Total destruction: GOP out to biggest generic ballot leads in history in both Gallup

Bull shit. It might as well be tomorrow. There is virtually NOTHING that's going to change the minds of voters now, aside from things will probably be even WORSE by November than they are already, and people know who fucked it all up... OBAMA, AND THE LEFT! It's all your baby. You spent the money, you fucked things up, now you PAY!


And you actually think if the republicans get in this will be brought down?


check history you asshole Rs spend more than dems.
At times they have. It depends on if elitist libs RINOs were in charge. Then they wasted money on conservative government programs. Mostly to repair damage done by the libs to things like the Military and business. Things that keep us safe and earn us money, you know.

Libs use spending as wealth redistribution which does nothing but shrink our economy by increasing our debt burden and ability to spend on things that would help this nation or cut taxes to encourage government to grow. Clinton gets credit for being smart enough to sign off on the improving budgets passed by congress, but Newt and company get the nod just as much. It was only after they broke their promises to shrink government that the nation turned on them.

Dear idiot the CBO scored the budget reduction act of 1993 as the major reason we had budget surpluses in the 1990s.

it was not the republicans they voted against this bill.
it doesn't. and it certainly won't in the next 80 days. that was the point.

give me a hstoric reference of a president that took over an economy with unemployment at 7.5% and then took it to 9.5% and then claimed his policies not only "got us out of the ditch" but worked sooner than expected?

it doesn't. and it certainly won't in the next 80 days. that was the point.

give me a hstoric reference of a president that took over an economy with unemployment at 7.5% and then took it to 9.5% and then claimed his policies not only "got us out of the ditch" but worked sooner than expected?


He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.

Not exactly the same as today but.....
Depression of 1920?21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
yeah, obama should have that unemployment rate back down by 7% by november. easy.

now that he doesn't have to worry about that spill anymore, he can divert his full attention and genius to the economy.

as soon as he gets back from vacation.

when has an economy like Obama was left recovered in a year and a half?

Go get the historic referances for us to examine.

it doesn't. and it certainly won't in the next 80 days. that was the point.

give me a hstoric reference of a president that took over an economy with unemployment at 7.5% and then took it to 9.5% and then claimed his policies not only "got us out of the ditch" but worked sooner than expected?

Not to mention the fact that he added another 3 trillion to the deficit and grew govt. by 25 percent.
Lets keep expectations realistic though. Some have gotten their expectations a bit out of whack. Taking the House back is possible but taking the Senate back is not very realistic. If they can gain significant seats in the Senate,that should be considered a great victory for the Republicans. Just make the Senate balanced again and the disastrous Socialist/Progressive agenda is over. So it's good to be optimistic but remember to be realistic too. Make 2010 count America.
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And you actually think if the republicans get in this will be brought down?


check history you asshole Rs spend more than dems.
At times they have. It depends on if elitist libs RINOs were in charge. Then they wasted money on conservative government programs. Mostly to repair damage done by the libs to things like the Military and business. Things that keep us safe and earn us money, you know.

Libs use spending as wealth redistribution which does nothing but shrink our economy by increasing our debt burden and ability to spend on things that would help this nation or cut taxes to encourage government to grow. Clinton gets credit for being smart enough to sign off on the improving budgets passed by congress, but Newt and company get the nod just as much. It was only after they broke their promises to shrink government that the nation turned on them.

Dear idiot the CBO scored the budget reduction act of 1993 as the major reason we had budget surpluses in the 1990s.

it was not the republicans they voted against this bill.

There was never a surplus and the facts support that position.

Check it out for yourself.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
it doesn't. and it certainly won't in the next 80 days. that was the point.

give me a hstoric reference of a president that took over an economy with unemployment at 7.5% and then took it to 9.5% and then claimed his policies not only "got us out of the ditch" but worked sooner than expected?


He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.
1920. Harding/Coolidge got rid of the Wilson depression in 2 years by making a 50% cut to government spending.
it doesn't. and it certainly won't in the next 80 days. that was the point.

give me a hstoric reference of a president that took over an economy with unemployment at 7.5% and then took it to 9.5% and then claimed his policies not only "got us out of the ditch" but worked sooner than expected?


He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.

so are you trying to argue that 9.5% unemployment is the best we could have hoped for? so when obama gave us the line of crap, "pass this or unemployment will go to 8%" he either had no idea what was really going on in the economy or he deliberately misled the public. which is it?

it's obama that is claiming he turned around the economy. isn't that what the "i got us out of the ditch" line is all about?

you don't think there is something wrong with the president's staff claiming a job stimulus bill worked ahead of schedule, despite the fact millions of more people are without a job?

had you ever heard a politician use the phrase, "jobs saved" before obama came in to office?
Is there something bad about saving jobs that woiuld have been lost?

Now do I wish more would have been done the answer is YES.

Lets remember that this stim package that passed was smaller than what Obama proposed huh?

The Rs got it trimmed down and then voted agaoimnst it anyway.

Lets NEVER forget who created this situation and never allow them at the helm again.
Unfortunately we are suffering through a miserable Jimmy Carter-like National Malaise. This current President's apology tours and suing his own fellow Americans in Arizona really has sent our nation spiralling downward. We are a beaten & demoralized nation at this point. It is time for real change. The Socialists/Progressives blew it. It's time for them to go. Nuff said.
Is there something bad about saving jobs that woiuld have been lost?

Now do I wish more would have been done the answer is YES.

Lets remember that this stim package that passed was smaller than what Obama proposed huh?

The Rs got it trimmed down and then voted agaoimnst it anyway.

Lets NEVER forget who created this situation and never allow them at the helm again.

don't you think he could have been more honest about the bill, and told us the vast majority of money would go to keeping state workers in their job for an extra year, instead of actually CREATING jobs or stimulating the economy. yeah, great, give states billions of dollars and they won't have to layoff teachers, firefighters and police officers. but here we are one year later and guess what, guess who needs an extra $26 billion to avoid laying off teachers, firefighters and police officers. do you expect anything different next year?

how big would you have liked to have seen the stimulus package?
The fact that these people are still on the job and still spending the money they earn is stimulus.

To pretend that this mess could be turned on a dime is bullshit.

He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.

so are you trying to argue that 9.5% unemployment is the best we could have hoped for? so when obama gave us the line of crap, "pass this or unemployment will go to 8%" he either had no idea what was really going on in the economy or he deliberately misled the public. which is it?

it's obama that is claiming he turned around the economy. isn't that what the "i got us out of the ditch" line is all about?

you don't think there is something wrong with the president's staff claiming a job stimulus bill worked ahead of schedule, despite the fact millions of more people are without a job?

had you ever heard a politician use the phrase, "jobs saved" before obama came in to office?
South Korea got it to 3.7%.
But it has yet to "turn" period. We spent and borrowed our way into this, we're not likely to get out of it by doing more of the same. If that were the secret, it looks like all this military spending ,road construction and subsidies to everyone from insurance companies to farmers would be making UE dip like crazy and return our economy to prosperity.
The markets that are growing are in Asia, they had a tighter monetary policy when we were borrowing to the hilt and now they are growing pretty rapidly.
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The fact that these people are still on the job and still spending the money they earn is stimulus.

To pretend that this mess could be turned on a dime is bullshit.

Look, we all know you're a dumbass, but do you ever listen to yourself?

No one expected Obama to turn the economy around overnight, but the fact is and this is what you fail to recognize, is that it's gettting worse, not better. The majority of us didn't want to spend the money to bail out the banks, GM or Chrysler, the majority didn't want to spend the money on Obamacare. Seems the more this govt. spends the worse shit gets.
The fact that these people are still on the job and still spending the money they earn is stimulus.

To pretend that this mess could be turned on a dime is bullshit.

so obama was full of bullshit when he said "pass the bill or unemployment will go to 8%?"

so when does the federal government stop bailing out states? at what point do they stop extending unemployment benefits?

He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.
1920. Harding/Coolidge got rid of the Wilson depression in 2 years by making a 50% cut to government spending.

Such a loser. No comparison stats because you would lose your point. In 1920, Wilson was still president. My goodness, what a loon.

He got us out of the ditch all right.

He then proceeded to drive us right off the damned cliff.

Guys a fucking disaster.

You cant even name anything can you?

Show us a time in history when an economy in the same situation was turned arround in a year and a half.

so are you trying to argue that 9.5% unemployment is the best we could have hoped for? so when obama gave us the line of crap, "pass this or unemployment will go to 8%" he either had no idea what was really going on in the economy or he deliberately misled the public. which is it?

it's obama that is claiming he turned around the economy. isn't that what the "i got us out of the ditch" line is all about?

you don't think there is something wrong with the president's staff claiming a job stimulus bill worked ahead of schedule, despite the fact millions of more people are without a job?

had you ever heard a politician use the phrase, "jobs saved" before obama came in to office?

Unemployment would now be over 20% if we had elected McCain-Palin.

You have no answers, cad.

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