Town halls gone wild

declared that opponents of Democratic health care restructuring are "political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems."

Did he now?

Perhaps he was a bit mad at all the references to Mr Obama and the rest of the Democrats as "Nazis", "Socialists", "Facists", and whatever other name the seemingly insane right-wing media has been throwing around these days?

Political Terrorists? Well that's a bit of an over-statement I'd say, but it's relatively tame compared to what Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have been spouting lately.
"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

Hmmm, interesting out-of-context quote there.

So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?

Perhaps they should all just fight to the death for it then?

Yeah, that's what Hitler and Mengele thought too.

The Obama Government is going to perfect the Union by deciding who the undesirables are.
Gee, I wonder the elderly aren't in a hurry to have Ezekiel Emanuel euthanize them?

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

NeoMarxists kept swatting the Middle Class hornet nest like it was a pinata and now they don't like the results

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Yes, my little Alinskyite, Obamaroid and Member of the Legions of Mindless Zombies, you accuse me of doing EXACTLY what it is that you do.

To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs to bully senior citizens at town hall meetings

What women? Kind of a sweeping generalization there, Frankie.
To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs

First of all, you call the left "effeminate wimps", but then call the Union members, who are VERY left-wing "Thugs".

That would be a contradiction in terms, you need to make up your mind about how you'd like to insult us.

Plus, I'm a veteran, I'm certainly not effeminate. I've also gone out with a number of right-wing women in my time, so I guess they didn't think my left-leaning ways were all that offensive.

Perhaps I'd be one of those "thugs" you mentioned.
that guy is another fucking moron from the now defunct PMSNBC boards

Blah blah fucking this, blah blah liberal that...

You can't help but prove my point can you?

I'll tell you what, I'll just ignore your posts from this point on, and let you continue to make a fool of yourself, you certainly don't need any more help from me.
To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs

First of all, you call the left "effeminate wimps", but then call the Union members, who are VERY left-wing "Thugs".

That would be a contradiction in terms, you need to make up your mind about how you'd like to insult us.

Plus, I'm a veteran, I'm certainly not effeminate. I've also gone out with a number of right-wing women in my time, so I guess they didn't think my left-leaning ways were all that offensive.

Perhaps I'd be one of those "thugs" you mentioned.

The Union thugs are not necessarily Left wing, they are simply paid thugs.
Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Yes, my little Alinskyite, Obamaroid and Member of the Legions of Mindless Zombies, you accuse me of doing EXACTLY what it is that you do.

To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs to bully senior citizens at town hall meetings

What women? Kind of a sweeping generalization there, Frankie.

Maggie, stay the fuck out of the way or you're going to get caught in the crossfire.
The Obama Government is going to perfect the Union by deciding who the undesirables are

Whereas Republicans would just make sure the kidneys went to whoever paid them the most.
"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

Hmmm, interesting out-of-context quote there.

So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?

Perhaps they should all just fight to the death for it then?

Yeah, that's what Hitler and Mengele thought too.

The Obama Government is going to perfect the Union by deciding who the undesirables are.

I'm really sick of seeing you post the same nonsense in every thead. Your assertions have been completely debunked many times over. Try to stay current, will ya? Otherwise, you just appear to enjoy being dumbed down.

PolitiFact | Our latest guide to the health care distortions
Yes, my little Alinskyite, Obamaroid and Member of the Legions of Mindless Zombies, you accuse me of doing EXACTLY what it is that you do.

To a woman, the Left is a bunch of effeminate wimps, which is why you send in Union thugs to bully senior citizens at town hall meetings

What women? Kind of a sweeping generalization there, Frankie.

Maggie, stay the fuck out of the way or you're going to get caught in the crossfire.

Bring it on asshole. My ex-husband was a Frank, and you don't want to know what happened to him. And his ego wasn't even as big as yours.
that guy is another fucking moron from the now defunct PMSNBC boards

Blah blah fucking this, blah blah liberal that...

You can't help but prove my point can you?

I'll tell you what, I'll just ignore your posts from this point on, and let you continue to make a fool of yourself, you certainly don't need any more help from me.
oh, you are the one making a fool of yourself
but please do continue
Take your face out of the Obama Kool Aid can for a second and read this:

Ultimately, the complete lives system does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on,' but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible." -- Ezekiel Emanuel Director of Obama Health Care Final Solution

"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

I see you're still going on about this.

Did you at least drop the Mengele comparison horseshit?
Hmmm, interesting out-of-context quote there.

So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?

Perhaps they should all just fight to the death for it then?

Yeah, that's what Hitler and Mengele thought too.

The Obama Government is going to perfect the Union by deciding who the undesirables are.

I'm really sick of seeing you post the same nonsense in every thead. Your assertions have been completely debunked many times over. Try to stay current, will ya? Otherwise, you just appear to enjoy being dumbed down.

PolitiFact | Our latest guide to the health care distortions

Maggie? The guy you're defending said this, "So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?"

Putting the government in charge of separating the undesirables from the Perfect Society.

You couldn't be any wronger. It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to be any wronger!

You see that, right?
Did you at least drop the Mengele comparison horseshit?

Oh no, that was in the next post.

Who said this:

"So, if there are 2 kidneys to go around, and 5 people need kidneys, are you saying that there should be no rules to dictate who they go to?"

Was it:

A. Josef Mengele
B. Chairman Mao
C. Josef Stalin
D. A NeoMarxist
Oh wait, sorry I missed a few insults thrown my way, didn't I?

Putting the government in charge of separating the undesirables from the Perfect Society.

But of course, because who should be in charge? Oh, yeah, that's right, for profit private corporations.

Because then the organs will go to the nice rich 94 old lady instead of the poor young new father of 2.

Because the old lady has more money.

Nice work there bud, you'll just be happy to sell those organs to the highest bidder.

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