Top WH Aid says GOP Acting Like Someone With "a bomb strapped to their chest"


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Top White House aide: GOP acting like someone with ?a bomb strapped to their chest?

A top White House aide said Thursday that the White House refuses to negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling, likening the GOP to someone with "a bomb strapped to their chest."

"What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on CNN. "We're not going to do that."

Pfeiffer then took the metaphor a step further, saying the GOP is asking for a "ransom."

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Top White House aide: GOP acting like someone with ?a bomb strapped to their chest?

A top White House aide said Thursday that the White House refuses to negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling, likening the GOP to someone with "a bomb strapped to their chest."

"What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on CNN. "We're not going to do that."

Pfeiffer then took the metaphor a step further, saying the GOP is asking for a "ransom."

As usual the Obama WHite House of full of hyperbole and BS. Problem is the GOP house does not know how to politcally groin kick those bozos.
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Every day. Sometimes several times in the same day dimocrap scum get away with that shit.

Why do you think I insult dimocrap scum every single time I address dimocrap scum?

It's because they refuse to act like civilized human beings. It's because whenever we try to talk to them about race, we're racists it they disagree.

Any time we want to talk to them about abortion or Birth Control, we're misogynists if they disagree.

Any time they disagree with anything we want to talk about, the name-calling starts. Any time.... EVERY time.

Tom Harkin just said that the Tea Party is "Every Bit As Dangerous" as the Civil War. Without. evidently, giving a thought to the fatc that the Civil War cost the lives of 620,000 Americans.

Harkin: Tea Party 'every bit' as dangerous to nation as the Civil War - The Hill's Floor Action

Jesse Jackson just called the sale of Vodafone's stake in Verizon "Racist". I have no idea why. I guess because he doesn't like it

The White House just called the GOP "Extortionists" over the Debt Ceiling debate. Last I checked, it was the Stuttering Clusterfuck and dimocrap scum who were refusing to negotiate.

White House says it won't give in to GOP 'extortion game' |

And these are just in the last couple of hours.

I call dimocrap scum what they are -- dimocrap scum.

When they can stop lying and stop calling people names..... Good people who only want to have a conversation and some input.... Maybe I'll stop calling them the scum of the earth.

But I think I'm pretty safe for now.

And don't be surprised if our dimocrap friends start crying like crazy to the Mods and get this moved..... Like they do a LOT of threads that nail them to the wall
Top White House aide: GOP acting like someone with ?a bomb strapped to their chest?

A top White House aide said Thursday that the White House refuses to negotiate with Republicans over the debt ceiling, likening the GOP to someone with "a bomb strapped to their chest."

"What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on CNN. "We're not going to do that."

Pfeiffer then took the metaphor a step further, saying the GOP is asking for a "ransom."

As usual the Obama WHite House of full of hyperbole and BS. Problem is the GOP house does not know how to politcally groin kick those bozos.

How? With what and through whom?

If we say anything CLOSE to what dimocrap scum get away with several times a day, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will be on us like a swarm of bees defending the Hive.

dimocrap scum will release the "Defend the collective at all costs" pheromone and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM will go into full attack mode.

This is a ground-up movement people. We're on our own and you better realize it.

Voting is our only chance. Get your friends to vote, your neighbors, your relatives, your co-workers.

When one of them bitches about losing his/her job, tell them to thank obama. When one of them gets their hours cut, gets layed-off, gets fired, gets down-sized, when their job gets shipped overseas, when their Company drops their Insurance and gives them half what what it will cost to replace it, tell them to thank obama.

You are NOT going to get any help from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM or from dimocrap scum in general.

We're on our own. We need to get the Tea Party up and running again. Join it
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Good analogy

you guys are UNbelievable.....

just so you realize...calling Republicans TERRORISTS is the same as calling the VOTERS terrorists....

your prez is one smarmy piece of work...:mad: many times exactly do right wingers throw personal insults at Obama, Pelosi, and Reid....?

coming from THE WHITE HOUSE.....this is WAAAAAY over the line....

next thing you know these fascist lefties will declare anybody who disagrees with them a 'terrorist' and have them rounded up, arrested, and sent to re-education camps...
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Good analogy

you guys are UNbelievable.....

just so you realize...calling Republicans TERRORISTS is the same as calling the VOTERS terrorists....

your prez is one smarmy piece of work...:mad: many times exactly do right wingers throw personal insults at Obama, Pelosi, and Reid....?

Those are NOT insults, merely observations.

And we're talking about people in highly visible positions of power.

Your idiotic and childish tu quoque equivalency just ran into a brick wall.... Stupid (an observation)
Yeah Only GOP shills are allowed to make terrorist references.

July 12, 2011
RUSH: Obama and Immelt, you know what they're like?* They're like a couple of radical Islamic Imams telling these business owners to go out and sacrifice themselves for the cause.* They're bringing them into the room and they're saying, "Here's the cause, you guys go out, blow yourselves up, destroy your businesses and you with it, go out and hire people."

October 2, 2007
RUSH: has - they describe themselves as an organization comprised of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns who oppose current policy in Iraq. They've put together a TV ad that takes aim at me. This ad's going to run on Fox News, on CNN, it's going to run on WMAL radio in Washington, $60,000 ad buy that's going to run, I think, on our local West Palm Beach station down here. And there's a man identified as Brian McCoff - McGough - it's M-C-G-O-U-G-H, I'm not sure how he pronounces it, McGo, McGuff - I haven't watched the ad.

He discusses his service in Iraq, the wounds he suffered there, and he says to me in this ad, "Until you have the guts to call me a 'phony soldier' to my face, stop telling lies about my service." You know, this is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into.
Yeah Only GOP shills are allowed to make terrorist references.

July 12, 2011
RUSH: Obama and Immelt, you know what they're like?* They're like a couple of radical Islamic Imams telling these business owners to go out and sacrifice themselves for the cause.* They're bringing them into the room and they're saying, "Here's the cause, you guys go out, blow yourselves up, destroy your businesses and you with it, go out and hire people."

October 2, 2007
RUSH: has - they describe themselves as an organization comprised of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns who oppose current policy in Iraq. They've put together a TV ad that takes aim at me. This ad's going to run on Fox News, on CNN, it's going to run on WMAL radio in Washington, $60,000 ad buy that's going to run, I think, on our local West Palm Beach station down here. And there's a man identified as Brian McCoff - McGough - it's M-C-G-O-U-G-H, I'm not sure how he pronounces it, McGo, McGuff - I haven't watched the ad.

He discusses his service in Iraq, the wounds he suffered there, and he says to me in this ad, "Until you have the guts to call me a 'phony soldier' to my face, stop telling lies about my service." You know, this is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into.

Why do you point to Rush..? Rush is simply a talk radio entertainer.....not a WHITE HOUSE representative....i could point to many liberal talk show hosts who are far worse than Rush...

Remember when Obama declared we needed more CIVILITY......?

Where the hell is HIS civility...?

the White House referring to duly elected Senators and Representatives as people with "bombs strapped to their chests" is NOT civil..
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It is long past time democrats stopped calling republicans terrorists, arsonists and kidnappers and started acting like they are. Bring it to a head. Pop that boil. Make this from some playground war of words into some real shooting.
Somewhat tame, but good analogy

How else do you describe a terrorist?
It's ironic that the WH is refusing to negotiate with the GOP and calling them terrorists, yet Obama has no problem negotiating with Iran, who funds terrorists.

Iran is more reasonable than Republicans

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