Topic is On Investigation of What Half of Americans Believe - Illegal Votes Occured

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Every single judge in every single court laughed Trump's bullshit right out of the building.

There is no case, tards.

Trump lost bigly.

Nope they wouldn't hear the evidence...and you know that....

The Trump campaign's chief pollster issued a blistering autopsy this week laying out why the former president lost the 2020 general election to Joe Biden. The main findings confirm much of the public data that's been released in recent months and fly in the face of Trump's conspiracy theories about the election.

Politico obtained a copy of the document in which the pollster, Tony Fabrizio, highlighted several key takeaways that he believed contributed to Trump's landslide loss in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Politico said the report has been circulated among Trump's senior aides but it's unclear if the former president has seen it yet.

Trump targeted Black and minority communities with his bogus voter fraud conspiracies and post-election litigation, but Fabrizio's report said he actually gained support among those communities. He lost the most support from white voters, and white men in particular - a group that won him the White House in 2016.
Politico is a branch of the DNC
Their report comes from Trump's own chief pollster. Now tell me how he is a branch of the DNC.
Sure it does. Because politico told you!
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....
Everyone that is anyone is denying it except for a few fanatics of the fringe element..Even Qanon has given Trump the flying finger of disapproval.

The Trump campaign's chief pollster issued a blistering autopsy this week laying out why the former president lost the 2020 general election to Joe Biden. The main findings confirm much of the public data that's been released in recent months and fly in the face of Trump's conspiracy theories about the election.

Politico obtained a copy of the document in which the pollster, Tony Fabrizio, highlighted several key takeaways that he believed contributed to Trump's landslide loss in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. Politico said the report has been circulated among Trump's senior aides but it's unclear if the former president has seen it yet.

Trump targeted Black and minority communities with his bogus voter fraud conspiracies and post-election litigation, but Fabrizio's report said he actually gained support among those communities. He lost the most support from white voters, and white men in particular - a group that won him the White House in 2016.
Politico is a branch of the DNC
Their report comes from Trump's own chief pollster. Now tell me how he is a branch of the DNC.
Sure it does. Because politico told you!
Yuk-yuk, you have some drool that needs wiping...Fabrizio's report was leaked he didn't want dupes like you to know the facts.
These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....
Everyone that is anyone is denying it except for a few fanatics of the fringe element..Even Qanon has given Trump the flying finger of disapproval.
74 million is a hell of a fringe!
The elite of both parties wanted Trump gone. That's why there were millions of ballots mailed in that had only Biden selected, because they didn't have time to run down the ballot and also pencil in the circles for the down ballot moonbats. How else do you explain republicrats winning house seats in districts by a much wider margin than Biden allegedly won? However the donor class and the aristocracy made sure that any curiosity or investigations were stifled. The media apparatchiks gleefully assisted and published nothing but agitprop.

Let's just hope to God the media isn't allowed to pick another Bush/Romney republicrat in 2024. I actually Hope Ted Cruz runs again because I'm confident he will totally crush Biden so long as the democrook's capacity to stuff ballot boxes is eliminated.

These deniers of election fraud all know they are being dishonest when they tell you there is no election fraud....every damn one of them even the nameless moderator....
Everyone that is anyone is denying it except for a few fanatics of the fringe element..Even Qanon has given Trump the flying finger of disapproval.
74 million is a hell of a fringe!
I know you like to make up crap because you are weak so I will let you know that all 74 million do not think there was fraud. I have also noted you have a sever lack of any proof.
I want an investigation on how those xx millions came to believe the baseless lies Trumpybear fostered on them. How many partisan media outlets were culpable when they continued parroted the baseless lies that led to the first violent transfer of power in well over a century.
By the way. Less than half of Americans bleev the election was stolen.

Half of Republicans bleev that bullshit, but not half of Americans.

Nice try.
When you add up everyone that believes the election was stolen but for whatever reason will not admit get to half of the voting public....
65% believe it was fair...

But this doesn't change the fact that no one has shown up to a court with evidence....

This is the thing, 35% believe something that has lost over 60 times in court.... There is no evidence...

Even Trump's lawyers have said there isn't enough to over turn the election.. They actually admit to being way off when put in a court room...

All we have is various unsubstantiated stories... There is nothing credible to even over turn one state never mind multiple ones....

I tell what we do have evidence of; Trump on a phone trying to convince election officials to find votes for him.. That is illegal...
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy,

Actually it's a crock of made-up crapola. Unless of course you have, and can show the class, any evidence at all of this 74 million.

You don't, and you can't.

Therefore, as so many of your failed flailing attempts:

Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy,

Actually it's a crock of made-up crapola. Unless of course you have, and can show the class, any evidence at all of this 74 million.

You don't, and you can't.

Therefore, as so many of your failed flailing attempts:

Shitforbrains, read the OP link.
By the way. Less than half of Americans bleev the election was stolen.

Half of Republicans bleev that bullshit, but not half of Americans.

Nice try.
When you add up everyone that believes the election was stolen but for whatever reason will not admit get to half of the voting public....
65% believe it was fair...

But this doesn't change the fact that no one has shown up to a court with evidence....

This is the thing, 35% believe something that has lost over 60 times in court.... There is no evidence...

Even Trump's lawyers have said there isn't enough to over turn the election.. They actually admit to being way off when put in a court room...

All we have is various unsubstantiated stories... There is nothing credible to even over turn one state never mind multiple ones....

I tell what we do have evidence of; Trump on a phone trying to convince election officials to find votes for him.. That is illegal...
30% of that 65% are lying when they say they think the election was Biden voter would ever admit what they really think...
Shall not be named Leftard Moderator thinks 74 million people questioning the 2020 Election is a conspiracy,

Actually it's a crock of made-up crapola. Unless of course you have, and can show the class, any evidence at all of this 74 million.

You don't, and you can't.

Therefore, as so many of your failed flailing attempts:

Shitforbrains, read the OP

See what I mean? I thought it was enough to observe that you can't do it, but you saw fit to demonstrate that you can't do it. Good show.

I already knew I was right. Don't really need the verification. Thanks anyway. And isn't it about time for you to upchuck yet another whiny little bitch thread about some Congresscritter who serves a district three thousand miles from your own? Hop to it. Readers demand entertainment.
Republican base voters won't ever be content unless and until the entire world cheats to declare their guy the winner.
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