Total destruction: GOP out to biggest generic ballot leads in history in both Gallup


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
Holy smokes how the liberal ruling class has created perhaps the greatest midterm election firestorm of the modern era...

Total destruction: GOP out to biggest generic ballot leads in history in both Gallup and Rasmussen

Republican candidates have jumped out to a record-setting 12-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, August 15, 2010. This is the biggest lead the GOP has held in over a decade of Rasmussen Reports surveying.

Meanwhile, because he’s clearly a political genius, Obama’s still whining about Republican opposition to an agenda that’s so unpopular that it’s carrying them to unprecedented leads in major polls. Exit question: Democrats can’t figure out a plan for the midterms. Any ideas?


Hot Air Total destruction: GOP out to biggest generic ballot leads in history in both Gallup and Rasmussen
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?

Actually no - just this past week Obama polled his lowest in Gallup history and hardly a word of it by the mainstream media - and now today, many of the left leaning pundits are running about trying to create cover for Obama's idiotic Ground Zero Mosque commentary.

If the media was more balanced, Obama's approval numbers would be even lower and Democrats in his own party would be moving to impeach the idiot.

Yeah - he is proving THAT BAD.

To those who warned us back in 2008 that Obama was going to be this bad I owe you an apology - I was one of too many who was saying give the guy a chance. Yeah, he is inexperienced, and I didn't vote for him, but now that he won the election, let's give him a chance to earn our trust and respect.

Good Lord was I proven wrong and all those warning this guy was going to be a complete and utter failure of American values and leadership, well - YOU WERE RIGHT.
It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?
Oopsie! Did the doublestandard suddenly get yanked out from underneath you?

It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.

Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.
Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.

Keep counting on what?

He agreed that the GOP should win big.

What happened in 1992?
2010 is shaping up to be even bigger than the backhand dealt the Dems in 1994...
Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.

Keep counting on what?

He agreed that the GOP should win big.

What happened in 1992?

Bill Clinton won, but in 94' the Republicans took over the majority, maybe that is what he meant. :lol:
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?

Actually no - just this past week Obama polled his lowest in Gallup history and hardly a word of it by the mainstream media - and now today, many of the left leaning pundits are running about trying to create cover for Obama's idiotic Ground Zero Mosque commentary.

If the media was more balanced, Obama's approval numbers would be even lower and Democrats in his own party would be moving to impeach the idiot.

Yeah - he is proving THAT BAD.

To those who warned us back in 2008 that Obama was going to be this bad I owe you an apology - I was one of too many who was saying give the guy a chance. Yeah, he is inexperienced, and I didn't vote for him, but now that he won the election, let's give him a chance to earn our trust and respect.

Good Lord was I proven wrong and all those warning this guy was going to be a complete and utter failure of American values and leadership, well - YOU WERE RIGHT.

So essentially, you avoided my point and then compounded your original assertion with more supposition and conjecture, thus assuming the position that you've correct on both counts.

Sorry, that "logic" just doesn't hold. History has taught us that political races have time and again defied the polls and predictions. The MSM has given nearly unfettered avenues to the neocon punditry to lambast Obama at every turn since the 2008 campaign....maybe it will pay off, maybe not. It all depends on whether the American people are willing to put back into power the very people that screwed them over and pretend it never happened...the same people who offer NOTHING but a rehash of the very policies that put this country into the terrible status that Obama inherited. Time will tell.
I have heard the republicans might not take over, mostly because even if an incumbent democrat doesn't win, a democrat has a good chance of still taking the seat.
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?
Oopsie! Did the doublestandard suddenly get yanked out from underneath you?

It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.

Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.

Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?
Oopsie! Did the doublestandard suddenly get yanked out from underneath you?

It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.

Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.

yeahhhhhh... thought you wouldn't get it.
Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal
Maybe we should wait for the actual ELECTIONS before adhering to media hype and various polls? I seem to recall various conservatives, new conservatives (neocons), right wingers and wingnuts all carrying on about how the "liberal press" and subsequent polls skewed and prejudiced the 2008 elections. Now suddenly the vary same organizations are golden?
Oopsie! Did the doublestandard suddenly get yanked out from underneath you?

It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.

Keep counting on that. Just keeeeep counting on them voting for the drivel and pap your networks keep pushing out. Said the same thing in 1992 too I recall.

yeahhhhhh... thought you wouldn't get it.

Fitz, you smugness might carry more weight with the reader if you could properly convey in print what you are thinking.

Your response to me would be better suited addressed to the person I was responding to, in that we are in agreement...the same goes for your second response, as that poster was in agreement with you, if you had read his post.

Perhaps it's just a mistake of the quotations on your part?
yeahhhhhh... thought you wouldn't get it.

Fitz, you smugness might carry more weight with the reader if you could properly convey in print what you are thinking.

Your response to me would be better suited addressed to the person I was responding to, in that we are in agreement...the same goes for your second response, as that poster was in agreement with you, if you had read his post.

Perhaps it's just a mistake of the quotations on your part?
According to netiquette, I was the person you were responding to. Perhaps you are in need of a refresher course in response attribution then before you attempt to pass yourself off as a wit yourself. I had read what was stated, and found it wanting.
generic polling doesnt always pan out at the actual polls
many people think congress is full of idiots and morons, but not MY idiot or moron

lets not go counting these chickens(aka votes) before they hatch(aka the ballot box)
generic polling doesnt always pan out at the actual polls
many people think congress is full of idiots and morons, but not MY idiot or moron

lets not go counting these chickens(aka votes) before they hatch(aka the ballot box)
Oh I absolutely know it. But my whole point in having fun with the OP is that when ever the libs have a generic ballot that supports their bias, they freak out and declare it fait accompli just roll over and hand us our crown. But suddenly... well now.. we need to moderate our view. These generic polls rarely mean anything.

Did the same shit back in 1994... got the year right this time... and then said people were sheep and would do whatever TV told them to.

They run this game so often, I think it's for their own benefit, not anyone elses.
It will likely happen. By and large the American people appear to be pretty much sheeple led by the vidiot tube.

that's exactly it!!!

obama just hasn't been able to get his message out to the people. the limbaughs and hannity's and breitbarts of the world have hijacked his presidency.

but all is not lost, as soon as the american people begin to understand his genius and how lucky we are to have him in power, dems will hold their ground.

i can see november from my porch and it looks as blue as my balls!!

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