Town Hall Attendees Boo And Scream Liar As Paul Ryan Wants To Cut Taxes On Corporatio

Yeah, when they pay no taxes to begin with.
And where are the increasing job rates in the private sector?

They are just hoarding the money to themselves.
THere have been at least 750,000 threads dealing with the left's class warfare. We don't need another round of childish temper tantrums over same.
Genius.....It's THEIR money to do with as they please.
They owe you NOTHING.

End tax cuts and make EVERYONE pay their fair share.

End progressive taxes and the system that allows for abuses thru loopholes, deductions, exemptions, etc and make everyone pay their equal percentage share...
Now they are going to dig up old stuff on Ryan going back to the union teachers riot in Wisconsin? Pretty ironic that the corporation that digs up this stuff, Media Matters, is tax exempt.
Wow. "The tax system we have is a corrupt benefits a handful of the expense of everybody else. What I would say is, let's get rid of all these tax shelters which let some get away with paying no taxes...".

Exhibit A: My running mate!

He's not talking about dividend income and capital gains, but you knew that.
Fully 20% of Americans are idiots......coincidentally, that seems to be the number of progressives in this country too!

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, which translates down to our small businesses. That means no jobs.

Yeah, lets raise taxes on those who won't produce jobs until they can get a stable tax system.

The current tax system is so corrupt, that those who use the most government resources in this country, pay nothing; while those who sustain this country, pay everything.

Why claim that we have the highest corportate tax rate in the world without mentioning that with all the deductions and writes offs, we have one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the world.
Historical Top Tax Rate

from 1950 to 1963 the top tax rate was 91-92%

those years were not bad years economically

JFK disagrees:
This Administration and this country last year had the lowest rate of economic growth - which means jobs - of any major industrialized society in the world in 1959. And when we have to find twenty-five thousand new jobs a week for the next ten years, we're going to have to grow more. Governor Rockefeller says five per cent. The Democratic platform and others say five per cent. Many say four and a half per cent. The last eight years the average growth has been about two and a half per cent. That's why we don't have full employment today.

Second debate:
Fourthly, I believe we should not carry out a hard money, high interest rate policy which helped intensify certainly the recession of 1958, and I think helped bring the slow-down of 1960. If we move into a recession in sixty-one, then I would agree that we have to put more money into the economy, and it can be done by either one of the two methods discussed. One is by ex- the programs such as aid to education. The other would be to make a judgment on what's the most effective tax program to stimulate our economy.

Kennedy lowered the top tax rate as President.
Fully 20% of Americans are idiots......coincidentally, that seems to be the number of progressives in this country too!

We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, which translates down to our small businesses. That means no jobs.

Yeah, lets raise taxes on those who won't produce jobs until they can get a stable tax system.

The current tax system is so corrupt, that those who use the most government resources in this country, pay nothing; while those who sustain this country, pay everything.

Why claim that we have the highest corportate tax rate in the world without mentioning that with all the deductions and writes offs, we have one of the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the world.
Your all knowing all seeing highly regarded politicians WROTE the friggin tax code.
The same people you libs worship.
Now, I will ask you to prove the US has the lowest effective corp tax rate.
Have fun Boo Boo.
"I want a job!"
"And until I get one let's tax the job producers to death."

Right win idiocy

"I want a job!"

"Then work one for minimum wage and no benefits, otherwise it's going to China where they will!"

Apparently, you didn't get the memo. Conservatives want to do AWAY with the minimum wage.
The minimum wage stifles job creation. By mandating what business should pay their lowest skilled employees which of course generate the least amount of revenue and are the most unreliable, business is forced to reduce the number of jobs it can create. Young people with the least amount of skills are closed out of the job market.
Unemployment among people under 20 with HS educations is over 20%.
Even college students typically those who take summer jobs in the tourist and recreational industries are finding it more difficult to pick up temp employment because there are fewer jobs to be had.
I want a job!!!!

Let's tax businesses a lot more so they have the money to provide them.


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