Tot shoots dad

Surely the 2nd Amendment means every tot should be armed to the teeth?

My only question here is - why wasn't the father packing heat to protect himself from his children?

All people in the home should carry a gun at all times to protect themselves.
Surely the 2nd Amendment means every tot should be armed to the teeth?

My only question here is - why wasn't the father packing heat to protect himself from his children?

All people in the home should carry a gun at all times to protect themselves.

Again, if we bring up every accident about every piece of technology, equipment, etc. then everything should be banned.

A classmate of mine got his head stuck in his desk in the 1st grade, LETS BAN THEM

A car ran over a kid coming out of a driveway, LETS BAN CARS AND DRIVEWAYS AND DRIVING BACKWARDS

A man falls off the roof replacing shingles, LETS BAN ROOFS AND SHINGLES AND LADDERS.

Fail logic is still fail, no matter how many examples you come up with.
Accidents happen. The parent was being responsible in that he did not allow his 3 year old to have access to a caliber of over .22!!
Surely the 2nd Amendment means every tot should be armed to the teeth?

My only question here is - why wasn't the father packing heat to protect himself from his children?

All people in the home should carry a gun at all times to protect themselves.

This update just in -

The 3y/o tot was quoted as saying,

You can have this gun when you pry it from my peanut-butter-and-jelly coated fingers.

Red faced and incredibly stooopid daddy unavailable for comment.
Marty -

A classmate of mine got his head stuck in his desk in the 1st grade, LETS BAN THEM
If twenty times as many Americans died from desk accidents than Germans - then you might have a point.

Population of Germany: 81.8 million.
Population of United States: 313.9 million.

My math might be a little off, but it looks to me like 4 times as many Americans die as Germans from being alive.
QW -

You really aren't very smart, are you?

USA per capita gun-related homicide rate: 10.3

Germany: 1.24

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA sees TEN times as many people die from guns PER CAPITA than Germany does.

You really aren't very smart, are you?

Germany doesn't have to deal with 30 million illegal Mexicans, 39 million blacks, and 50 million latinos.

If blacks in America only made up 1% of the population and we didn't have any Latinos I am sure the "gun-related" homicide rates would be much closer to Germany.

Examples of how much race is a factor in USA homicide statistics:

2008 - 19.6 homicides of blacks per 100,000
- 3.3 homicides of whites per 100,000

Keep in mind that is all homicide, not just limiited to guns.

"Gun-homicide" statistics also include justified homicide, such as killing an intruder or attacker in self-defense, as well as suicide.

But hey, don't let the facts stop you from pushing your bullshit agenda.
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Turks & Arabs only make up 5% (4million), and Africans less than 1%(less than 1 million).

Not even fucking close to what America has to deal with.

Carry on, dipshit.
Turks & Arabs only make up 5% (4million), and Africans less than 1%(less than 1 million).

Not even fucking close to what America has to deal with.

Carry on, dipshit.

Since when were African Americans the same as immigrants?

They're not. Does Germany's immigrants have anywhere near the crime rates of African-Americans?

So, stop trying to compare apples to oranges. You got caught cherry picking statistics to make it look like guns are the root cause of the problems in America, when the fact is its much more complicated and deeper than that. But of course addressing the problem of multi-culturalism and immigration isn't on your agenda. Ignoring it and trying to take away people's right to defend themselves is your agenda.

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