Tory flagshaggers force councils to fly union jack every day

Tommy is outraged by the idea of flying his nation's flag.

I'll let him speak for himself, but no statement of his here reads any form of outrage about flying the Welsh flag or even the Union Flag. Someone once said that, "When Fascism comes to a country, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." We see this today in countries in Eastern Europe like Poland and Hungary, and latterly in America itself, although you have a temporary respite, since Il Trumpo got kicked out. It's also happening here in the UK. That's where any "outrage" is focused.

Neither patriotism or nationalism have a negative definition. That is in the minds of liberals.

Perhaps because "liberals" atually have minds and use their brains, rather than just meekly accept whatever their billionaire elites tell them to think. Someone else once said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, for in every age it is the tyrant who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both."

I see liberals attack the very concept of patriotism all the time.

Really? Are they attacking the concept, or just trying to warn people to be wary of the above mentioned scoundrels?
I have no idea where he is going with this one. I suspect that he has given up on Scotland and this is more about rousing his base in the northern shitholes. Wales is too small to worry about. It is driving folk towards independence every day.

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