Town halls gone wild

Just as 'guilty'? Is it against the law to organzie and protest against something that you disagree with?

It is against the law to attempt to stop someone from communicating with their elected representataives, yes.

Really? What law would that be?

I saw people comminicating just fine with their elected representatives, you just don't like what they were saying so you're trying desperately to marginalize them. It's not going to work this time.
The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something

Funny, I didn't mention anything about that. Asking the original questions was quite fine.

The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

You marginalizing, critisizing, and demonizing them. Back to being intellectually dishonest again I see. I didn't see anyone trying to stop another person from asking anything, I saw people trying to get their questions answered in an honest way.
The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something

Funny, I didn't mention anything about that. Asking the original questions was quite fine.

The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

You marginalizing, critisizing, and demonizing them. Back to being intellectually dishonest again I see. I didn't see anyone trying to stop another person from asking anything, I saw people trying to get their questions answered in an honest way.

Is yelling over someone else not stopping another person? Is disrupting not doing that?
There are a number of them but you can find a prime example here:

FreedomWorks | Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

Hmm, let's see, does Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck regularly calling President Obama a "Socialist", a "Facist" and a "Racist" on national television ring a bell?

Does Rush Limbaugh equating having a public health care option with "Nazi Germany" ring a bell?

Those would be excellent examples of classic "propaganda tactics."
thanks for the link, i hadnt heard of them before
now i must join to get my marching orders i've been accused of getting
you lib morons are a fucking riot

Yeah, "Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom".... what terrible ideas.... :lol:

More freedom....? Or, is it really more freedom for some...not all. Like those that have adequate insurance or the money to not need it.
The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something

Funny, I didn't mention anything about that. Asking the original questions was quite fine.

The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

A lot of people didn't say anything like that, but very quickly if they voice any sort of criticism over the tactics of disruption they get branded with denying free speech and freedom.

Free speech means I'm allowed to speak and be heard too - it does not mean that he or she with the most strident voice can override me by virtue of rudeness and vocal chords.

Let everyone be heard.
The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

Agree 100%.

Shouting down anyone who has a different opinion is not exercising freedom of speech - it is an attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Watch the people who do this very carefully -
you lib morons are a fucking riot

All you have to contribute to the conversation are a few insults and short, mispelled statements of "No", and you're calling other people "morons"?

Nice work. Thanks for playing. Now go crawl back under your bridge troll-boy.
no, you can fuck off, moron
The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

Agree 100%.

Shouting down anyone who has a different opinion is not exercising freedom of speech - it is an attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Watch the people who do this very carefully -

You should also watch the people that purposely twist and misrepresent the facts in order to support their sick ideology as well.

Sounds like the definition of a brown shirt, doesn't it? :lol:
There are a number of them but you can find a prime example here:

FreedomWorks | Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom

Hmm, let's see, does Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck regularly calling President Obama a "Socialist", a "Facist" and a "Racist" on national television ring a bell?

Does Rush Limbaugh equating having a public health care option with "Nazi Germany" ring a bell?

Those would be excellent examples of classic "propaganda tactics."
thanks for the link, i hadnt heard of them before
now i must join to get my marching orders i've been accused of getting
you lib morons are a fucking riot

Yeah, "Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom".... what terrible ideas.... :lol:
no shit
this is yet another example of libs being morons
The problem occurred when they tried to stop other people from asking their questions.

Agree 100%.

Shouting down anyone who has a different opinion is not exercising freedom of speech - it is an attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Watch the people who do this very carefully -
yeah, the dems are out in force to stop anyone from voicing their objections to obamacare
Organized leftist groups often arrive (and these are actual members of the groups not just ordinary citizens voicing their displeasure) at many functions with the explicit purpose of silencing the event

And (though they usually don't show up in huge numbers and mob the events) these people are just as guity.

Again, I did not specify that all conservatives are Brownshirts, as opposed to Liberals, I said that the current tactics being used by these people, as well as the tactics of the people in the media that egg them on are those of Brownshirts.

And on a personal note, if I were at an event such as this, I would most probably start swinging at people, if they tried to drown me out and trample my constitutional right to pose my own questions to my representatives, so I guess it's better that I haven't attended any recently.

I'm sure there are quite a few people that feel the same way, and if this continues, I guarantee that violence will erupt.

Just as 'guilty'? Is it against the law to organzie and protest against something that you disagree with? I think not. No matter how much you try to degrade their actions, they won't be degraded. The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something that is going to have a huge impact on their lives is what is pathetic and unamerican.

In all this back and forth, you refuse to address one fact that comes up again and again and instead focus accusing him of denying people their free speech rights: is it a free speech right to shout over someone else's questions or yell so loud they can not hear an answer?

Are only some people worthy of free speech then? If everyone treated each other's earnest questions and concerns with the respect they deserve - isn't THAT free speech? Or is respect only to be accorded to some?
Yeah, "Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom"

I have not made any criticism of the cause, simply the method.

As you recall, I said that left-wing people using such tactics were "just as guilty".
no shit
this is yet another example of libs being morons

Once again you bless us with your intellect and wisdom. Nice work. How old are you, 12?

Notice, I did not criticize other posters with opposing viewpoints in this manner. Maybe that should tell you something about yourself.
You should also watch the people that purposely twist and misrepresent the facts

What facts have I mis-represented?

John McCain feels the same way as I do about stifling free speech in Town Halls, he made a statement about it this morning.

But I imagine your response will be that John is somehow a "Liberal" who's "misrepresenting the facts", right?
And (though they usually don't show up in huge numbers and mob the events) these people are just as guity.

Again, I did not specify that all conservatives are Brownshirts, as opposed to Liberals, I said that the current tactics being used by these people, as well as the tactics of the people in the media that egg them on are those of Brownshirts.

And on a personal note, if I were at an event such as this, I would most probably start swinging at people, if they tried to drown me out and trample my constitutional right to pose my own questions to my representatives, so I guess it's better that I haven't attended any recently.

I'm sure there are quite a few people that feel the same way, and if this continues, I guarantee that violence will erupt.

Just as 'guilty'? Is it against the law to organzie and protest against something that you disagree with? I think not. No matter how much you try to degrade their actions, they won't be degraded. The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something that is going to have a huge impact on their lives is what is pathetic and unamerican.

In all this back and forth, you refuse to address one fact that comes up again and again and instead focus accusing him of denying people their free speech rights: is it a free speech right to shout over someone else's questions or yell so loud they can not hear an answer?

Are only some people worthy of free speech then? If everyone treated each other's earnest questions and concerns with the respect they deserve - isn't THAT free speech? Or is respect only to be accorded to some?

Have you seen any of the videos? No one was shouting over anyone else's questions. The videos I saw were people asking genuine questions and then getting fed up at the line of bullshit that was given to them as an answer. Along with everyone else in the room having the same reaction. For you to insinuate that people were screaming the entire duration of the meeting is ridiculous. You're misrepresening what has happened in the majority of the meetings that have taken place. You have to do so in order to legitimize your so called 'concern' (i.e. criticism). I understand exactly what you're doing very well. Critisize their behavior all you want, it's not going to change the fact that a majority of people in this country are not in agreement with this bill and have the right to voice their disagreement.
Most of the video I have seen has been reasonable folks getting mad for being condescended to.

I don't like shout down tactics at all either but from the video I have been watching, I would have been among the angry ones in the crowd. Just answer the questions, or listen to what folks are saying.
You should also watch the people that purposely twist and misrepresent the facts

What facts have I mis-represented?

John McCain feels the same way as I do about stifling free speech in Town Halls, he made a statement about it this morning.

But I imagine your response will be that John is somehow a "Liberal" who's "misrepresenting the facts", right?

See my above post, you're misrepresenting what has gone on in the majority of the town hall meetings.
I didn't see anyone trying to stop another person from asking anything

Here you go:

[ame=]YouTube - The crazies come out to discuss Healthcare Reform[/ame]

Caught on video. You can spin things any way you want, but the camera tell the facts.
Most of the video I have seen has been reasonable folks getting mad for being condescended to.

I don't like shout down tactics at all either but from the video I have been watching, I would have been among the angry ones in the crowd. Just answer the questions, or listen to what folks are saying.

Exactly. The left has gotten their talking point memos from Nancy and has been sent out to label the dissenters as an 'angry, right wing extremist mob' who are just upset at not getting their way. They have no legitimate concerns and have no business disputing good citizens who support their socialist take over. They even have a ridiculous commercial stating just that. It's getting old.
See my above post, you're misrepresenting what has gone on in the majority of the town hall meetings.

See my linked video. And that's a relatively tame one compared to Tampa, where fist-fights broke out today.

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