Town halls gone wild

Really? We're having a discussion as to whether or not shit floats? And whats even better is that everyone is too chicken to answer?

I'll answer for ya'll, it depends on what you ate. When you take a dump in your toilet does it always sink to the bottom or does it float on the surface? My bet is that does neither every time. Every once in a while it will float, and sometimes it will sink. I know mine does. Would you also like to know the exact shades of brown and what consistency it looks like as well? No? Then maybe we can move on to something else.

(BTW, I get that PI was attempting to foist a "gotcha" moment on DiveC, which DiveC saw and refused to fall into. So trap was laid and then avoided. Time to cut losses and move on guys....seriously)
Really? We're having a discussion as to whether or not shit floats? And whats even better is that everyone is too chicken to answer?

I'll answer for ya'll, it depends on what you ate. When you take a dump in your toilet does it always sink to the bottom or does it float on the surface? My bet is that does neither every time. Every once in a while it will float, and sometimes it will sink. I know mine does. Would you also like to know the exact shades of brown and what consistency it looks like as well? No? Then maybe we can move on to something else.

(BTW, I get that PI was attempting to foist a "gotcha" moment on DiveC, which DiveC saw and refused to fall into. So trap was laid and then avoided. Time to cut losses and move on guys....seriously)

No Gotcha at all my original intent was to see if I could plant the idea so the next time he goes into the water he's on the lookout for brown submarines and I figured it would take more that one or two posts and having him feel a little superior by posing such a simple obvious question was just the hook I needed. And the next time he will think of the little brown submarine.
Your expansion was just icing on the cake.

Chocolate of course.
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Really? We're having a discussion as to whether or not shit floats? And whats even better is that everyone is too chicken to answer?

I'll answer for ya'll, it depends on what you ate. When you take a dump in your toilet does it always sink to the bottom or does it float on the surface? My bet is that does neither every time. Every once in a while it will float, and sometimes it will sink. I know mine does. Would you also like to know the exact shades of brown and what consistency it looks like as well? No? Then maybe we can move on to something else.

(BTW, I get that PI was attempting to foist a "gotcha" moment on DiveC, which DiveC saw and refused to fall into. So trap was laid and then avoided. Time to cut losses and move on guys....seriously)

No Gotcha at all my original intent was to see if I could plant the idea so the next time he goes into the water he's on the lookout for brown submarines and I figured it would take more that one or two posts and having him feel a little superior by posing such a simple obvious question was just the hook I needed.
Your expansion was just icing on the cake.

Chocolate of course.

Needless to say I don't believe you. But thats beside the point. Anyone who's spent more than 10 minutes below the surface isn't afraid of a little fish-poo. First off because you don't even see it except for when it is actually coming out of the fish. Secondly because thats a stupid thing to be wary of in the water when there are so many other things to be concerned about.
Remember this one from the other day.

Now think of a turd with teeth.
You think that's bad? Where I live we still have.....dialup. :eek:

check into sat service

You know how much that costs? Even bigger :eek:

C'mon, rural broadband development!

Internet's a very new thing in this neck of the woods, too.

We just got a cell phone tower less than a year ago...and people would be flabbergasted when they'd come here and their cells were dead. Very shocking for those who are dependent upon them.

Also a big shock...a store that closes at 6 p.m. and there is no other open store for about 100 miles.

check into sat service

You know how much that costs? Even bigger :eek:

C'mon, rural broadband development!

Internet's a very new thing in this neck of the woods, too.

We just got a cell phone tower less than a year ago...and people would be flabbergasted when they'd come here and their cells were dead. Very shocking for those who are dependent upon them.

Also a big shock...a store that closes at 6 p.m. and there is no other open store for about 100 miles.
well dang
i thought i lived in the sticks

i know of at least 3 cell towers in my little town of 3500
doesnt help me actually get a good signal where i live, but we have them
and i have cable broadband

check into sat service

You know how much that costs? Even bigger :eek:

C'mon, rural broadband development!

Internet's a very new thing in this neck of the woods, too.

We just got a cell phone tower less than a year ago...and people would be flabbergasted when they'd come here and their cells were dead. Very shocking for those who are dependent upon them.

Also a big shock...a store that closes at 6 p.m. and there is no other open store for about 100 miles.

It's not quite that bad here anymore, but I remember when you couldn't buy a loaf of bread after 7 pm, and that at the gas station. The days when dialup was The Coolest. Thing. Ever! and more of us than will ever admit it were hanging out in the brand spanking new yahoo and aol forums. (I just have no shame)
You know how much that costs? Even bigger :eek:

C'mon, rural broadband development!

Internet's a very new thing in this neck of the woods, too.

We just got a cell phone tower less than a year ago...and people would be flabbergasted when they'd come here and their cells were dead. Very shocking for those who are dependent upon them.

Also a big shock...a store that closes at 6 p.m. and there is no other open store for about 100 miles.
well dang
i thought i lived in the sticks

i know of at least 3 cell towers in my little town of 3500
doesnt help me actually get a good signal where i live, but we have them
and i have cable broadband

Rub it in why don'cha?

My town is way smaller than that, but civilization has crept into the larger burgs surrounding us. It's only a matter of time. I hope.
Agree 100%.

Shouting down anyone who has a different opinion is not exercising freedom of speech - it is an attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Watch the people who do this very carefully -

You should also watch the people that purposely twist and misrepresent the facts in order to support their sick ideology as well.

Sounds like the definition of a brown shirt, doesn't it? :lol:

So are you asking to be watched? because that fits you perfectly.

Let's see, you accuse people of being dishonest and then can't prove your accusation and you have tried to dishonestly atrtibute something that i never said to me so you could attack me for it.
It sure sounds like you "purposely twist and misrepresent the facts in order to support <your> sick ideology" LOL

I can see that I really get under your skin. Good. :lol: Why don't you try to talk about the subject and state facts that you can prove instead of calling those you don't agree with names? I know that's difficult for your type to do, but you could try acting like an adult for a change. You don't discuss honestly, all you do is attack with lies which you cannot counter in an intelligent manner. You are a waste of time. And for the record, I'm a 'she' not a 'he'. You shouldn't make assumptions. :lol:
[SIZE=+1]Quotes[/SIZE] "The tension between the business interests of the conservative-industrial-complex and the GOP is real. There is a huge amount of money to be made by selling to a segment of the country that alienates the critical middle that every party needs to occupy to remain a national force. And so the success of the movement risks the failure of the party. And the failure of the party - its permanent isolation from power - only fuels the resentment and alienation that make so much moolah. This is the GOP's Fox problem. You ride that fox; it eats you in the end."
-- Andrew Sullivan-- Link

So you can show me that these groups aren't funding and aiding the Tea Party movement?

the burden is on you to prove they are

I did by providing a source. You didn't refute what the source presented nor the links within that source - you only attempted to poison the well by disparaging the source. I've met the burden. Can you?

I do know for a fact that the "tea party" in Redding Calif was not funded by any of the groups you mentioned. It was not "funded" by anyone. It was a bunch of people that are tired of the socialist agenda of this administation and of the politicians rushing to pass a massive spending plan without even reading it. The people I have spoken to about the current plan think that the Dems. are puishing things through so fast just to "pay back" the Republicans for past slights.
No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?

You are making unsupported accusations, just like the right-wing media has been doing.

If you accuse someone of lying, you must back it up with proof. So, what "lies" am I defending, and what is your proof that they are in fact "lies".

Again, simply stating an opposite opinion, or quoting someone else's opinion does not prove something to be a "lie".

And I never said anything about a "small" minority, Republicans were a minority in the recent elections, but by no means a "small" minority, which is why they still retain 40 seats in the Senate.

Plus all the "Blue Dog" democrats have been bought by the private health care industry.

The 'Blue Dogs' are 'bought' by private health care??? :lol: More unsubstantiated statements out of thin air.

So, now the blue dogs are a party of 'no' as well? I love it. :lol:

Notice how newby dodges AGAIN. LOL He made an accusation and was asked for proof of said accusation and then runs away from providing anything of substance. LOL I wonder why (sarcasm)

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