Topic is On Investigation of What Half of Americans Believe - Illegal Votes Occured

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Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we see so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

Yeah, we know there was some voter fraud, check the real evidence:
Pennsylvania Trump supporter charged with voter fraud

A Pennsylvania man has been charged with illegally casting a ballot for President Trump in the name of his deceased mother in this year's presidential election, authorities announced on Monday.

So we need to add another vote to the over 7 million vote lead of President Biden....

Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we see so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

I've noticed the unamed leftist moderator has been alot more active lately. I saw it coming weeks ago.
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....
They're just trying to convince each other. Lying to one self is what all leftists must do.
On Election Night, Donald Trump announced he had won in a landslide. Before half the votes had even been counted.

That's how this bullshit started. With a serious delusion and retarded claim based on no facts.
And worth remembering was that Republican legislatures set the count UP that that "day of" ballots would be counted on election eve and early voting and absentee ballots (which were expected to be and were heavily Dem leaning) would be counted later.
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.
Nobody gives a shit what you "find hard to believe"

I find it hard to believe that you are as dishonest as you's that
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we see so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

Yes it's pretty sad that 75% of Republicans believe the election was rigged. All of them have the potential to be good little Nazi's, I mean patriots.
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

And they would be correct to ask that. I'll ask it too. In fact the entire world would like to know, particularly Rooty, who trotted into so many courts emptyhanded that his hair started to melt.

Now why is it "hard to believe" that so many more voted in '20 than in '16, when you know damn well that only 55% of eligible voters bothered to vote in '16? Did you actually find a way to not notice all kinds of provisions being made to allow people to vote without risking crowding? I find THAT hard to believe.

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.

If you're claiming they're illegitimate, or that some are, then yours is the burden of proof. Find some and bring it. Absent that you have nothing more than wishful-thinking speculation. It ain't somebody else's job to prove the negative; it's YOURS to prove the assertion.

As for the phrase "shadow the election in disgust", Google Translate doesn't have a clue. :dunno:
TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
REPORTER:"So why did you bring a gun and start shooting"?
BIDEN SUPPORTER:"Well I took Obama, Biden's boss' advice 'If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,'
REPORTER: "But this was a peaceful protest?"
BIDEN SUPPORTER"Well all I know is what Harris told us..'protestors should not let up' and we are in control now."

Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy, but 4 years of Putin stole the election is perfect discussion in the Politics forum.

And like typical fascism we see so much from the Left these days they must silence all questions.

The evidence is overwhelming
Yet idiots such as the first one replying - remain ignorant morons.
As a country we stopped promoting critical thinking and are paying the price.
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

And they would be correct to ask that. I'll ask it too. In fact the entire world would like to know, particularly Rooty, who trotted into so many courts emptyhanded that his hair started to melt.

Now why is it "hard to believe" that so many more voted in '20 than in '16, when you know damn well that only 55% of eligible voters bothered to vote in '16? Did you actually find a way to not notice all kinds of provisions being made to allow people to vote without risking crowding? I find THAT hard to believe.

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.

If you're claiming they're illegitimate, or that some are, then yours is the burden of proof. Find some and bring it. Absent that you have nothing more than wishful-thinking speculation. It ain't somebody else's job to prove the negative; it's YOURS to prove the assertion.

As for the phrase "shadow the election in disgust", Google Translate doesn't have a clue. :dunno:
The problem with all the courts was "standing".
The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”
It wasn't because there was no EVIDENCE.
It was STANDING! Texas didn't show how another state's election conduct had any bearing on Texas.
There is PLENTY of Evidence.
Staggering Evidence of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud

g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.
Nobody gives a shit what you "find hard to believe"

I find it hard to believe that you are as dishonest as you's that
I am not the only one, Herr Lesh. That is the whole point of the thread.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud..

Of course there was election fraud. Committed by Trumpybear when he pressed Georgia to find just enough votes for him to win. He told them to tell the Schmucks in Georgia, you know the voters, we "Recalculated". No body can deny that happened,

Lock him up
Lock him up
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

And they would be correct to ask that. I'll ask it too. In fact the entire world would like to know, particularly Rooty, who trotted into so many courts emptyhanded that his hair started to melt.

Now why is it "hard to believe" that so many more voted in '20 than in '16, when you know damn well that only 55% of eligible voters bothered to vote in '16? Did you actually find a way to not notice all kinds of provisions being made to allow people to vote without risking crowding? I find THAT hard to believe.

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.

If you're claiming they're illegitimate, or that some are, then yours is the burden of proof. Find some and bring it. Absent that you have nothing more than wishful-thinking speculation. It ain't somebody else's job to prove the negative; it's YOURS to prove the assertion.

As for the phrase "shadow the election in disgust", Google Translate doesn't have a clue. :dunno:
Nope. I don't have the burden of proof. They do. I am not suing them, I am stating an opinion. That no way BOTH sides got that many more votes. To me the process is highly tainted and not transparent enough. I believe people should have to vote in person and show an ID or complete an absentee ballot. But no one cares what I or what 47% of Americans believe?

But the OP has started a good discussion. Voting should be more transparent.
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

And they would be correct to ask that. I'll ask it too. In fact the entire world would like to know, particularly Rooty, who trotted into so many courts emptyhanded that his hair started to melt.

Now why is it "hard to believe" that so many more voted in '20 than in '16, when you know damn well that only 55% of eligible voters bothered to vote in '16? Did you actually find a way to not notice all kinds of provisions being made to allow people to vote without risking crowding? I find THAT hard to believe.

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.

If you're claiming they're illegitimate, or that some are, then yours is the burden of proof. Find some and bring it. Absent that you have nothing more than wishful-thinking speculation. It ain't somebody else's job to prove the negative; it's YOURS to prove the assertion.

As for the phrase "shadow the election in disgust", Google Translate doesn't have a clue. :dunno:
The problem with all the courts was "standing".
The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”
It wasn't because there was no EVIDENCE.
It was STANDING! Texas didn't show how another state's election conduct had any bearing on Texas.
There is PLENTY of Evidence.
Staggering Evidence of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud
View attachment 452524

No Twinkletoes, the problem with THAT FRIVOLOUS SUIT was standing. As the Court correctly noted, Texas had absolutely no business trying to tell Pennsylvania, or any other state not named Texas, how to run its own elections, NOR did anything any of those states did, affect Texas' running its own election. Disputes WITHIN Pennsylvania, or within any state at all, are settled in that state's supreme court ------ not in fucking Texas.

That's THAT frivolous suit, as opposed to the other 60-odd frivolous suits, which over and over and over featured Hairdye Rooty admitting to the judge up front that the particular frivolous lawsuit of that particular day, WAS NOT ABOUT FRAUD. Which they had to do because they had, and still have no evidence thereof.

UNDERSTAND?? Or do I need to write it out with stick figures on a wad of toilet paper?
g5000 is such a coward. Debate the topic at hand. Of course there was tampering and BS. But we don't have direct proof. I find it hard to believe that so many more voted this year than in 2016 on BOTH sides. Leftists will say.... "where is your proof"?

And they would be correct to ask that. I'll ask it too. In fact the entire world would like to know, particularly Rooty, who trotted into so many courts emptyhanded that his hair started to melt.

Now why is it "hard to believe" that so many more voted in '20 than in '16, when you know damn well that only 55% of eligible voters bothered to vote in '16? Did you actually find a way to not notice all kinds of provisions being made to allow people to vote without risking crowding? I find THAT hard to believe.

I respond with, where is your proof that all the mail in ballots were legitimate? I do not believe they were! Was there enough to overturn the election? Unlikely. Was there enough to shadow the election in disgust? Yes.

If you're claiming they're illegitimate, or that some are, then yours is the burden of proof. Find some and bring it. Absent that you have nothing more than wishful-thinking speculation. It ain't somebody else's job to prove the negative; it's YOURS to prove the assertion.

As for the phrase "shadow the election in disgust", Google Translate doesn't have a clue. :dunno:
The problem with all the courts was "standing".
The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”
It wasn't because there was no EVIDENCE.
It was STANDING! Texas didn't show how another state's election conduct had any bearing on Texas.
There is PLENTY of Evidence.
Staggering Evidence of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud
View attachment 452524

Man-o-man they should have taken that chart to all courts and dared the judges to question it's obvious validity!

With evidence like that it's no wonder Trumpybears neo-fascists believe!

By the way. Less than half of Americans bleev the election was stolen.

Half of Republicans bleev that bullshit, but not half of Americans.

Nice try.
You are no longer qualified to speak about Americans. You have left America behind and installed an illegitimate president.
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