Tourist Flock To Detroit


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
He'd heard stories of ruin and blight, but that didn't prepare Oliver Kearney for what he saw:

Prostitutes roaming the streets at 8 a.m., rubble-strewn parking lots overrun with weeds, buildings taken over by bright pink graffiti, the message scrawled on blackboards in deserted schools: "I will not write in vacant buildings."

He took 2,000 photographs his first day.

"No other American city has seen decline on this scale," Kearney said. "It's really a once-in-a-lifetime thing you're going to see."

And he saw it all on a tour.

Detroit's abandoned buildings draw tourists instead of developers -
Now whitey's beginning to see what happens when big business leaves an area.
While this is all true, there is a lot to do in Detroit, a lot of cool places to visit (museums), and some excellent neighborhoods. And within easy driving distance you can be in a strange and exotic foreign country (traveling southeast, ironically) - Windsor, Canada, to be specific.

It ain't all bad.
Most of it seems bad though.
How did it ever come to this, is the question.

Saw a doco on Detroit recently...not pretty.
Gonna eventually turn the city into urban farms, apparently.
Now whitey's beginning to see what happens when big business leaves an area.

And coloreds see what a fine job of running a big city colored mayors and other colored pols have done.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took Greece hundreds (thousands?) of years to become ruins, Detroit did it in fifty. Negroes contribute so much to our culture!!!
Bottom line for Detroit.. a liberal experiment on humanity and business that failed miserably.

and where is the Democrat Party now with their concern for the poor, families and the children. ?
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Yes this is true but who were the residents of Greece and who were the residents of Detroit? Greece's ancient ruins became a site to behold because time and weather factored into the decay and crumbling of the once beautiful architecture in Greece and yet the buildings are still pretty much standing due to care of the Greek people. Detoilet was brought down by the uncivilized,feral behavior of its black residents who have no respect or understanding of how to care for anything beautiful and vibrant let alone themselves. Where the blacks populate comes mass crime and destruction.

You forgot to mention murder rates, filthiness and their lovely diseases. Always a big plus in cultural circles!
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A) Welcome aboard!
B) Extremely spot-on analysis. Thanks much.

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