Topping Off A Few Topics


Sep 23, 2010
The first few topics I’ve put together are covered extensively on the USMB, the Internet, and elsewhere. I’ll kick off with a cartoon that made me think the Left’s messiah should trade in his Jesus shoes for scuba gear:


Here’s Senator Sessions throwing the sinking president a life jacket on presidential overreach. Frankly, I’d throw him an anvil so he sinks faster:

The next topic shows that Democrats are onboard with everything the president does. It’s not that they cover up for him —— they believe everything he believes. In fact, Hillary Clinton and Typhoid Nancy are wackier than their messiah:


Move the cursor to 3:45 to hear Nutso Nancy top all of her previous idiotic remarks:

Instead of peace talks, and cease fires, Democrats should try singing this oldie to Hamas:

This next topic is not getting any media coverage; so I’m providing an update to this thread:

After more than a decade of planning and $44 million spent, a proposed memorial for President Dwight D. Eisenhower may never be built. A House Committee on Natural Resources report published last week revealed the extent of the money wasted on the already controversial project.

Construction for the Eisenhower memorial has not begun and the proposed design has not been approved, but the Eisenhower Commission, which was established as a staff of 12 in 1999, has already spent tens of millions of dollars on the project.

Much of that money has gone to Frank Gehry, who was chosen by the commission to design the memorial. According to the congressional report, Gehry’s firm has already received $16 million for his project despite the fact that his design has not received the approval it needs.

No One Likes Ike’s Memorial
House report could doom Frank Gehry design
BY: Stephanie Wang
July 29, 2014 3:00 pm

No One Likes Ike?s Memorial | Washington Free Beacon

Finally, I surrender on removing The New Colossus from the Statue of Liberty. See this thread:

Instead of removal, I would add to the Left’s theology. Do-gooder Democrats and assorted dirty little moralists would block removal anyway, but I do not see how they can complain about adding these plaques:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains. Karl Marx
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Even though our spiritual leader has holes in his Jesus shoes he is sticking with the messiah image. He does not know how to govern a country, but he sure as hell knows how get applause from faithful lame brains who fail to se the hatred he has been spreading since becoming president.

[ame=]Barack Obama: 'Stop just hating all the time' - YouTube[/ame]​

No One Likes Ike’s Memorial
House report could doom Frank Gehry design
BY: Stephanie Wang
July 29, 2014 3:00 pm

No One Likes Ike’s Memorial
On the bright side, charity hustlers do not build architectural monstrosities:


Museo Guggenheim Bilbao (Nicolas Vigier/Creative Commons)

It is a modern colossus, designed by Frank Gehry, a self-absorbed primate that has designed many modern colossi, and whose design for the Eisenhower memorial in Washington, D.C. is now immobilized in controversy. That is all to the good, for the controversy has thus far spared us his inanities, though it also has spared us any memorial to Ike’s exemplary citizenship. Well, that is the price we pay to keep Washington bereft of one more cultural disaster.

Gehry’s work in Bilbao actually looks like a disaster. It is a ghastly multi-formed creation covered mostly with titanium, a metal that seems to shine even in the gloom of Bilbao, and from afar looks like a huge jetliner has just crashed into the city. On a regular basis the Guggenheim even gives off clouds of smoke. What the point of the smoke is I did not bother to discover, but apparently it is as harmless as is all the art included in the museum. The place is PC to the utmost. The result is, of course, childish. Even the museum’s efforts at pornography are childish. One of the artists depicts himself having sex with his wife in some sort of sculpture with butterflies and flowers all around—utterly childish. Even Larry Flynt would not be sexually aroused.

The Guggenheim and Sesame Street
A visit to Frank Gehry's disastrous and infantile museum of modern art.
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. – 9.16.15

The Guggenheim and Sesame Street

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