Town halls gone wild

None of this will matter regarding the election. Only the rabid winguts get fired up about rabid wingnut stuff.

If the economy is up...the Dems will keep their majority.
Injecting ACORN and fox news into a thread about Town Hall Meetings.

I don't see the correlation, unless you're simply playing the party hack.

Fox news has been brought up several times as they are one of the primary (vocal) sponsors of "Tea Parties" and this Town hall stuff.

Talking about that has nothing to do with being a "party hack".

Fox News is a "Sponsor" of the Tea Parties?

Link please.

It was, but I don't know if it's sponsoring any new ones.



You post two links to Media Matters???? That discredited piece of shit site? It's lucky the IRS hasn't shut them down for violating their 501 (c)(3) status. As they say in Jamaica, "Soon come, mon"

And then you top that off with a link to a comedian's site. WTF?????

Is this what passes for legitimate information to you???? I'll bet you're one the 8% of people who actually respond to spam ads.

Get out of here until you have something legit.

Ah yes, the label "partisan hack" only applies if a Dem uses a left-wing website, but not if you guys (collectively "you") use right-wing websites to make YOUR points. The hypocrisy continues...
Fox news has been brought up several times as they are one of the primary (vocal) sponsors of "Tea Parties" and this Town hall stuff.

Talking about that has nothing to do with being a "party hack".

Fox News is a "Sponsor" of the Tea Parties?

Link please.

It was, but I don't know if it's sponsoring any new ones.


maybe the folks at buzzflash, you know, the blog that created the slide, have more info?

didn't base my comment on my opinon. I took it from this: Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age

Thanks, I'll check that out, including who contributed and who funded the project, (primary in determining bias, if any).

Agree. I think you will find it an interesting site with some good analysis. It isn't just critical of Fox either, cable news networks overall are fairly weak in terms of depth of coverage and sourcing.
Im laughing...............

In my lifetime, Ive watched the k00ks at the mall protesting........ rallies...........civil name it. Nobody ever said sh!t...................

Now after 40 years of slumber, conservatives protest something but they're a "mob"...........

Like Ive been saying for years......the lefty k00ks embrace fascism as a means to power. Its not even debatable anymore.........
WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

So I guess that means if you go to a political rally/demonstration/etc., your employer is sponsoring/promoting said event, just because you work for him/her?
Very interesting concept. Strange but interesting.

Are you really this stupid?? Hannity took his FONXEWS program to a tea party, broadcasted his FOXNEWS program from the event LIVE on the FOXNEWS channel, advertised it for weeks ahead of time and brought an entertainer to perform AT the event. Don't you think the network would have to approve of this move?? Or do you believe that hannity is a maverick and can do whatever he wants to do?
WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

So I guess that means if you go to a political rally/demonstration/etc., your employer is sponsoring/promoting said event, just because you work for him/her?
Very interesting concept. Strange but interesting.

Are you really this stupid?? Hannity took his FONXEWS program to a tea party, broadcasted his FOXNEWS program from the event LIVE on the FOXNEWS channel, advertised it for weeks ahead of time and brought an entertainer to perform AT the event. Don't you think the network would have to approve of this move?? Or do you believe that hannity is a maverick and can do whatever he wants to do?
And over the past few months been seeing the 'Hallelujahs' about pro-endorsements by Walmart, AMA, Mayo, two of which have been denied by the 'endorser'. LOL! Only if it fits the left wing nut jobs are endorsements ok.

Keep singing it loud and proud, "STFU if you are NOT an Obamabot!"
WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

So I guess that means if you go to a political rally/demonstration/etc., your employer is sponsoring/promoting said event, just because you work for him/her?
Very interesting concept. Strange but interesting.

Are you really this stupid?? Hannity took his FONXEWS program to a tea party, broadcasted his FOXNEWS program from the event LIVE on the FOXNEWS channel, advertised it for weeks ahead of time and brought an entertainer to perform AT the event. Don't you think the network would have to approve of this move?? Or do you believe that hannity is a maverick and can do whatever he wants to do?
And over the past few months been seeing the 'Hallelujahs' about pro-endorsements by Walmart, AMA, Mayo, two of which have been denied by the 'endorser'. LOL! Only if it fits the left wing nut jobs are endorsements ok.

Keep singing it loud and proud, "STFU if you are NOT an Obamabot!"

Is that supposed to make any sense??
Are you really this stupid?? Hannity took his FONXEWS program to a tea party, broadcasted his FOXNEWS program from the event LIVE on the FOXNEWS channel, advertised it for weeks ahead of time and brought an entertainer to perform AT the event. Don't you think the network would have to approve of this move?? Or do you believe that hannity is a maverick and can do whatever he wants to do?
And over the past few months been seeing the 'Hallelujahs' about pro-endorsements by Walmart, AMA, Mayo, two of which have been denied by the 'endorser'. LOL! Only if it fits the left wing nut jobs are endorsements ok.

Keep singing it loud and proud, "STFU if you are NOT an Obamabot!"

Is that supposed to make any sense??

Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.
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Republicans aren't winning any new converts with this tactic - they aren't winning THIS former Republican back anyway.

It's the Palin strategy - fire up the base, but destroy any hopes you have at winning the middle.
Uh that was already explained for you. His foxnews show was LIVE at the event and he brought in an entertainer to perform for the crowd. I don't know how much more simple I can make it.

Hannity was advertising that he and his show would be at the events weeks BEFORE the event.

Does that count? - Sean Hannity 'On the Record' on the Anti-Tax Tea Party Protests - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta

Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event. As noted in your article, the event was already scheduled, not something that he or Fox thought up or created. He went to an already scheduled event.

Now if you care to argue that his participation made the event larger than it would otherwise be. I would agree with you. By saying he would do his show live from there and bring some entertainer with him, I'm sure it was a bigger event than it would otherwise have been.

Not sponsorship though. Unless you just want to stretch the meaning to prove your point.

WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

Big Fucking Deal. He has a show on Fox, his idealogy is obvious to anyone who watches him. His views do not define the views of the network. How can you be so damn dense?

Again, if you have any balls, you'll answer my question. Did Glen Beck define the political views of CNN (CABLE NEWS NETWORK) whenever his show was aired on there EVERY NIGHT?????
Republicans aren't winning any new converts with this tactic - they aren't winning THIS former Republican back anyway.

It's the Palin strategy - fire up the base, but destroy any hopes you have at winning the middle.

One thing for sure, the Democrats are not winning votes by calling constituents swastika carrying, Neanderthals that dress too well for town meetings. Setting up 'report your neighbors' hotline to white house has to be the most dangerous move I've ever seen, if not unconstitutional.
And over the past few months been seeing the 'Hallelujahs' about pro-endorsements by Walmart, AMA, Mayo, two of which have been denied by the 'endorser'. LOL! Only if it fits the left wing nut jobs are endorsements ok.

Keep singing it loud and proud, "STFU if you are NOT an Obamabot!"

Is that supposed to make any sense??

Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.

LOL I just think it hilarious that this type of lame paranoia is all you have to offer. HAHA

BTW where were you when W was president and all of the righties were stating "you are either with us or against us" and calling anyone who disagreed with them "traitors, un-American, unpatriotic surrender monkeys"? Did you believe the same then as you do now or is this mere political expediency on your part?
Republicans aren't winning any new converts with this tactic - they aren't winning THIS former Republican back anyway.

It's the Palin strategy - fire up the base, but destroy any hopes you have at winning the middle.

One thing for sure, the Democrats are not winning votes by calling constituents swastika carrying, Neanderthals that dress too well for town meetings. Setting up 'report your neighbors' hotline to white house has to be the most dangerous move I've ever seen, if not unconstitutional.

The constituents of Democrats don't carry swastikas - Democrats are never going to be popular with THAT crowd anyway - and I don't think they WANT to be.

I don't think the Democrats are worried about offending the skinheads. Those folks are pretty solid Republican voters.
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Republicans aren't winning any new converts with this tactic - they aren't winning THIS former Republican back anyway.

It's the Palin strategy - fire up the base, but destroy any hopes you have at winning the middle.

One thing for sure, the Democrats are not winning votes by calling constituents swastika carrying, Neanderthals that dress too well for town meetings. Setting up 'report your neighbors' hotline to white house has to be the most dangerous move I've ever seen, if not unconstitutional.

The constituents of Democrats don't carry swastikas - Democrats are never going to be popular with THAT crowd anyway - and I don't think they WANT to be.

I don't think the Democrats aren't worried about offending the skinheads. Those folks are pretty solid Republican voters.

Funny that you are now equating skin heads and tea parties. What a tool. Now real connections of professional disruption are easy to make about the left.

iowahawk: Know Your Town Hall Mob Agitators!

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