Town halls gone wild

Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event. As noted in your article, the event was already scheduled, not something that he or Fox thought up or created. He went to an already scheduled event.

Now if you care to argue that his participation made the event larger than it would otherwise be. I would agree with you. By saying he would do his show live from there and bring some entertainer with him, I'm sure it was a bigger event than it would otherwise have been.

Not sponsorship though. Unless you just want to stretch the meaning to prove your point.

WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

Big Fucking Deal. He has a show on Fox, his idealogy is obvious to anyone who watches him. His views do not define the views of the network. How can you be so damn dense?

Again, if you have any balls, you'll answer my question. Did Glen Beck define the political views of CNN (CABLE NEWS NETWORK) whenever his show was aired on there EVERY NIGHT?????

LOL I love these lame tactics you righties have. You present spin/failed logic, dishonestly attempt to attribute that failed and flawed logic to me, then ignore it when you are called out for your dishonesty and then pop back into the thread later demanding that i answer your question that is based on your own flawed logic and try to attack me claiming that i have "no balls" if i don't answer your BS question. LOL
"Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event."

Yes, it does cross a journalistic line - but he's not a journalist.
"Funny that you are now equating skin heads and tea parties. What a tool. Now real connections of professional disruption are easy to make about the left."

I never said a word about tea parties. I think you are confused. Could you please direct me to my quote that said anything at all about tea parties?
And over the past few months been seeing the 'Hallelujahs' about pro-endorsements by Walmart, AMA, Mayo, two of which have been denied by the 'endorser'. LOL! Only if it fits the left wing nut jobs are endorsements ok.

Keep singing it loud and proud, "STFU if you are NOT an Obamabot!"

Is that supposed to make any sense??

Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.

ABSOLUTELY, you are RIGHT ON Annie, and what's more, the outrage everyone is witnessing at these town hall meetings is just the TIP OF THE ICE BURG. It's the tiny little ember you see poking out the wall of a building, while the INFERNO rages inside, and THAT is what obama and his minions of liberals that have been running ROUGH SHOD over America for the last six months are AFRAID of. And don't get me wrong, THEY ARE AFRAID. Liberals LIVE for POWER, and to have so much of it now to only LOSE IT in such a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME is more than they can bear.

One of the liberals FAVORITE TACTICS is to demonize and SHOUT DOWN the opposition. Now that the table is turned, hell, they can't be subjected to THEIR OWN TACTICS... THAT JUST ISN'T ACCEPTABLE!
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Is that supposed to make any sense??

Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.

ABSOLUTELY, you are RIGHT ON Annie, and what's more, the outrage everyone is witnessing at these town hall meetings is just the TIP OF THE ICE BURG. It's the tiny little ember you see poking out the wall of a building, while the INFERNO rages inside, and THAT is what obama and his minions of liberals that have been running ROUGH SHOD over America for the last six months are afraid. And don't get me wrong, THEY ARE AFRAID.

One of the liberals FAVORITE TACTICS is to demonize and SHOUT DOWN the opposition. Now that the table is turned, hell, they can't be subjected to THEIR OWN TACTICS... THAT JUST ISN'T ACCEPTABLE!

I have two questions.

1. Were you in a coma while W was president?? LOL That could be the only REAL excuse for ignoring the FACT that righties used those tactics throughout W's administration.

2. Wasn't that "tiny little ember" and "tip of the iceberg" BS propaganda used to describe the tea party movement as well? And yet the 4th of July tea parties were basically a flop and that includes the ones where a free fireworks show was offered in attempt to draw in more people and claim that they supported the cause. LOL
Excuse me ..... ANNIE ......
Could you please direct me to where I linked tea parties and skinheads as you claimed?????????
Either produce the quote or be a big enough person to admit your mistake and apologize .....
WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

Big Fucking Deal. He has a show on Fox, his idealogy is obvious to anyone who watches him. His views do not define the views of the network. How can you be so damn dense?

Again, if you have any balls, you'll answer my question. Did Glen Beck define the political views of CNN (CABLE NEWS NETWORK) whenever his show was aired on there EVERY NIGHT?????

LOL I love these lame tactics you righties have. You present spin/failed logic, dishonestly attempt to attribute that failed and flawed logic to me, then ignore it when you are called out for your dishonesty and then pop back into the thread later demanding that i answer your question that is based on your own flawed logic and try to attack me claiming that i have "no balls" if i don't answer your BS question. LOL

:lol::lol: You can't answer it, idiot. If you do, it ruins your entire argument. Your accusations of dishonesty are very amusing tho, all you have are bogus insults as typical of your kind. You're a waste of time, and are now relagated to Bobo status for me. Your posts aren't worth reading. Bullshit, insults and lies is all you know.
Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.

ABSOLUTELY, you are RIGHT ON Annie, and what's more, the outrage everyone is witnessing at these town hall meetings is just the TIP OF THE ICE BURG. It's the tiny little ember you see poking out the wall of a building, while the INFERNO rages inside, and THAT is what obama and his minions of liberals that have been running ROUGH SHOD over America for the last six months are afraid. And don't get me wrong, THEY ARE AFRAID.

One of the liberals FAVORITE TACTICS is to demonize and SHOUT DOWN the opposition. Now that the table is turned, hell, they can't be subjected to THEIR OWN TACTICS... THAT JUST ISN'T ACCEPTABLE!

I have two questions.

1. Were you in a coma while W was president?? LOL That could be the only REAL excuse for ignoring the FACT that righties used those tactics throughout W's administration.

2. Wasn't that "tiny little ember" and "tip of the iceberg" BS propaganda used to describe the tea party movement as well? And yet the 4th of July tea parties were basically a flop and that includes the ones where a free fireworks show was offered in attempt to draw in more people and claim that they supported the cause. LOL

Exactly....they demonized the word "liberal" to blame them for everything that is wrong with this country and they still treat it like a 4-letter word. It's so hypocritical to claim it's a leftwing tactic when their own side is just as guilty.
Indeed it does. If the Obamabots have their way, we are seeing the beginnings of the likes of KGB/SS type tactics. None of this is good for US.

ABSOLUTELY, you are RIGHT ON Annie, and what's more, the outrage everyone is witnessing at these town hall meetings is just the TIP OF THE ICE BURG. It's the tiny little ember you see poking out the wall of a building, while the INFERNO rages inside, and THAT is what obama and his minions of liberals that have been running ROUGH SHOD over America for the last six months are afraid. And don't get me wrong, THEY ARE AFRAID.

One of the liberals FAVORITE TACTICS is to demonize and SHOUT DOWN the opposition. Now that the table is turned, hell, they can't be subjected to THEIR OWN TACTICS... THAT JUST ISN'T ACCEPTABLE!

I have two questions.

1. Were you in a coma while W was president?? LOL That could be the only REAL excuse for ignoring the FACT that righties used those tactics throughout W's administration.

2. Wasn't that "tiny little ember" and "tip of the iceberg" BS propaganda used to describe the tea party movement as well? And yet the 4th of July tea parties were basically a flop and that includes the ones where a free fireworks show was offered in attempt to draw in more people and claim that they supported the cause. LOL

I have two questions.

1. Did you still have your head buried up your ass, or is spouting opinion and partisan hack, party line, bull shit your only trick?

2. Are you a product of the mainstream media's brain washing machine?
Big Fucking Deal. He has a show on Fox, his idealogy is obvious to anyone who watches him. His views do not define the views of the network. How can you be so damn dense?

Again, if you have any balls, you'll answer my question. Did Glen Beck define the political views of CNN (CABLE NEWS NETWORK) whenever his show was aired on there EVERY NIGHT?????

LOL I love these lame tactics you righties have. You present spin/failed logic, dishonestly attempt to attribute that failed and flawed logic to me, then ignore it when you are called out for your dishonesty and then pop back into the thread later demanding that i answer your question that is based on your own flawed logic and try to attack me claiming that i have "no balls" if i don't answer your BS question. LOL

:lol::lol: You can't answer it, idiot. If you do, it ruins your entire argument. Your accusations of dishonesty are very amusing tho, all you have are bogus insults as typical of your kind. You're a waste of time, and are now relagated to Bobo status for me. Your posts aren't worth reading. Bullshit, insults and lies is all you know.

If you could read, I already dealt with your failed and flawed logic but it doesn't suit your needs to admit that. Instead you wish to pretend that your flawed logic is the central detail in the debate when it has NOTHING to do with anything that I have said despite your dishonest attempts to claim that it did. This delusional belief of yours that if I don't answer your lame question then my entire argument is countered is beyond absurd.

Let's see in post #178 you introduced your flawed logic that hannity was NOT part of foxnews because in your belief beck was not a part of CNN because he was not a "representative of what their network and news broadcasts supported."

Then in post #197 you tried to DISHONESTLY spin the debate and claim that hannity was not part of foxnews' NEWS programs when the argument was concerning the network which is named FOXNEWS and then you once again present your flawed and inconsequential spin about being representative of the network. As if that somehow proves that hannity isn't part of the foxnews network. LOL

Then in post #213 YOU present the argument based on your own believe that since beck was a part of CNN "his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views" and the kicker is that you try to DISHONESTLY attribute your own flawed logic to me in this post.
Therefore, according to your logic, his views were a clear representation and endorsement of CNN views.

I then ask you in post #221 to show me when I where I said what you were attributing to me and you avoid it like the plague only to come back and try to insult and attack me because I refuse to answer an inconsequential question that is based on your own flawed logic.
ABSOLUTELY, you are RIGHT ON Annie, and what's more, the outrage everyone is witnessing at these town hall meetings is just the TIP OF THE ICE BURG. It's the tiny little ember you see poking out the wall of a building, while the INFERNO rages inside, and THAT is what obama and his minions of liberals that have been running ROUGH SHOD over America for the last six months are afraid. And don't get me wrong, THEY ARE AFRAID.

One of the liberals FAVORITE TACTICS is to demonize and SHOUT DOWN the opposition. Now that the table is turned, hell, they can't be subjected to THEIR OWN TACTICS... THAT JUST ISN'T ACCEPTABLE!

I have two questions.

1. Were you in a coma while W was president?? LOL That could be the only REAL excuse for ignoring the FACT that righties used those tactics throughout W's administration.

2. Wasn't that "tiny little ember" and "tip of the iceberg" BS propaganda used to describe the tea party movement as well? And yet the 4th of July tea parties were basically a flop and that includes the ones where a free fireworks show was offered in attempt to draw in more people and claim that they supported the cause. LOL

I have two questions.

1. Did you still have your head buried up your ass, or is spouting opinion and partisan hack, party line, bull shit your only trick?

2. Are you a product of the mainstream media's brain washing machine?

Aw did I hurt your wittle feewings?? Poor poor righties just hate to get called out for blatant hypocrisy and spewing of right wing talking points. LOL

I do find it hilarious that your questions apply perfectly to what you said in post #264. LOL

Hmm? Let's see, right wing talking points.

The "tip of the iceberg" propaganda. Check.

The "tiny little ember" propaganda. Check.

The "liberals are afraid" argument. Check.

LOL It seems that your entire post was nothing but right wing talking points, opinion and spin.
Fox News is a "Sponsor" of the Tea Parties?

Link please.

It was, but I don't know if it's sponsoring any new ones.


maybe the folks at buzzflash, you know, the blog that created the slide, have more info?


That particular shot was everywhere. Pay attention. I just posted the first one that popped up.
Im laughing...............

In my lifetime, Ive watched the k00ks at the mall protesting........ rallies...........civil name it. Nobody ever said sh!t...................

Now after 40 years of slumber, conservatives protest something but they're a "mob"...........

Like Ive been saying for years......the lefty k00ks embrace fascism as a means to power. Its not even debatable anymore.........

I guess you didn't attend nor see any of the coverage of the Evangelical mega church movements during the 04 campaign. Some even printed on their programs that Democrats were decadent; conservatives Godly. It was a silent revolution that got George W. Bush reelected. I'd actually rather see visible anger than blasphemy to achieve political goals.
I think the last time we Conservatives got this riled up we kicked the British out of here.

This is going to be fun!
Im laughing...............

In my lifetime, Ive watched the k00ks at the mall protesting........ rallies...........civil name it. Nobody ever said sh!t...................

Now after 40 years of slumber, conservatives protest something but they're a "mob"...........

Like Ive been saying for years......the lefty k00ks embrace fascism as a means to power. Its not even debatable anymore.........

I guess you didn't attend nor see any of the coverage of the Evangelical mega church movements during the 04 campaign. Some even printed on their programs that Democrats were decadent; conservatives Godly. It was a silent revolution that got George W. Bush reelected. I'd actually rather see visible anger than blasphemy to achieve political goals.

Then you would have hated the lies spread using Church money in California with Prop H8 last November.
tea parties and history:

The Boston Tea Party, 1773

Must history repeat?

...In May of 1773 Parliament concocted a clever plan. They gave the struggling East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea to America. Additionally, Parliament reduced the duty the colonies would have to pay for the imported tea. The Americans would now get their tea at a cheaper price than ever before. However, if the colonies paid the duty tax on the imported tea they would be acknowledging Parliament's right to tax them. Tea was a staple of colonial life - it was assumed that the colonists would rather pay the tax than deny themselves the pleasure of a cup of tea.

The colonists were not fooled by Parliament's ploy. When the East India Company sent shipments of tea to Philadelphia and New York the ships were not allowed to land. In Charleston the tea-laden ships were permitted to dock but their cargo was consigned to a warehouse where it remained for three years until it was sold by patriots in order to help finance the revolution.

In Boston, the arrival of three tea ships ignited a furious reaction. The crisis came to a head on December 16, 1773 when as many as 7,000 agitated locals milled about the wharf where the ships were docked. A mass meeting at the Old South Meeting House that morning resolved that the tea ships should leave the harbor without payment of any duty. A committee was selected to take this message to the Customs House to force release of the ships out of the harbor. The Collector of Customs refused to allow the ships to leave without payment of the duty. Stalemate. The committee reported back to the mass meeting and a howl erupted from the meeting hall. It was now early evening and a group of about 200 men, some disguised as Indians, assembled on a near-by hill. Whopping war chants, the crowd marched two-by-two to the wharf, descended upon the three ships and dumped their offending cargos of tea into the harbor waters.

Most colonists applauded the action while the reaction in London was swift and vehement. In March 1774 Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston. The fuse that led directly to the explosion of American independence was lit.....
Hannity is a right-wing political commentator who has a show on Fox. It is not surprising nor does it cross some kind of journalistic line to have him at or even involved in an event. As noted in your article, the event was already scheduled, not something that he or Fox thought up or created. He went to an already scheduled event.

Now if you care to argue that his participation made the event larger than it would otherwise be. I would agree with you. By saying he would do his show live from there and bring some entertainer with him, I'm sure it was a bigger event than it would otherwise have been.

Not sponsorship though. Unless you just want to stretch the meaning to prove your point.

WOW, is this really the best you've got??

He advertised for weeks that he was going to be at the event, bring an entertainer and then the event itself altered their schedule to accomodate hannity's program and you are still trying to claim that foxnews, who hannity works for, didn't sponsor/promote the teaparty??

Sorry but the facts show otherwise.

Big Fucking Deal. He has a show on Fox, his idealogy is obvious to anyone who watches him. His views do not define the views of the network. How can you be so damn dense?

Again, if you have any balls, you'll answer my question. Did Glen Beck define the political views of CNN (CABLE NEWS NETWORK) whenever his show was aired on there EVERY NIGHT?????

I used to catch Glenn Beck's reruns in the early hours of the morning when he was on CNN-HN, and although his views were always conservative, he also often showed a compromising side. He became an entirely different actor when he moved to Fox and either Beck had been disguising his true self or Fox molded him the way they wanted him.
Your last post seems to ignore the question on the table.
Can you produce my quote linking skinheads and tea parties? Your failure to do so makes me believe that you cannot.
Can you admit your mistake?
I have two questions.

1. Were you in a coma while W was president?? LOL That could be the only REAL excuse for ignoring the FACT that righties used those tactics throughout W's administration.

2. Wasn't that "tiny little ember" and "tip of the iceberg" BS propaganda used to describe the tea party movement as well? And yet the 4th of July tea parties were basically a flop and that includes the ones where a free fireworks show was offered in attempt to draw in more people and claim that they supported the cause. LOL

I have two questions.

1. Did you still have your head buried up your ass, or is spouting opinion and partisan hack, party line, bull shit your only trick?

2. Are you a product of the mainstream media's brain washing machine?

Aw did I hurt your wittle feewings?? Poor poor righties just hate to get called out for blatant hypocrisy and spewing of right wing talking points. LOL

I do find it hilarious that your questions apply perfectly to what you said in post #264. LOL

Hmm? Let's see, right wing talking points.

The "tip of the iceberg" propaganda. Check.

The "tiny little ember" propaganda. Check.

The "liberals are afraid" argument. Check.

LOL It seems that your entire post was nothing but right wing talking points, opinion and spin.

Doc, Pale Rider is a big fan of the Birther movement. Nuff said. Ignore him.

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