Town halls gone wild

maybe the folks at buzzflash, you know, the blog that created the slide, have more info?


That particular shot was everywhere. Pay attention. I just posted the first one that popped up.

you still on about fox?

I couldn't care less about Fox. Someone way back asked for 'proof' that the network was supporting the tea party movement, and I obliged. Move on.
Republicans aren't winning any new converts with this tactic - they aren't winning THIS former Republican back anyway.

It's the Palin strategy - fire up the base, but destroy any hopes you have at winning the middle.

One thing for sure, the Democrats are not winning votes by calling constituents swastika carrying, Neanderthals that dress too well for town meetings. Setting up 'report your neighbors' hotline to white house has to be the most dangerous move I've ever seen, if not unconstitutional.

The rightwing outrage over this is so selective....I don't recall this level of outrage from them under the prior administration's efforts to set up a snitch system.
I understand that many of these folks are upset about the whole ball of wax of big government and big spending, not just the potential for the high cost of health care reform. So my question would be why weren't there such angry protests day in and day out when Republicans held a majority and were pushing their spending programs? Were there big protests against Reagan's expansion (bailout) of Social Security which actually taxed high earners? Were they in the streets protesting the expansion of Medicare by giving a select group of voters (elderly) billions of dollars worth of free prescription drugs annually?

Why is it that "enough is enough" happens on the Democrats' watch and never the Republicans' watch?

Are you blind or do you just see what you choose to see?

I recall many protesters protesting against the war in Iraq and the billions of dollars being spent.

The POTUS isn't the one that does the spending and in Reagans presidency, the democrats controlled the house for all but two years of his two terms.

But nice try.

The Republicans controlled the house for all but two years of Bush's term. Were there any angry protests from the right over deficits? Or did they only start up in the last two years when the Democrats had control?

No but Bush wasn't trying to socialize the country neither, now was he?

Set the crack pipe down and walk away slowly.
I think the last time we Conservatives got this riled up we kicked the British out of here.

Actually the "Conservatives" at the time were the Tories, the revolutionary types would have been "Liberals". If one were to go by the strictest meanings of the words "Liberal" and "Conservative".

Which of course is the only way one could define it, as a coherent set of principles that would be in any way similar to today's Conservatives didn't exist at the time.

Of course you people love to take a single trait, in this case a desire to not pay taxes, and try to use it to equate yourself to some heroic group of people.

Just like you like to take a single trait, say Socialism for instance, and try to use it to tie your enemies to a negative group, like the Nazis.

Meanwhile your Nazi Brownshirt operatives are trying to block the free flow of democracy by attempting to Strong-arm political events.
I think the last time we Conservatives got this riled up we kicked the British out of here.
Actually the "Conservatives" at the time were the Tories, the revolutionary types would have been "Liberals". If one were to go by the strictest meanings of the words "Liberal" and "Conservative".

Which of course is the only way one could define it, as a coherent set of principles that would be in any way similar to today's Conservatives didn't exist at the time.

Of course you people love to take a single trait, in this case a desire to not pay taxes, and try to use it to equate yourself to some heroic group of people.

Just like you like to take a single trait, say Socialism for instance, and try to use it to tie your enemies to a negative group, like the Nazis.

Meanwhile your Nazi Brownshirt operatives are trying to block the free flow of democracy by attempting to Strong-arm political events.
A Conservative is nothing more then a classical liberal. Meaning that those who founded our country were against big government and at that time, the biggest government in the world was the British Crown.

So, nice try.

You seem to have made the same mistake that about 90% of the left make. Equate a tactic (that is employed as often by the left as it is by the right) with ideology.

It is not surprising however given your last sentence.
Really? :lol: Who's siding with the government and who's not??? Yet b/c people are protesting the socialist health care bill they're 'Nazi brownshirts'. Gotta love it... :lol:
A Conservative is nothing more then a classical liberal.

Actually, perhaps you missed my point.

A conservative, in the strictest sense of the word, is:

1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
2. Traditional or restrained in style

While Liberal actually means:

a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

My point was that as far as the broad categories of ideas that are currently defined as "Liberal" or "Conservative" are concerned, neither one would apply to the founding fathers.

Just like there are elements of both modern conservatism and liberalism contained within the Nazi philosophy, and there are many elements of Nazi philosophy that don't have anything to do with Conservatism and Liberalism.

The people who are crowding and intentionally trying to disrupt town hall meetings however, directly resemble the Nazi Brown-Shirts, in both their intentions and their methods.

You seem to have made the same mistake that about 90% of the left make. Equate a tactic (that is employed as often by the left as it is by the right) with ideology.

And acutally, I was not doing that at all. I was saying the people at the town halls were reminiscent of Brown-Shirts, not Conservatives in general.

Perhaps you should carefully read what I wrote before responding.
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They're working for the government? Nazi brownshirts were government thugs. Your comparison is ridiculous. I love how speaking your mind is 'disruptive', you morons who are attacking your fellow Americans for using their first amendment rights are pathetic. Also, your definitions may be accurate regarding the dictionary for the general meaning of the two terms, but not regarding politics.
b/c people are protesting the socialist health care bill they're 'Nazi brownshirts'.

No, they're "Nazi Brownshirts" because they are attempting to strong-arm political events that disagree with their own beliefs.

I don't care what their particular political alignment or cause is.

Sending 1500 people to mob a "Town Hall" event is a tactic used by Nazi Brown-Shirts.
That's your opinion. I've seen the videos and what you are labeling it is incorrect, but that's the left's basic MO, isn't it? You can try to keep labeling thus it all you want, most are not buying it and see things for what they really are.

Who sent 1500 people? Where? How was it paid for?
Nazi brownshirts were government thugs.

Nope, Nazi brownshirts were operatives of the Nazi party, and existed well before the Nazi's actually took over the German government.

They would typically use tactics very simliar to this to quell political opposition, and when they had grown in numbers their tactics moved on to more violent methods of Strong-arming.
Nazi brownshirts were government thugs.

Nope, Nazi brownshirts were operatives of the Nazi party, and existed well before the Nazi's actually took over the German government.

They would typically use tactics very simliar to this to quell political opposition, and when they had grown in numbers their tactics moved on to more violent methods of Strong-arming.

:lol: So, they weren't in league with the government movement? Hitler was elected, he didn't 'take over' anything until after he was in office.
Who sent 1500 people? Where? How was it paid for?

1500 people were sent to a Town Hall in Tampa. It's all over the news this morning.

Who sent them? Various Right-wing groups using propaganda tactics the Nazi's would be proud of.

Who paid for it? Since when does someone need to "pay" for old people (which Florida is rife with) to get involved in politics? You just have to get them angry.
So, they weren't in league with the government movement? Hitler was elected, he didn't 'take over' anything until after he was in office.

Whether you're elected, or you run a coup d'tat, you still "take over" government if you're successful.
Nazi brownshirts were government thugs.

Nope, Nazi brownshirts were operatives of the Nazi party, and existed well before the Nazi's actually took over the German government.

They would typically use tactics very simliar to this to quell political opposition, and when they had grown in numbers their tactics moved on to more violent methods of Strong-arming.

Looks to me like you're the ones trying to quell political opposition. Put out your lies and your labels and repeat it over and over until it starts to stick. It's not going to work this time however, there are too many people against your socialized health care.

You can label it however you want until hell freezes over, I don't care if people were bused in, organized, or given a written script, they still have the right to voice their opinions and to change the political climate by not voting for the chumps that vote for this socialist health care bill in the next election.
Who sent 1500 people? Where? How was it paid for?

1500 people were sent to a Town Hall in Tampa. It's all over the news this morning.

Who sent them? Various Right-wing groups using propaganda tactics the Nazi's would be proud of.

Who paid for it? Since when does someone need to "pay" for old people (which Florida is rife with) to get involved in politics? You just have to get them angry.

What 'right wing groups'? What propaganda tactics?

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