Toronto police are fear mongering to get more money. What if other city divisions did the same?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A time-honoured tradition in broke Canada and a major reason why Canada has little innovation and opportunities as the caste is maintained and even talented new immigrants leave in short order. From the RCMP on down, we don't share your values or desire to defend civil liberties.

As I said to a European business person on social media "if you are idiot enough to burn your money investing in Ontario, ask for a refund on your MBA".

ā€œLike to flush your toilet? Give us more money or you might have a problem.ā€
Imagine if messages like this started appearing around town from Toronto Water, the city division responsible for our running water and sewage treatment.
Or a message from the parks, forestry and recreation department demanding more money, while saying, ā€œHey, thatā€™s a great big oak in your front yard. Be a shame if it fell on your car or house.ā€

Imagine transportation services suggesting, ever so ominously, that pot holes will spontaneously appear and grow uncontrollably unless it gets more money.
Seeing these kinds of messages would spark feelings of fear, panic and maybe even confusion. It's precisely why the Torontoā€™s civil service doesn't actually do this kind of thing.
Except for Toronto police.

To serve, protect and fear monger on the publicā€™s dime isnā€™t a great slogan.
LOL....Cutting police and fire services has been a staple fear-mongering tatic of the leftist dems for years when they need more grift money.....You Hosers are slow. ;)
LOL....Cutting police and fire services has been a staple fear-mongering tatic of the leftist dems for years when they need more grift money.....You Hosers are slow. ;)
The TPS budget is by far the largest budget in Toronto, dwarfing all other programs. We have cut social programs to the bone but TPS keeps expanding. They even have untold amounts of cash to spend on lobbying and creating glossy ads to place in peoples mailboxes while our most vulnerable die helpless as their support agencies don't exist.

The police state here has destroyed our nation. Many warned Ontario and now the sucker citizen taxpayer is feeling the misery of a lost province with little hope for a bright, prosperous future. People are complaining now but they should have been complaining decades ago when TPS were by far and away the #1 in the province for making $100k+ a year in Ontario.
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