Tot shoots dad

Tot shoots dad in butt near Tucson

Good thing the kid had the gun.

If this dumb dad had it, he would have shot his son.

We don't need a ban on guns but we would all be a lot safer if there was a ban on the idiots who own them.

Expound on this. How would you go about banning idiots?

House to house searches. Round them up, put them on a bus, and ship them off to concentration camps. Each inmate in the camp would be issued his/her own weapon and they can shoot each other up at will.
Turks & Arabs only make up 5% (4million), and Africans less than 1%(less than 1 million).

Not even fucking close to what America has to deal with.

Carry on, dipshit.

Since when were African Americans the same as immigrants?

They're not. Does Germany's immigrants have anywhere near the crime rates of African-Americans?

So, stop trying to compare apples to oranges. You got caught cherry picking statistics to make it look like guns are the root cause of the problems in America, when the fact is its much more complicated and deeper than that. But of course addressing the problem of multi-culturalism and immigration isn't on your agenda. Ignoring it and trying to take away people's right to defend themselves is your agenda.

Libruls don't like the cold hard truth.. it doesn't set well with their racist boogeymen theories or their wanting to disarm Americans.. Their communist orgasms of transforming this country in to a third world shithole has almost worked with Odumbo.. I said almost.. :)
Surely the 2nd Amendment means every tot should be armed to the teeth?

My only question here is - why wasn't the father packing heat to protect himself from his children?

All people in the home should carry a gun at all times to protect themselves.

If the father had a gun, he wouldn't have been shot!
Hawk -

They're not. Does Germany's immigrants have anywhere near the crime rates of African-Americans?

No, they don't. And maybe that is because they are not all armed.

It might also have to do with the fact that Africans living in Germany aren't being told 24/7 that they are victims of "white" Germans exploiting them and their ancestors. No Al Sharpton out here to stir up chaos. Oh and by the way German immigration laws are much more strict than the US. But hey, don't let those types of facts stop you.

Also, you can't explain why white and black Americans have such staggering differences in "gun violence" statistics even though both groups have easy access to guns. If simply owning guns was the root cause then whites would be getting killed at the same rate blacks are.
QW -

You really aren't very smart, are you?

USA per capita gun-related homicide rate: 10.3

Germany: 1.24

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA sees TEN times as many people die from guns PER CAPITA than Germany does.

And the thing is, Germany has gun ownership, just not as widespread as the US. They treat gun ownership as a PRIVILAGE that has to be earned, not a RIGHT that any yahoo that can slap down $100.00 at a gun store can have.

Tot shoots dad in butt near Tucson

Good thing the kid had the gun.

If this dumb dad had it, he would have shot his son.

We don't need a ban on guns but we would all be a lot safer if there was a ban on the idiots who own them.

Expound on this. How would you go about banning idiots?

House to house searches. Round them up, put them on a bus, and ship them off to concentration camps. Each inmate in the camp would be issued his/her own weapon and they can shoot each other up at will.

QW -

You really aren't very smart, are you?

USA per capita gun-related homicide rate: 10.3

Germany: 1.24

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA sees TEN times as many people die from guns PER CAPITA than Germany does.

And the thing is, Germany has gun ownership, just not as widespread as the US. They treat gun ownership as a PRIVILAGE that has to be earned, not a RIGHT that any yahoo that can slap down $100.00 at a gun store can have.


Move there, please.
The mass killings would not have been prevented by more gun laws. Now, if inspection were tightened on those on legal psychotrophic drugs then we might make progress. The drugging of people of all ages with thos drugs is excessive, and I believe all of the mass killers were on them, or had recently been on them. An exception might be muslim America haters.

Criminals will always get guns. Citizens need to be properly armed.
I want to make sure that I have this right. Did I read on here that our high gun murder rate was due to illegal Hispanic immigrants?

I really think that somebody actually posted that, but I want to be sure. The last time I read anything that absurd, I fell right off the floor, and I want to make sure that I don't hurt myself diue to a simple reading error....
I want to make sure that I have this right. Did I read on here that our high gun murder rate was due to illegal Hispanic immigrants?

I really think that somebody actually posted that, but I want to be sure. The last time I read anything that absurd, I fell right off the floor, and I want to make sure that I don't hurt myself diue to a simple reading error....

In NYC the danger neighborhoods are shifting from black areas to hispanic areas, mostly due to gang related issues, and most of these gangs were formed overseas and consist of illegals.

While there are black gangs in NYC it never reached the levels seen in cities like LA, Chicago and Detroit.
I want to make sure that I have this right. Did I read on here that our high gun murder rate was due to illegal Hispanic immigrants?

I really think that somebody actually posted that, but I want to be sure. The last time I read anything that absurd, I fell right off the floor, and I want to make sure that I don't hurt myself diue to a simple reading error....

The Hawk did -here:

You really aren't very smart, are you?

Germany doesn't have to deal with 30 million illegal Mexicans, 39 million blacks, and 50 million latinos.

If blacks in America only made up 1% of the population and we didn't have any Latinos I am sure the "gun-related" homicide rates would be much closer to Germany.

Examples of how much race is a factor in USA homicide statistics:

2008 - 19.6 homicides of blacks per 100,000
- 3.3 homicides of whites per 100,000

Keep in mind that is all homicide, not just limiited to guns.
I want to make sure that I have this right. Did I read on here that our high gun murder rate was due to illegal Hispanic immigrants?

I really think that somebody actually posted that, but I want to be sure. The last time I read anything that absurd, I fell right off the floor, and I want to make sure that I don't hurt myself diue to a simple reading error....

Refute it.

It's both a dishonest and lazy practice to ridicule but not refute.

Blow it out of the water with facts, if you can...

Otherwise...please stfu.
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Interestingly the DOJ report only breaks down the racial stats between blacks and whites. (

That means they lump all hispanics in as whites.

Seems to be a trend. Latinos are always separated out as a different group for certain perposes, but if they commit a crime they are suddenly considered white. See George Zimmerman.
I want to make sure that I have this right. Did I read on here that our high gun murder rate was due to illegal Hispanic immigrants?

I really think that somebody actually posted that, but I want to be sure. The last time I read anything that absurd, I fell right off the floor, and I want to make sure that I don't hurt myself diue to a simple reading error....

Refute it.

It's both a dishonest and lazy practice to ridicule but not refute.

Blow it out of the water with facts, if you can...

Otherwise...please stfu.

I would not dream of "refuting" it. Deep down inside, I know that gay, athiestiic hispanics are responsible for 98% of the murder rate in the USA. I just didn't want to admit it....
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Hawk -

I don't disagree with what seems to be fact, that blacks commit more murders than whites.

However, I don't see a solution in your post.

Just saing "It's the blacks" isn't lowering the murder rate.Reducing access to arms would lower the murder rate.
Hawk -

I don't disagree with what seems to be fact, that blacks commit more murders than whites.

However, I don't see a solution in your post.

Just saing "It's the blacks" isn't lowering the murder rate.Reducing access to arms would lower the murder rate.

If we want to address a solution to the problem of violence in the US, we have to first identify the cause of it. Guns are not the cause, Americans have owned firearms since before we became an independent nation.

The real problem in the US is its justice system, we allow hardened criminals back out in the streets all the time. Take for example this notion liberals have come up with of having to pass a "background check" in order to buy a firearm. Now, why should any free citizen be on some government list of people who are too dangerous to be trusted with a firearm? Because we allow people who have been convicted of violent crimes to go free, thats why. Instead of keeping criminals locked up, we let them free, with some stipulation that they stay away from guns. Whose brilliant idea is it to trust criminals in this manner? -Liberals.

Here is an article about a report on how many prison released inmmates end up back in prison:

The group analyzed full or partial data provided by 41 states for inmates released in 1999 and for prisoners leaving in 2004. By 2002, slightly more than 45% in the first wave of releases returned to prison. In 2007, about 43% of the second group returned.

Of the 33 states that provided data for both periods, 15 reported recidivism rates had increased by as much as 30% by 2007. Among them:

•In South Dakota, the return rate rose 35% in 2007.

•Washington state reported a 31% jump during the same period.

•Minnesota’s rate increased 11%, and by 2007 the state posted the highest prisoner return rate of all participating states at 61.2%.
Study: Prisons failing to deter repeat criminals in 41 states -

Of course, the liberal spin in the article blames the prison system for not "detering" the inmates from commiting crimes again. Sorry, but prison isn't a system to deter crime or to help people get back into society, its there to keep criminals locked up away from the public.

So if we do a better job of keeping criminals locked up, we wouldn't have anywhere near the problems of violence, to include "gun-violence" in the US.

There is also the issue of mentally ill as well. We used to keep mentally ill locked up as well, now most are just put on drugs and are free. This is why we have the occasional wacko that goes on a killing spree.

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