Town halls gone wild

Local Fox Reporter Attends Town Hall And Finds ‘Some Attendees Admit They Don’t Live In The District’

Last night, Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) hosted a rowdy town hall meeting to discuss health care reform. Fox’s local Houston affiliate reporter, Duarte Geraldino, reported that he talked to the participants and found that “some attendees admit they don’t live in the district.” How did they get there? Geraldino noted “an internet campaign” by far right activists urging their allies to attend and heckle Democratic Representatives. Geraldino then aired a clip showing one participant acting disrespectfully towards Rep. Green. “Pay close attention to the man behind the congressman,” Geraldino says in this clip, “he seems to have forgotten the part about respect.” Watch it:

The crowd was so disrespectful that one frustrated attendee said he had come to the town hall with the intention of giving Rep. Green “a really hard time,” but changed his mind because he was fed up with another man who was “screaming behind my head for the last hour.” The attendee continued, “This is a free country, but I think there’s a certain degree of respect” required. “I won’t be quiet! I won’t sit down! And I won’t let this happen on my watch,” responded the angry conservative activist.

Entire article and video: Think Progress » Local Fox Reporter Attends Town Hall And Finds ‘Some Attendees Admit They Don’t Live In The District’
then how come I never get any of these emails?

Probably for the same reason I never got Code Pink and emails.
i went to their page, they also accuse the AP of supporting the town hall "disruptors". pretty hard to take that kind of raw partisan stupidity seriously.
colbert's a funny guy. again, not particularly meaningful.



Simply watching Fox pretty much supports their "sponsoring" of these things - they are constantly going on about it.

Another poster mentioned Fox sent reporters out to tea parties, held events, and provided entertainment -- hannity broadcasting live at a tea party etc. etc. : Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

What more do you need to conclude that yes, they sponsor those events?

when cbs covers a shuttle launch, does that mean they're sponsoring it?

when a reporter covers a klan rally, does that mean the reporter is a klansman?

do i need to go on?

Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

You post two links to Media Matters???? That discredited piece of shit site? It's lucky the IRS hasn't shut them down for violating their 501 (c)(3) status. As they say in Jamaica, "Soon come, mon"

And then you top that off with a link to a comedian's site. WTF?????

Is this what passes for legitimate information to you???? I'll bet you're one the 8% of people who actually respond to spam ads.

Get out of here until you have something legit.

LOL, you ask for links and you get links, then you whine about the links. However, there was a post of yours on the previous page where you mention a "local" reporter and yet I saw no links and very little specifics. I wonder why??
links need to have SOME credibility to be taken seriously
or are you one of those "its on the internet, it must be true" type fools?

He asked for links he got them. And yet in another post Tech made a claim and provided NO links.
To me, providing A link that can be verified or discarded AFTER it has been proven faulty is a whole hell of a lot better than just stating something and believing that your point is proven.
So are you actually trying to argue that foxnews wasn't promoting the taxday tea parties despite the FACT that hannity did his show LIVE from one as well as provided entertainment??
He's not part of Fox News. Tell me, whenever Glen Beck was on CNN, was he representative of what their network and news broadcasts supported as well?

LOL OMG you have got to kidding. Hannity is ON the foxnews network and therefore he is part of foxnews. Hannity is one of their main commentators and trying to argue that he is not part of foxnews is like trying to argue that the transmission on your car is not a part of your car.

It's like talking to a child. :eusa_eh: He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

Some of the links provided showed Fox News, not Hannity - involved in endorsing and promoting the Tea Parties.
The Republicans controlled the house for all but two years of Bush's term. Were there any angry protests from the right over deficits? Or did they only start up in the last two years when the Democrats had control?
and democrats controled the senate for HALF of Bush's 8 years

Republicans controlled one branch from 2001-2003, and Democrats (by 1 seat due to Jeffords jump) the other branch - hardly enough to constitute much control since they would need support from the Republicans to pass anything.

Republicans controlled both branches from 2003 to 2007.

Democrats both branches from 2007-09.

So...where were the angry protests from the right over huge deficits run up under Bush?

:eusa_shhh: Stop bringing up awkward topics.
Simply watching Fox pretty much supports their "sponsoring" of these things - they are constantly going on about it.

Another poster mentioned Fox sent reporters out to tea parties, held events, and provided entertainment -- hannity broadcasting live at a tea party etc. etc. : Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

What more do you need to conclude that yes, they sponsor those events?

when cbs covers a shuttle launch, does that mean they're sponsoring it?

when a reporter covers a klan rally, does that mean the reporter is a klansman?

do i need to go on?

Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

and there is a difference between the news and the various hack commentators employed to give their OPINIONS.

see if you can figure that out.

You post two links to Media Matters???? That discredited piece of shit site? It's lucky the IRS hasn't shut them down for violating their 501 (c)(3) status. As they say in Jamaica, "Soon come, mon"

And then you top that off with a link to a comedian's site. WTF?????

Is this what passes for legitimate information to you???? I'll bet you're one the 8% of people who actually respond to spam ads.

Get out of here until you have something legit.

Legit? You mean like Fox News or Hannity or Limbaugh?

Wow! I guess the education system really failed you didn't it?

Give me a newspaper of record, a wire service, a peer reviewed journal, original source material. As a distant second, a respected, published magazine like The Economist, Newsweek or US News and World Report or something similar.

Media outlets like Fox, MSLSD and NBC can be cited only for proof of the opposite of the expected. As in Fox reporting a positive story about Bill Clinton. MSNBC saying something positive about Dick Cheney. Otherwise, they don't count as a source.

Are you getting it yet?????

Oh, I get it.

What YOU aren't getting is this: links to Fox that show what Fox is saying/promoting/whatever are perfectly legitimate source when you want to make a statement about what Fox is saying. It's the original source.
And how do you know that? You're full of parsing but methinks it is you who is "reading into" something by extracting only those words that support your notion that she is a "partisan" hack and overlooking discussions of Acorn or Fox from other (right leaning) posters.

That's not parsing.

You're way to occupied thinking this is a personal attack on you (it's not) and trying to defend your position to understand what I am saying. That's to bad, based on many of you're other postings (much of which I agree with - supprise, supprise) I hoped you would be able to deduce correctly my responses. I am honestly disappointed. It has been fun though, maybe we can do again sometime soon, time to move on and get back on subject.
I don't think repetition is working anymore for the Dems, and I'll concede that it's worked very well for them in the past, but people are fed up. Until someone can offer irrefutable evidence that these are 'pros', then you really should quit spreading the propaganda put out by your party leaders. All you are doing is repeating what you've heard elsewhere w/o really knowing if it's true or not. It's not going to work in this case like it has in the past. Sorry.

I think there is a bit of distortion here - they aren't all saying the attendees are "pro's" but that they are funded and organized by "pro's" and there is clear evidence for that - at best, it's a mix of honest sentiment and political and corporate manipulation much like the "Tea Party" movement, but with the clear intent of derailing health reform through disruption. They are doing exactly what they accused the Dems of doing through or war protesting.
no, there is no evidence of that at all

Simply watching Fox pretty much supports their "sponsoring" of these things - they are constantly going on about it.

Another poster mentioned Fox sent reporters out to tea parties, held events, and provided entertainment -- hannity broadcasting live at a tea party etc. etc. : Atlanta Tea Party: Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Atlanta Tea Party

What more do you need to conclude that yes, they sponsor those events?

when cbs covers a shuttle launch, does that mean they're sponsoring it?

when a reporter covers a klan rally, does that mean the reporter is a klansman?

do i need to go on?

Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

Is there a difference between covering the news and degrading it?
He's not part of Fox News. Tell me, whenever Glen Beck was on CNN, was he representative of what their network and news broadcasts supported as well?

LOL OMG you have got to kidding. Hannity is ON the foxnews network and therefore he is part of foxnews. Hannity is one of their main commentators and trying to argue that he is not part of foxnews is like trying to argue that the transmission on your car is not a part of your car.

It's like talking to a child.

Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.
And how do you know that? You're full of parsing but methinks it is you who is "reading into" something by extracting only those words that support your notion that she is a "partisan" hack and overlooking discussions of Acorn or Fox from other (right leaning) posters.

That's not parsing.

You're way to occupied thinking this is a personal attack on you (it's not) and trying to defend your position to understand what I am saying. That's to bad, based on many of you're other postings (much of which I agree with - supprise, supprise) I hoped you would be able to deduce correctly my responses. I am honestly disappointed. It has been fun though, maybe we can do again sometime soon, time to move on and get back on subject.

No, I don't see it as a personal attack but I hate the way labels get thrown around all too casually because someone thinks someone is saying something rather than just reading what they actually say. Maybe I just plain missed your point - mea culpa - nuance and tone can get easily get distorted in posts...

ok...maybe I'm being a little grouchy....

LOL OMG you have got to kidding. Hannity is ON the foxnews network and therefore he is part of foxnews. Hannity is one of their main commentators and trying to argue that he is not part of foxnews is like trying to argue that the transmission on your car is not a part of your car.

It's like talking to a child.

Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.

You're an idiot. Beck's program was on the Cable News Network, due to the FACT that his program was on the Cable New Network, he was in FACT part of CNN. Therefore, according to your logic, his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views.

Like candy from a baby. :lol:
LOL OMG you have got to kidding. Hannity is ON the foxnews network and therefore he is part of foxnews. Hannity is one of their main commentators and trying to argue that he is not part of foxnews is like trying to argue that the transmission on your car is not a part of your car.

It's like talking to a child.

Talking to you is like talking to a child but I have an hour to kill so why not spend it educating the inept?

He's not part of their news broadcast, nor has he ever been. He has a show on there, just like Glen Beck had a show on CNN. Again, did Glens views represent those of the network and the news broadcast that CNN put on nightly?

WOW look at you spin. What's the name of the network his program is on?? FOXNEWS.

Due to the FACT that his program is ON the foxnews network, he is in FACT part of foxnews. To deny this and try to claim otherwise is beyond ignorant.

Ok, without having read through a good part of this thread, is there anywhere else on Fox News besides Hannity and Beck where Tea Parties are being promoted on the network?
when cbs covers a shuttle launch, does that mean they're sponsoring it?

when a reporter covers a klan rally, does that mean the reporter is a klansman?

do i need to go on?

Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

and there is a difference between the news and the various hack commentators employed to give their OPINIONS.

see if you can figure that out.

I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.
when cbs covers a shuttle launch, does that mean they're sponsoring it?

when a reporter covers a klan rally, does that mean the reporter is a klansman?

do i need to go on?

Please do go on, your inability to grasp the difference between merely reporting on an event and becoming part of the event is quite entertaining. LOL

really? well i'm glad to provide some amusement for the dimwitted amongst us.


So you are as funny to your dimwitted self as you are to me? LOL now that's just hilarious.
So what don't you understand?? Here, let's use your example.

IF you had a reporter covering a klan rally wearing the hood and the rest of the getup and participating in the event up to lighting the burning cross and paying an entertainer to come give a free concert to the others at the event then you would have something close to what hannity did to promote the tea party he attended. At that point he is no longer a reporter he is a participant.
I think there is a bit of distortion here - they aren't all saying the attendees are "pro's" but that they are funded and organized by "pro's" and there is clear evidence for that - at best, it's a mix of honest sentiment and political and corporate manipulation much like the "Tea Party" movement, but with the clear intent of derailing health reform through disruption. They are doing exactly what they accused the Dems of doing through or war protesting.
no, there is no evidence of that at all


That's what I'd like to see. The source for your statements about how these were funded by organized 'pros'. I have yet to see you back this up.
Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

and there is a difference between the news and the various hack commentators employed to give their OPINIONS.

see if you can figure that out.

I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.

I guess you just missed the so called 'coverage' of the tea parties on the other (Obama) networks?
Yes. You do need to go on.

There is a difference between covering news and promoting it.

and there is a difference between the news and the various hack commentators employed to give their OPINIONS.

see if you can figure that out.

I agree - but, here's the problem with Fox - opinion presented as news or mixed with news. Or, as in some of those links - actively promoting the Tea Party movement in the guise of news. That's dishonest and it's not simply giving the news - it's sponsoring the movement.

It is not simply giving the news about an election say - it's actively sponsoring a candidate or a program. Did Fox provide the same level of endorsement to, say - Code Pink? I don't think so. Did they attend and promote Code Pink demonstrations like they did the Tea Parties? I doubt it. And I'm not talking about their talk programs like Hannity.

Now you figure out if you can see that there is a difference between providing news about a movement and sponsoring that movement.

i'm sorry but i can't agree with your basic premise (that fox is promoting/endorsing/sponsoring teaparties etc through its news programming) and so the rest of your question is moot. i don't disagree that hannity has promoted it, but anyone stupid enough to think hannity provides news coverage really isn't worth worrying about.

good effort though.
Fox news has been brought up several times as they are one of the primary (vocal) sponsors of "Tea Parties" and this Town hall stuff.

Talking about that has nothing to do with being a "party hack".

Fox News is a "Sponsor" of the Tea Parties?

Link please.

Are you serious?? Didn't foxnews send their programs out to tea parties and hold events as well as provide entertainment?? I seem to remember hannity broadcasting live at a tea party with his show and he brought a performer to basically give a free concert.
It should be more than obvious to anyone with common sense that foxnews was trying to talk and prop the tea parties up with all of the attention they gave to them.

First, I don't keep track of the coming and going of all the "personalities" on Fox. My view of Hannity is that he is a shameless self-promoter and if there were three people standing on a corner he would try to get in front of them and try to promote something.

Having said that, he does have another job other than his show on Fox (which I've never seen). He has a radio show. So, I'm unsure whether he was at the Tea Party in his capacity as a radio host or as part of Fox.

I know other radio hosts attended but did not get up on stage at Tea Parties. Laura Ingram for one. As for whether Fox sponsored the event, I would view sponsorship as requiring either funding or advertising the events and where and when they would be held or at a minimum giving out the web site with that information.

Now, maybe that occured on some of the "opinion" shows in the evening, I don't watch them, but it did not occur on their morning show. I don't really view as "sponsorship" reporting what happened, even over and over, doesn't constitute sponsorship. Their people going to an event, even if it involved shameless self-promotion, doesn't rise to the level of "sponsorship."
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