil fuel industry. The lobbying efforts, coupled with the incredible sums of money these lobbyists deliver to our crooked politicians, drown out the voices of the tens-of-millions of folks back home.

Climate scientists’ pleas are of no importance to the old sh!ts running our government. And, the legacy our 640 billionaires plan to leave future generations can only be called, “slash and burn.”

Sadly, the rank-and-file voters of both major political parties keep reelecting these proven crooks, even when, more like especially when, candidates with superior intelligence and impeccable ethics are on the ballot.

So, when these same voters are displaced by fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides, and other increasingly severe natural disasters, for those who survive, they can blame no one but themselves.

Top Scientists to Biden and Congress: 'Go Big on Climate... Do So Now'

‘‘‘We must take immediate action to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions to limit the worst climate change impacts, protect public health and lives, and limit economic harms.’’’

The vast majority of the United States’ population agree with the climate scientists. Unfortunately, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats in Congress and all the congressional Republicans only listen to the representatives of Big Business and the fossil fuel industry. The lobbying efforts, coupled with the incredible sums of money these lobbyists deliver to our crooked politicians, drown out the voices of the tens-of-millions of folks back home.

Climate scientists’ pleas are of no importance to the old sh!ts running our government. And, the legacy our 640 billionaires plan to leave future generations can only be called, “slash and burn.”

Sadly, the rank-and-file voters of both major political parties keep reelecting these proven crooks, even when, more like especially when, candidates with superior intelligence and impeccable ethics are on the ballot.

So, when these same voters are displaced by fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides, and other increasingly severe natural disasters, for those who survive, they can blame no one but themselves.


Biden has already gone HUGE on Climate. He reinstated the never-ratified Paris Accords. Closed down the pipelines and oil exploration so that we will be dependent on belligerent powers for our energy needs.
As far as I am concerned, he can slowly work towards better stewardship of the planet, to within our means without us jumping in feet first off the deep end, while the largest polluter on the planet continues unabated. Goals for electric cars and wind turbines, and continuing pollution standards and mileage for our gasoline powered cars are fine, as long as there is not a mandated requirement for us to strangle our economy for a generation or two, trying to achieve it. I would do what we logically can. That may include dikes, raising road/bridges and whether the duck hunters like it or not, clearing some rivers and streams to allow proper drainage, as was the case 40 years ago, before flooding was so common. I don't know what those out west are going to do, but I think the tipping point of inevitability has been reached, and the climate has changed. Whether the long term predictions of doom are true, I'm not so sure, and frankly not willing to give up my lifestyle in sacrifice for what cannot change without Draconian measures.
Top Scientists to Biden and Congress: 'Go Big on Climate... Do So Now'

‘‘‘We must take immediate action to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions to limit the worst climate change impacts, protect public health and lives, and limit economic harms.’’’

The vast majority of the United States’ population agree with the climate scientists. Unfortunately, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats in Congress and all the congressional Republicans only listen to the representatives of Big Business and the fossil fuel industry. The lobbying efforts, coupled with the incredible sums of money these lobbyists deliver to our crooked politicians, drown out the voices of the tens-of-millions of folks back home.

Climate scientists’ pleas are of no importance to the old sh!ts running our government. And, the legacy our 640 billionaires plan to leave future generations can only be called, “slash and burn.”

Sadly, the rank-and-file voters of both major political parties keep reelecting these proven crooks, even when, more like especially when, candidates with superior intelligence and impeccable ethics are on the ballot.

So, when these same voters are displaced by fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides, and other increasingly severe natural disasters, for those who survive, they can blame no one but themselves.

Tough job since wingers don't believe in science. So getting republican support for anything that ambitious is damn near impossible.
As far as I am concerned, he can slowly work towards better stewardship of the planet, to within our means without us jumping in feet first off the deep end, while the largest polluter on the planet continues unabated. Goals for electric cars and wind turbines, and continuing pollution standards and mileage for our gasoline powered cars are fine, as long as there is not a mandated requirement for us to strangle our economy for a generation or two, trying to achieve it. I would do what we logically can. That may include dikes, raising road/bridges and whether the duck hunters like it or not, clearing some rivers and streams to allow proper drainage, as was the case 40 years ago, before flooding was so common. I don't know what those out west are going to do, but I think the tipping point of inevitability has been reached, and the climate has changed. Whether the long term predictions of doom are true, I'm not so sure, and frankly not willing to give up my lifestyle in sacrifice for what cannot change without Draconian measures.

A reasonable statement.

However wasting the money to fight "climate change" is beyond our ability and a waste of time and energy, it is better used to reduce pollution, flooding, overfishing and so on that are reachable goals to improve the environment.

There is no impending climate doom, it is silly since that is what government scientists and media like to scream about, they make a lot of money from it.

But there are FEWER Major Tornadoes, no increase in Tropical Storm energy, 3/4 of America getting wetter for 30 years now, been cooling for the last 6 years and less wildfires since 2000.
Of course they need to act now, Democrats are about to lose the House and Senate. The hucksters need their welfare checks before that happens.
So you want the U.S. to go big and cut back it carbon footprint while ignoring China, India, and Mexico Carbon Footprints?

Next you will say China and those other countries will follow our lead and I say you are foolish to ever think so!
A reasonable statement.

However wasting the money to fight "climate change" is beyond our ability and a waste of time and energy, it is better used to reduce pollution, flooding, overfishing and so on that are reachable goals to improve the environment.

There is no impending climate doom, it is silly since that is what government scientists and media like to scream about, they make a lot of money from it.

But there are FEWER Major Tornadoes, no increase in Tropical Storm energy, 3/4 of America getting wetter for 30 years now, been cooling for the last 6 years and less wildfires since 2000.
Thanks. I try to be reasonable, conservative and relatively pragmatic. It is the conservative approach, and have followed that approach all my life. I do not like, and (in fact) resist radical changes in either direction, no matter the political party in charge.

I agree with what you said for the most part, with the possible exception of your last paragraph, as I simply do not know. In the global scheme of things, 6 years here isn't much. It seems like we have had more tornadoes and more western wildfires, but you could be right. I don't know.
We have definitely had more flooding, whether from climate change or from lawsuits preventing the clearing of streams, as if meandering river/stream climax is always the preferred naturally desired management goal, even when it is not in the best interests of the population being forced to put up with the flooding of constricted streams, while being forced to raise bridges. The joke around here is we don't control our streams we just raise the roads and bridges, but we got great duck hunting, where farmers raised crops for 150 years before we learned that wetlands were better than family farms, putting them underwater.
Of course they need to act now, Democrats are about to lose the House and Senate. The hucksters need their welfare checks before that happens.
That makes no sense on a climate change post. Just how would a radical move to fight climate change secure welfare money for poor people? Not everything is about welfare money. Or are you just trolling?
Top Scientists to Biden and Congress: 'Go Big on Climate... Do So Now'

‘‘‘We must take immediate action to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions to limit the worst climate change impacts, protect public health and lives, and limit economic harms.’’’

The vast majority of the United States’ population agree with the climate scientists. Unfortunately, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats in Congress and all the congressional Republicans only listen to the representatives of Big Business and the fossil fuel industry. The lobbying efforts, coupled with the incredible sums of money these lobbyists deliver to our crooked politicians, drown out the voices of the tens-of-millions of folks back home.

Climate scientists’ pleas are of no importance to the old sh!ts running our government. And, the legacy our 640 billionaires plan to leave future generations can only be called, “slash and burn.”

Sadly, the rank-and-file voters of both major political parties keep reelecting these proven crooks, even when, more like especially when, candidates with superior intelligence and impeccable ethics are on the ballot.

So, when these same voters are displaced by fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, mudslides, and other increasingly severe natural disasters, for those who survive, they can blame no one but themselves.

"The supposed scientists" who btw ignore science facts, are basically saying throw us MONEY $$$$$$ for researching this scam...More Money, more money, more money
The most relevant question will never be asked or answered: If "we" do everything feasible in the U.S...if everyone makes the greatest sacrifice possible...what will be the impact on the climate a hundred years out, measured in degrees C?

The question will not be asked, because the truthful answer would be, "Less than the statistical uncertainty." In other words, NOTHING.

And there you have it. The Prog Left is declaring war on the Boogie Man! And WE have to pay for it.
Tough job since wingers don't believe in science. So getting republican support for anything that ambitious is damn near impossible.
We don't believe in fraudulent junk science. The climategate emails proved what us real scientists had been saying all along. The IPCC is full of shit.

Even Maurice Strong, socialist founder of the IPCC, said their goal is to deindustrialize the USA. It's got nothing to do with climate. Marxist nutjobs simply want to weaken the USA.

There is no fucking climate crisis you stupid easily brainwashed moron.

You and your ilk are fucking idiots.
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Wonder what kind of world today's five year olds will face when they turn 50...Climate Change Could Shut Down A Vital Ocean Current, Study Finds

The Environmentalist Whackos have been predicting global catastrophe since I was a kid,if the world didn't immediately accept a Global Socialist Government. Why not instead look at the predictions made in the 20th Century as to what these scientists thought the world would be like today?

As far as "scientific consensus", its been wrong before. When Columbus launched his expedition, scientists agreed he would sail right off the edge of the Earth. Although many of his crew members were nervous and shitting in their pantaloons over the prospect, Chris plowed forward and discovered a new land conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

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