Total US Debt Rises Over $18 Trillion; Up 70% Under Barack Obama

Obots and the Democrat base buries their heads in the sand until a Republican is President. then they come out whining with both barrels.

just sad sad citizens who votes for rest of to live under some commie like Obama who is bringing us to our knees.

Well since you don't know what a Commie is therefore you are ignorant of basic facts...

So everything else you say could not be trusted either... Kind of discredits you really....

So by acting like an idiot we will treat you like one... Back to School for you.
And everyone will go about their continuing to not care.

Total US Debt Rises Over 18 Trillion Up 70 Under Barack Obama Zero Hedge
ZeroHedge, now there is a reliable source for you, NOT!

Let's see The GOP National Debt was $5,807,463,412,200.06 when Bush started and $11,909,829,003,511.75 -$203 billion when he left. An increase of $5.9 trillion. There has been another $1.9 trillion in interest on the $11.7 trillion GOP National Debt for a GOP total National Debt of $13.6 trillion, not counting Bush policy carry-overs like his 2 wars and the continued care of Bush's maimed vets. Obama starts at $13.6 trillion and is at $18,005,549,328,561.45 today including interest on his share of the national debt, an increase of $4.4 trillion or 24% of the total debt.

Sooo really Obama is runninga surplus... if it were not for Bush... lol, you can only make this chit up.
There were surpluses as far as the eye can see under Clinton that Bush quickly turned into perpetual deficits after he stole the presidency. Remember the on;y thing that changes was the president, the Congress was still controlled by the GOP.

Yep. Tax cuts, unfunded Medicare-D, 2 wars... That'll eat up a lot of $$$.
And everyone will go about their continuing to not care.

Total US Debt Rises Over 18 Trillion Up 70 Under Barack Obama Zero Hedge

Obama has wanted to raise taxes but the Tea Bagger House won't write a workable budget bill.

He has cut more spending than Bush.
There have been no cuts in spending. Except in the military.

Prove it.
You made the assertion, sweet cheeks. Prove it.
But you can't. Because the budget has gotten bigger, not smaller, every year.
The US budget deficit fell to about $483 billion in fiscal year 2014, almost a $200 billion drop from the previous year and the lowest level of President Barack Obama's six years in office.

WTF? That can't be right. It was the Republicans who just won the House and haven't taken control yet.

yeah, that's it, House Republicans who are doing nothing.

Are you saying that a half trillion dollar shortfall is now acceptable?

Gotta love nutters. Take the strengths of your competitors and try like hell to make people think they are yours.

The current POTUS has been more fiscally responsible than the guy before him. Not even close.

Except the facts support Obama, This is the trouble with the Hard Right, big on rhetoric and ignorant of facts...

Obama is aiming to have the Deficit close to 1/3 of the record amount he inherited...

Year GDP-US $ billion nominal

1997 21.89
1998 -69.27
1999 -125.61
2000 -236.24

2001 -128.23
2002 157.75
2003 377.59
2004 412.73
2005 318.35
2006 248.18
2007 160.71
2008 458.55
2009 1412.69 †

2010 1294.37
2011 1299.59
2012 1086.97
2013 679.5
2014 483.35
2015 563.57
2016 531.13
2017 457.83
2018 413.28
2019 502.67

a - actual reported
b - budgeted estimate in US FY16 budget
† Some people have emailed to insist that the FY 2009 deficit should be assigned to Obama. But conventional wisdom maintains that the deficit in the first year of a president’s first term belongs to his predecessor.
Data Sources for 1997:
GDP, GO: See <a href=" GDP GO Sources">GDP, GO Sources</a>
Federal: <a href="FDsys - Browse BUDGET">Fed. Budget: Hist. Tables 3.2, 5.1, 7.1</a>
State and Local: <a href="State Local Government Finance">State and Local Gov. Finances</a>
Data Sources for 2016:
GDP, GO: See <a href=" GDP GO Sources">GDP, GO Sources</a>
Federal: <a href="FDsys - Browse BUDGET">Fed. Budget: Hist. Tables 3.2, 5.1, 7.1</a>
State and Local: <a href="State Local Government Finance">State and Local Gov. Finances</a>
“<a href=" Change to Guesstimated State and Local Spending">Guesstimated</a>” by projecting the latest change in reported spending forward to future years

I suppose the "new normal" is about a half a trillion a year. Is that acceptable?

The US budget deficit fell to about $483 billion in fiscal year 2014, almost a $200 billion drop from the previous year and the lowest level of President Barack Obama's six years in office.

WTF? That can't be right. It was the Republicans who just won the House and haven't taken control yet.

yeah, that's it, House Republicans who are doing nothing.

Are you saying that a half trillion dollar shortfall is now acceptable?


nah, I'm saying you ask some really stupid questions.
The US budget deficit fell to about $483 billion in fiscal year 2014, almost a $200 billion drop from the previous year and the lowest level of President Barack Obama's six years in office.

WTF? That can't be right. It was the Republicans who just won the House and haven't taken control yet.

yeah, that's it, House Republicans who are doing nothing.

Are you saying that a half trillion dollar shortfall is now acceptable?


nah, I'm saying you ask some really stupid questions.
And you still can't answer them.
There were surpluses as far as the eye can see under Clinton.

No, there weren't and that's been debunked a thousand times over since his administration. There were lower budget deficits (although a lot of that was borrowed from intergovernmental holdings), but there was never a budget surplus.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
Sorry, but that SAME "debunking" also debunks the myth of Bush's $161 billion deficit before the Dems took over Congress. The GOP National Debt increased $500 billion from that $161 billion "deficit." So the Clinton surplus is as real as the Bush $161 deficit, you can't have it both ways no matter how much you try.

When did I ever say anything about Bush?

You see, math defies your Marxist scripted lie! When the national debt continues to increase there is no surplus, plain and simple.
It's the exact same math that turns an increase in the GOP National Debt of over $500 billion into a deficit of only $161 billion that the Right accepts as gospel. Gingrich and the GOP Congress are always taking credit for Clinton's surplus, but it is not a surplus if you credit Clinton!!
There were surpluses as far as the eye can see under Clinton.

No, there weren't and that's been debunked a thousand times over since his administration. There were lower budget deficits (although a lot of that was borrowed from intergovernmental holdings), but there was never a budget surplus.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
Sorry, but that SAME "debunking" also debunks the myth of Bush's $161 billion deficit before the Dems took over Congress. The GOP National Debt increased $500 billion from that $161 billion "deficit." So the Clinton surplus is as real as the Bush $161 deficit, you can't have it both ways no matter how much you try.

When did I ever say anything about Bush?

You see, math defies your Marxist scripted lie! When the national debt continues to increase there is no surplus, plain and simple.

debt ... deficit ... confusing isn't it ?

I'm sure a dictionary can help you.
A dictionary will not help your fuzzy math.
Debt and deficit are calculated differently.
Now that Republicans control Congress, what are they doing to reduce the $18 trillion debt?

Answer: Cutting taxes
Now that Republicans control Congress, what are they doing to reduce the $18 trillion debt?

Answer: Cutting taxes

LOL ... yeah. TICK TICK TICK TICK ... the damn debt clock is ticking, erase the debt.

Listening to the Republitards this country has been ready to turn into NATIONAL DEBT ashes since Obama took office ... time to either get off your partisan ass and do something, or sit on your partisan mouth ... just remember there is no surplus when we have a National Debt. LMAO.
Now that Republicans control Congress, what are they doing to reduce the $18 trillion debt?

Answer: Cutting taxes

LOL ... yeah. TICK TICK TICK TICK ... the damn debt clock is ticking, erase the debt.

Listening to the Republitards this country has been ready to turn into NATIONAL DEBT ashes since Obama took office ... time to either get off your partisan ass and do something, or sit on your partisan mouth ... just remember there is no surplus when we have a National Debt. LMAO.

What say you Republicans?

You now control our pocketbook. Are you ready to raise some taxes to reduce some debt?
A 95% tax rate should be imposed on all Americans so that worthless civil servants can eliminate the 18 trillion dollar spending hole they created...

Shared sacrifice for parasitic bureaucrats to manage... Those Crafty Experts
Ok Tan Man, time to pay for Reagans Cold War AND the interest, when you finish with that feel free to cover 43's spending spree ... Should be easy enough to do since running your mouth about it is all you've done for 6 years ..

Chop Chop, time is wasting. Lets see the plan. You've been selling programs to the game, and now its GAME ON. Kickoff, Jan 2015.
Republicans won the Congress over a month ago

Why hasn't our debt gone down?
Now that Republicans control Congress, what are they doing to reduce the $18 trillion debt?

Answer: Cutting taxes
Try to enact policies to grow the economy so it wont matter as much.
You know, what Democrats promised to do and failed miserably.

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