Methane Gas being released into the Earth Atmosphere , a bigger threat than CO2 , from human Carbon gas release.?!!

There is ice on parts of the ocean floor where the temp is below 20 degrees. And you are gaslighting. The areas that thawing is releasing methane is Russia, Canada and Alaska. Permafrost.

No. It is bound in ice and/or other structures like mud and/or in whatever other ways. When the frost goes - because the climate change takes care it will become warmer - then it could happen suddenly that titanic masses of methane are set free within a very short time. And because methane is an extremely effective free greenhouse gas itselve it would take care on its own that bound methane will be set free. The warmth not comes from the methane on its own - it comes from the sun and is not able to leave our planet because of the greenhouse gas methane. So: The energy come from outside of our planet and not because of melting and icing processes within an experiment under closed conditions in a laboratorium.

To "know" something what's wrong is in case we have to react fast much more dangerous than to know nothing. What we need is to know much more about the real facts - conditions, time, masses, energy and so on - and this facts are not in our fantasy. We need to know the exact details of such a scenario. This means research and not an ostrich policy.

These are endothermic reactions ... they must absorb energy from the environment to proceed ... and this energy remains with the methane, it can't be used again ... Chemistry 101 ...

There's no known conditions where the latent heat of fusion can be ignored ... which is what you're doing ... so unless you have a citation, we'll assume you're making this up ... methane oxidizes in the atmosphere ... why there's only 2 ppm ...

Two part per million ... you're soiling your knickers over that little? ... without a reference ... too funny ...
These are endothermic reactions ...

What has nothing to do with greenhouse gases.

they must absorb energy from the environment to proceed ... and this energy remains with the methane,

The creation of methane needs energy (endotherm reaction) - the destruction of methane sets free energy (exotherm reaction). So when free methane will be destructed in the atmosphere thenthsi doisonc of metehane wil alos produce enregyx. But this has nothing to do with the enrgy which cannot be emitted form püalnet Earth becaus of greenhouse gases. Both processes are differnt and have another equlibrium.

it can't be used again ... Chemistry 101 ...

What means "Chemistry 101"?

There's no known conditions where the latent heat of fusion can be ignored ... which is what you're doing ... so unless you have a citation, we'll assume you're making this up ... methane oxidizes in the atmosphere ... why there's only 2 ppm ...

Gold for example is made in a supernova. It got a lot of energy in this way - but no one is able to set this energy free. If gold would be a greenhouse gas then this had absolutelly nothing to do with this energy.

Methane is a molecule which is able to be created and able to be destroyed . But this has also nothing to do with the function of methane to be a greenhouse gas. You compare what's not comparable.

methane oxidizes in the atmosphere ...

Exactly. That's why I said the methane which is produced from animals (from cows for example) we can currently ignore. We could change this outpout of methane - if necessary to do so - within a relativelly short time span. And always big herds of cows - or buffaloes - existed.

why there's only 2 ppm ...

Two part per million ... you're soiling your knickers over that little? ... without a reference ... too funny ...

But what would happen when within a short time suddenly much more methane will be set free into the atmosphere - this is the problem.
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If you gave the comment "fake news" (="You are a liar") to this what I said here on reason of the weird political ideologies of the USA then you are a criminal who tries to solve a problem of natural science with weird thoughts. Say what you like to say but let it be to defame - what seems currently to be the only political arts in the USA (="Right is who is the best slanderer").
What has nothing to do with greenhouse gases.

Yes it does ... they're called the "Laws of Thermodynamics" ... and these laws are proportional to mass ... not the magic you believe in ... 2 ppm doesn't effect temperature enough to read on the thermometers we use in the field ...

In the first chemistry class students take ... there's an experiment the student performs to demonstrate what I'm talking about ... maybe when you're old enough and in high school, your parents may let you take that class ...

Still no citations ... you just make it up as you go along ... what methane's half-life in the atmosphere? ... you won't know because that fact disputed everything you post ... everything ... you don't even know what "chemistry" is ... apparently ... methane and oxygen DON'T mix, they combust ...

If you gave the comment "fake news" (="You are a liar") to this what I said here on reason of the weird political ideologies of the USA then you are a criminal who tries to solve a problem of natural science with weird thoughts. Say what you like to say but let it be to defame - what seems currently to be the only political arts in the USA (="Right is who is the best slanderer").
You are making statements that are incorrect. That's why you get the disagree.

Learn some basic science.
Yes it does ... they're called the "Laws of Thermodynamics" ... and these laws are proportional to mass ...

The creation of methane needs energy - the destruction of methane sets free energy. This process has nothing to do with the function of methane to be a greenhouse gas.

Do you have a car port? A car port is only a roof over a car. This roof is like a "greenhouse gas". If you park on a relativelly mild winter evening a car under a car port then you won't see any icy windows in the morning. Reason for: The car is relativelly warm because the heat radiation was not able to go out directly into the space. This has nearly nothing to to with the material of the roof - as long as this material is is visible (=impenetrable) for infrared radiation (warmth).

In case of real greenhouse gas this is more a kind of reflection (mirror).
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Yes it does ... they're called the "Laws of Thermodynamics" ... and these laws are proportional to mass ... not the magic you believe in ... 2 ppm doesn't effect temperature enough to read on the thermometers we use in the field ...

In the first chemistry class students take ... there's an experiment the student performs to demonstrate what I'm talking about ... maybe when you're old enough and in high school, your parents may let you take that class ...

I am a German. I have not any lousy idea what you learn in your schools or not learn in your schools.

Still no citations ... you just make it up as you go along ... what methane's half-life in the atmosphere?

Tell me. I heard that all methane in the atmosphere which currently exists will be gone within one year when no new methane will be produced.

... you won't know because that fact disputed everything you post ...


everything ...


you don't even know what "chemistry" is

Okay - you left rationality now.

... apparently ... methane and oxygen DON'T mix, they combust ...

Basic knowledge:

Our atmosphere consists of 78 % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen. The remaining one per cent consists mainly of the noble gas argon (approx. 0.9 %), as well as trace gases such as nitrogen oxides, methane and carbon dioxide.
Even if the proportion of trace gases is small, they are still of great importance for meteorology, climate and air chemistry. They include the so-called greenhouse gases, which are responsible for global warming.
This composition has remained almost constant for around 350 million years.

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