Town halls gone wild

Did you all know that our Universities are chock full of brownshirts? After all, if the working definition of brownshirted tactics is that they shout down speakers, why that happens on a regular basis in our institutes of higher education.

Organized leftist groups often arrive (and these are actual members of the groups not just ordinary citizens voicing their displeasure) at many functions with the explicit purpose of silencing the event because they disagree with the political positions of the speakers.

Somehow I doubt it was some brownshirt who lobbed a pie at Ann Coulter.
actually, it was, another liberal asshole brownshirt
no shit
this is yet another example of libs being morons

Once again you bless us with your intellect and wisdom. Nice work. How old are you, 12?

Notice, I did not criticize other posters with opposing viewpoints in this manner. Maybe that should tell you something about yourself.
i'll post what i feel like posting asshole
stop trying to out shout me
you wont stop me
See my above post, you're misrepresenting what has gone on in the majority of the town hall meetings.

See my linked video. And that's a relatively tame one compared to Tampa, where fist-fights broke out today.
lets see some video of that one in tampa, i bet it was caused by some asshole like you
Yeah, "Lower Taxes, Less Government, More Freedom"

I have not made any criticism of the cause, simply the method.

As you recall, I said that left-wing people using such tactics were "just as guilty".

What's being left out of this whole conversation (at least in this thread) is that in spite of the cause and the method, from the videos I've seen those who actually got to ask a question asked a stupid one, or made an absurd statement: Like the little old lady who said [paraphrasing] that she "didn't want the government getting involved in MY health care." The poor soul is probably benefiting from Medicare.
Very telling video - sort of puts that whole - "not shouting down open discussion" arguments to rest once and for all.

No, what this 44 second cllip shows is Sebelius trying to blow a little smoke up citizen's asses about the wonderful plans the Obama administration has for health care and those same citizens soundly rejecting the crap she was spewing.
Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Take your face out of the Obama Kool Aid can for a second and read this:

Ultimately, the complete lives system does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on,' but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible." -- Ezekiel Emanuel Director of Obama Health Care Final Solution

"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

So? The operative words are "...does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on." If, God Forbid, we are ever hit with a major flu pandemic with hospitals full of sick and dying people and there is only so much medicine available to treat it, who do you think will get it? The sick or the dying? This is a tough one for a person with your comprehension capacity, I know.
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i bet it was caused by some asshole like you

If you took time out from blindly insulting people to read otehr people's posts, you would have seen this:

Gov employee here to help
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Here's one from last night's Tampa event. The shouting down begins around 1:09 into the video.

RAW VIDEO: Tampa health care town hall disrupted by wingnuts - Daily Kos TV

Of course, I'm sure now you'll say something about Daily Kos editing the video or some other lame rationalization. But it wasn't my post.
You are now a political terrorist. - and part of the mob. So am I.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: We're All Political Terrorists Now

Friday, August 7, 2009
We're All Political Terrorists Now
Washington Post business hysteria-generating columnist Steven Pearlstein has declared that opponents of Democratic health care restructuring are "political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems." Oh, okay, next time we'll be sure to shut up and go along with what Pearlstein wants.

But not this time. Contrary to what Pearlstein says, the goal of the Democratic party base is a single-payer system in which the government controls the health care system. Pointing out this goal, and how some of the provisions which may make their way into a final bill would advance this goal, is not the equivalent of hate speech or fighting words. In fact, the rhetoric from supporters of health care freedom has been no worse, and mostly better, than the rhetoric used by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on his front porch, which has been defended by the very people who want to shut up the health care protesters.

And yes, the only way to fund what the Democrats want will involve rationing which will cut back on end-of-life care. So while no Democrats are talking about a Soylent Green solution, the necessary implications of what they are proposing legitimately is frightening to the elderly.

Part of the problem with how things are spinning out of control is people like Pearlstein, who use their mainstream media platform to demonize everyone who disagrees with them.

Just one question for Mr. Pearlstein. Now that you have declared approximately half the population to be terrorists, are you still against waterboarding?

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.
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msg#354 - Proud Canadians protesting to government officials the endless government interference regarding their vital personal liberty interests:

"Should I bend over a bit further, Master?"

we voice our concerns like adults....not like little children screaming and stamping their feet in a Walmart for an action figure.
i bet it was caused by some asshole like you

If you took time out from blindly insulting people to read otehr people's posts, you would have seen this:

Gov employee here to help
Member #8953 Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 18,822
Thanks: 95
Thanked 255 Times in 214 Posts
Rep Power: 279

Here's one from last night's Tampa event. The shouting down begins around 1:09 into the video.

RAW VIDEO: Tampa health care town hall disrupted by wingnuts - Daily Kos TV

Of course, I'm sure now you'll say something about Daily Kos editing the video or some other lame rationalization. But it wasn't my post.
i saw that already, asshole
and its fucking lame ass morons like you that even bother to complain about spelling and grammar errors in a post
so once again fuck off
the goal of the Democratic party base is a single-payer system in which the government controls the health care system.

And the goal of the Republican party is to make sure that they line their pockets with as many corporate bribes as possible.

Here: I'll go further:

The goal of the Republican party is to turn the US into a corporate oligarchy where every American must pay dearly for everything down to the very air they breathe.

There, now we've both had our say, and both let loose with gross exaggerations. A public option in health care is what's commonly known as a "Compromise" between these two extremes.

Perhaps you've heard of compromises? That's where people with opposing viewpoints negotiate until they come to an agreement somewhere in the middle.
yes, because IQ and grammar are so connected

I'm not talking about your grammer moron, I'm talking about the fact that every other word out of your mouth is either a meaningless insult or a curse.

The only thing you've contributed to this entire conversation has been to attempt to heap abuse onto other posters.

Why are you even posting on this board? You're a troll, and you have NOTHING at all interesting to say.

So shut the hell up and give us all a break, OK?

Oh, and my IQ, though I didn't post it before, as I try not to brag, is 148, so thanks for playing.

Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Yes, my little Alinskyite, Obamaroid and Member of the Legions of Mindless Zombies, you accuse me of doing EXACTLY what it is that you do.

To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs to bully senior citizens at town hall meetings
yes, because IQ and grammar are so connected

I'm not talking about your grammer moron, I'm talking about the fact that every other word out of your mouth is either a meaningless insult or a curse.

The only thing you've contributed to this entire conversation has been to attempt to heap abuse onto other posters.

Why are you even posting on this board? You're a troll, and you have NOTHING at all interesting to say.

So shut the hell up and give us all a break, OK?

Oh, and my IQ, though I didn't post it before, as I try not to brag, is 148, so thanks for playing.

LOL yeah, and i bet that is a lie
you are a fucking stupid troll
like most of the rest of the assholes coming here from PMSNBC
Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Yes, my little Alinskyite, Obamaroid and Member of the Legions of Mindless Zombies, you accuse me of doing EXACTLY what it is that you do.

To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs to bully senior citizens at town hall meetings
that guy is another fucking moron from the now defunct PMSNBC boards

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