Tory flagshaggers force councils to fly union jack every day

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.


Flag shagging wanker.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.
That's what you get for not re-electing Trump.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.
Why don’t you move to the Middle East, they’d be happy to burn US and British flags with you.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.

You prefer the ISIS flag, I know.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.

And you lefties wonder why we question your patriotism.
It's "just a piece of cloth" when the malcontent shitburgers are burning them.
It's "just a piece of cloth" when the malcontent shitburgers are burning them.

Good point. Nothing to get excited about when some fucktard is burning it, but something worthy of rage and anger, when it is flown too often.


Lefties really are complete lying whores, who have a shit spewing hole where most people have mouths.
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.

And you lefties wonder why we question your patriotism.
Unfortunately many on the political right wing, can't tell the difference between "patriotism" and "nationalism".
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.

I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.
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View attachment 472452
If the symbols of your state means for you the same as the Nazi and Soviet ones, then I can add nothing to this.
The symbols themselves are not the issue, it's when a government "decrees" these symbols should be "worshipped"; that by not flying flags somehow shows disrespect, that's the route towards totalitarianism, be it Fascist or Communist. Up until this bunch of ****heads masquerading as our government, public buildings could chose to fly our flag or not as they saw fit. Making it compulsory is what makes it an issue.
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.
View attachment 472451

View attachment 472452
If the symbols of your state means for you the same as the Nazi and Soviet ones, then I can add nothing to this.
The symbols themselves are not the issue, it's when a government "decrees" these symbols should be "worshipped"; that by not flying flags somehow shows disrespect, that's the route towards totalitarianism, be it Fascist or Communist. Up until this bunch of ****heads masquerading as our government, public buildings could chose to fly our flag or not as they saw fit. Making it compulsory is what makes it an issue.
About worshiping that is nonsense. That is just displaying of the state symbols. The government owns these buildings and it can impose the rules how these buildings should be operated.
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.
View attachment 472451

View attachment 472452
And this.
View attachment 472464
..and this:
View attachment 472588
That has nothing to do with the topic of discussion. That is private people and they basically can display whatever they want.
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.
View attachment 472451

View attachment 472452
If the symbols of your state means for you the same as the Nazi and Soviet ones, then I can add nothing to this.
The symbols themselves are not the issue, it's when a government "decrees" these symbols should be "worshipped"; that by not flying flags somehow shows disrespect, that's the route towards totalitarianism, be it Fascist or Communist. Up until this bunch of ****heads masquerading as our government, public buildings could chose to fly our flag or not as they saw fit. Making it compulsory is what makes it an issue.
About worshiping that is nonsense. That is just displaying of the state symbols. The government owns these buildings and it can impose the rules how these buildings should be operated.
We have a devolved government in Wales and Scotland and do not take kindly to being told what to do. The English flag has been hijacked by right wing extremists for a long time and that is a sad thing. If you drive through an area where you see a lot of flags you tend to put your foot down to get out of it.

We currently have the most divisive anti british government in our history and they are attempting to disguise their shitness by hiding behind the flag. Its similar to trump who described US soldiers as suckers and losers whilst hugging his flag like someone who cared for his country.

File flag shagging with statue fucking and churchill worship.
I think it is a reasonable and logical move. What is the problem? In the country where I live the buildings of central and local governments and councils fly the state flag on an every day basis. I dont see what can be wrong with that.
View attachment 472451

View attachment 472452
If the symbols of your state means for you the same as the Nazi and Soviet ones, then I can add nothing to this.
The symbols themselves are not the issue, it's when a government "decrees" these symbols should be "worshipped"; that by not flying flags somehow shows disrespect, that's the route towards totalitarianism, be it Fascist or Communist. Up until this bunch of ****heads masquerading as our government, public buildings could chose to fly our flag or not as they saw fit. Making it compulsory is what makes it an issue.
About worshiping that is nonsense. That is just displaying of the state symbols. The government owns these buildings and it can impose the rules how these buildings should be operated.
We have a devolved government in Wales and Scotland and do not take kindly to being told what to do. The English flag has been hijacked by right wing extremists for a long time and that is a sad thing. If you drive through an area where you see a lot of flags you tend to put your foot down to get out of it.

We currently have the most divisive anti british government in our history and they are attempting to disguise their shitness by hiding behind the flag. Its similar to trump who described US soldiers as suckers and losers whilst hugging his flag like someone who cared for his country.

File flag shagging with statue fucking and churchill worship.
As far as I understand, that is about the Union flag, not the English one. And if you dont like the government, then change it through the elections or help the party you favor the most to gain more votes. It has nothing to do with the state symbols.

Its getting beyond a joke now. This is the new brexit battle for these half wits and a calculated insult to Scotland and Wales. We know that flag shagging is the preserve of the charlatan but its becoming a tidal wave of shite at the moment.

This brainless bint had this to say last week.

Great Grimsby MP Lia Nici has hit back after being called a racist on Twitter for saying love our flag or "move to another country."

Well I have no use for her flag or her queen so where should I go ? God bless America for booting out your flag shagger, I only hope the UK follows suit when we get a chance.

View attachment 472157

Flag shagging wanker.

And you lefties wonder why we question your patriotism.
Unfortunately many on the political right wing, can't tell the difference between "patriotism" and "nationalism".

Tommy is outraged by the idea of flying his nation's flag.

I see liberals attack the very concept of patriotism all the time. And then, acted shocked if we ask them if they are patriots or if we question whether their polices are based on what is good for their country.

Neither patriotism or nationalism have a negative definition. That is in the minds of liberals.
Tommy is outraged by the idea of flying his nation's flag.

I'll let him speak for himself, but no statement of his here reads any form of outrage about flying the Welsh flag or even the Union Flag. Someone once said that, "When Fascism comes to a country, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." We see this today in countries in Eastern Europe like Poland and Hungary, and latterly in America itself, although you have a temporary respite, since Il Trumpo got kicked out. It's also happening here in the UK. That's where any "outrage" is focused.

Neither patriotism or nationalism have a negative definition. That is in the minds of liberals.

Perhaps because "liberals" atually have minds and use their brains, rather than just meekly accept whatever their billionaire elites tell them to think. Someone else once said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, for in every age it is the tyrant who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both."

I see liberals attack the very concept of patriotism all the time.

Really? Are they attacking the concept, or just trying to warn people to be wary of the above mentioned scoundrels?

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