Topic is On Investigation of What Half of Americans Believe - Illegal Votes Occured

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we see so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.
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Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

I hope the "clean start policy" includes making patently false comments....

Nobody of any standing said Putin "stole" the election. They certainly interfered for the blob and the blob welcomed it....there was repeated contact between the blob's 2016 campaign and Russian intel. But "stole" the election? No.

Move this crap to the basement Coyote
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

74 million (a number too high anyways) is not half of Americans. Math is hard?
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

I hope the "clean start policy" includes making patently false comments....

Nobody of any standing said Putin "stole" the election. They certainly interfered for the blob and the blob welcomed it....there was repeated contact between the blob's 2016 campaign and Russian intel. But "stole" the election? No.

Move this crap to the basement Coyote

Suddenly Trump would have won without Putin!

The Left can’t keep up with their lies.

Topic is legitimate and will be discussed by historians until the end of America.
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

Ohhh My Lord. Let me give you some advice, you are not allowed to even think like this MAN!!!! Forbidden.

Even though libs have questioned every election they didn't like.

Remember The Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome is still active.
The problem is that the people who could have done a real recount and ballot verifying refused in turn half the nation believes the election was stolen...and what does resident Biden do?...he doesn't order recounts to prove us wrong...He surrounds himself with troops and fences and he looks to hire a truth czar like they have in Russia and China....they will never calm the masses that way....
Exactly. Any who question the election are attacked and Biden puts razor wire and an Army he doesn’t trust around him.
By the way. Less than half of Americans bleev the election was stolen.

Half of Republicans bleev that bullshit, but not half of Americans.

Nice try.
When you add up everyone that believes the election was stolen but for whatever reason will not admit get to half of the voting public....
Oh, I see. You hallucinate that there are people who will not admit it and that adds up to half of Americans.


Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

I hope the "clean start policy" includes making patently false comments....

Nobody of any standing said Putin "stole" the election. They certainly interfered for the blob and the blob welcomed it....there was repeated contact between the blob's 2016 campaign and Russian intel. But "stole" the election? No.

Move this crap to the basement Coyote

Suddenly Trump would have won without Putin!

The Left can’t keep up with their lies.

Topic is legitimate and will be discussed by historians until the end of America.

When???..Around 2022??
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we so so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

I hope the "clean start policy" includes making patently false comments....

Nobody of any standing said Putin "stole" the election. They certainly interfered for the blob and the blob welcomed it....there was repeated contact between the blob's 2016 campaign and Russian intel. But "stole" the election? No.

Move this crap to the basement Coyote

Suddenly Trump would have won without Putin!

The Left can’t keep up with their lies.

Topic is legitimate and will be discussed by historians until the end of America.

I didn't say that. I said that the later-confirmed allegation made by democrats with standing is that Russia interfered in the election and the blob accepted it.

The only one you.

The Trump campaign's chief pollster issued a blistering autopsy this week laying out why the former president lost the 2020 general election to Joe Biden. The main findings confirm much of the public data that's been released in recent months and fly in the face of Trump's conspiracy theories about the election.

Politico obtained a copy of the document in which the pollster, Tony Fabrizio, highlighted several key takeaways that he believed contributed to Trump's landslide loss in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Politico said the report has been circulated among Trump's senior aides but it's unclear if the former president has seen it yet.

Trump targeted Black and minority communities with his bogus voter fraud conspiracies and post-election litigation, but Fabrizio's report said he actually gained support among those communities. He lost the most support from white voters, and white men in particular - a group that won him the White House in 2016.

Between 2016 and 2020, Trump saw a net loss of 8 percentage points among elderly voters.

He managed to lose my parents who voted for him in 2016, by 2020 my Ma said he acted like he didn't want to be president and wanted to lose.
Democrats have been cheating in elections for decades....they finally mastered it thanks to a panicked public over covid....remember how they kept counting until Al Franken got enough votes to win his senate seat...ballots were found in trunks of cars and hallway why or how anyone can't see that our elections are fraudulent is a wonder to me.....

The Trump campaign's chief pollster issued a blistering autopsy this week laying out why the former president lost the 2020 general election to Joe Biden. The main findings confirm much of the public data that's been released in recent months and fly in the face of Trump's conspiracy theories about the election.

Politico obtained a copy of the document in which the pollster, Tony Fabrizio, highlighted several key takeaways that he believed contributed to Trump's landslide loss in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Politico said the report has been circulated among Trump's senior aides but it's unclear if the former president has seen it yet.

Trump targeted Black and minority communities with his bogus voter fraud conspiracies and post-election litigation, but Fabrizio's report said he actually gained support among those communities. He lost the most support from white voters, and white men in particular - a group that won him the White House in 2016.
Politico is a branch of the DNC
Every single judge in every single court laughed Trump's bullshit right out of the building.

There is no case, tards.

Trump lost bigly.


The Trump campaign's chief pollster issued a blistering autopsy this week laying out why the former president lost the 2020 general election to Joe Biden. The main findings confirm much of the public data that's been released in recent months and fly in the face of Trump's conspiracy theories about the election.

Politico obtained a copy of the document in which the pollster, Tony Fabrizio, highlighted several key takeaways that he believed contributed to Trump's landslide loss in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Politico said the report has been circulated among Trump's senior aides but it's unclear if the former president has seen it yet.

Trump targeted Black and minority communities with his bogus voter fraud conspiracies and post-election litigation, but Fabrizio's report said he actually gained support among those communities. He lost the most support from white voters, and white men in particular - a group that won him the White House in 2016.
Politico is a branch of the DNC
Their report comes from Trump's own chief pollster. Now tell me how he is a branch of the DNC.
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