Town halls gone wild

I didn't see anyone trying to stop another person from asking anything

Here you go:

[ame=]YouTube - The crazies come out to discuss Healthcare Reform[/ame]

Caught on video. You can spin things any way you want, but the camera tell the facts.

Yeah, the 'crazies'..... exactly my point. I have no audio here so I can't listen to it at the moment. Which meeting is it, I'll listen to it later, but I've heard just about all of them. That was 44 seconds of a meeting, where's the rest of it?
See my above post, you're misrepresenting what has gone on in the majority of the town hall meetings.

See my linked video. And that's a relatively tame one compared to Tampa, where fist-fights broke out today.

Is that the Specter meeting? I've heard the audio of it, if so, those are legitimate questions and legitimate concerns voiced by someone who is very emotional on the topic and has every right to be.
Very telling video - sort of puts that whole - "not shouting down open discussion" arguments to rest once and for all.

Very telling video, indeed. :lol: It doesn't negate the fact that the majority of people are against this health care bill, and trying to insinuate that those who are against it are some right wing lunatic bunch of 'crazies' is being dishonest. But, that's what the left does best, isn't it?
They have no legitimate concerns and have no business disputing good citizens who support their socialist take over.

And here's the problem.

You and your media overlords are pushing all this hyperbolic BS about "Facism" and "Socialism" and demonizing everything that Democrats propose to the point where people are starting to become violent.

This is called, as I mentioned before, propaganda, and you are using it just like the Nazi's did. Which has been my point all along.
Most of the video I have seen has been reasonable folks getting mad for being condescended to.

I don't like shout down tactics at all either but from the video I have been watching, I would have been among the angry ones in the crowd. Just answer the questions, or listen to what folks are saying.

Or listen to what SOME folks are saying. I would be very angry if I was attempting to ask a question and wanted to hear my representatives answer, and some group of people were yelling over me.
Just as 'guilty'? Is it against the law to organzie and protest against something that you disagree with? I think not. No matter how much you try to degrade their actions, they won't be degraded. The fact that you and others like you are willing to deny people their free speech rights and deny them asking questions about something that is going to have a huge impact on their lives is what is pathetic and unamerican.

In all this back and forth, you refuse to address one fact that comes up again and again and instead focus accusing him of denying people their free speech rights: is it a free speech right to shout over someone else's questions or yell so loud they can not hear an answer?

Are only some people worthy of free speech then? If everyone treated each other's earnest questions and concerns with the respect they deserve - isn't THAT free speech? Or is respect only to be accorded to some?

Have you seen any of the videos? No one was shouting over anyone else's questions. The videos I saw were people asking genuine questions and then getting fed up at the line of bullshit that was given to them as an answer. Along with everyone else in the room having the same reaction. For you to insinuate that people were screaming the entire duration of the meeting is ridiculous. You're misrepresening what has happened in the majority of the meetings that have taken place. You have to do so in order to legitimize your so called 'concern' (i.e. criticism). I understand exactly what you're doing very well. Critisize their behavior all you want, it's not going to change the fact that a majority of people in this country are not in agreement with this bill and have the right to voice their disagreement.

I saw a lot of videos where they were shouting - other people couldn't hear or get their questions in. That's not misrepresentation. That's rude behavior being excused in the name of partisan free speech!
I would be very angry if I was attempting to ask a question and wanted to hear my representatives answer, and some group of people were yelling over me.

I don't think they are winning very many friends or influencing very many people with these tactics anyway. As you say, people generally don't like to be shouted down and being treated rudely.

If THAT is your political strategy - I think you're gonna lose.
NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results...too fucking bad for you.
Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.
Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Take your face out of the Obama Kool Aid can for a second and read this:

Ultimately, the complete lives system does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on,' but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible." -- Ezekiel Emanuel Director of Obama Health Care Final Solution

"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"
I think the last time we Conservatives got this riled up we kicked the British out of here.
Actually the "Conservatives" at the time were the Tories, the revolutionary types would have been "Liberals". If one were to go by the strictest meanings of the words "Liberal" and "Conservative".

Which of course is the only way one could define it, as a coherent set of principles that would be in any way similar to today's Conservatives didn't exist at the time.

Of course you people love to take a single trait, in this case a desire to not pay taxes, and try to use it to equate yourself to some heroic group of people.

Just like you like to take a single trait, say Socialism for instance, and try to use it to tie your enemies to a negative group, like the Nazis.

Meanwhile your Nazi Brownshirt operatives are trying to block the free flow of democracy by attempting to Strong-arm political events.
A Conservative is nothing more then a classical liberal. Meaning that those who founded our country were against big government and at that time, the biggest government in the world was the British Crown.

So, nice try.

You seem to have made the same mistake that about 90% of the left make. Equate a tactic (that is employed as often by the left as it is by the right) with ideology.

It is not surprising however given your last sentence.

They were actually against totalitarian royalty.
Did you all know that our Universities are chock full of brownshirts? After all, if the working definition of brownshirted tactics is that they shout down speakers, why that happens on a regular basis in our institutes of higher education.

Organized leftist groups often arrive (and these are actual members of the groups not just ordinary citizens voicing their displeasure) at many functions with the explicit purpose of silencing the event because they disagree with the political positions of the speakers.

Somehow I doubt it was some brownshirt who lobbed a pie at Ann Coulter.
"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

Hmmm, interesting out-of-context quote there.

So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?

Perhaps they should all just fight to the death for it then?
I didn't see anyone trying to stop another person from asking anything

Here you go:

[ame=]YouTube - The crazies come out to discuss Healthcare Reform[/ame]

Caught on video. You can spin things any way you want, but the camera tell the facts.
and there is NOTHING wrong with what they did
you seem to like it when your elected represenitives lie to you

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