Town halls gone wild

Fool me once shame on you; fool me again and again, I must be a Democrat

Yep, cause it was Democrats who were the big supporters of the war in Iraq, right?

WMD's, Al Qaeda training camps, being "welcomed with open arms", etc, etc.

Democrats tried 47 separate times to strand our troops in Iraq without any funding. Thankfully, real Americans stood up to them.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world saw that America is lead by a political party that refuses to fund its own soldier and refuses to do business with us unless they get a premium, the "Pelosi Premium" That's why the Capital Markets have been voting against the USA since the end of 2006
Fool me once shame on you; fool me again and again, I must be a Democrat

Yep, cause it was Democrats who were the big supporters of the war in Iraq, right?

WMD's, Al Qaeda training camps, being "welcomed with open arms", etc, etc.

Democrats tried 47 separate times to strand our troops in Iraq without any funding. Thankfully, real Americans stood up to them.

Yeah that's exactly what they were trying to do.

They weren't trying to force Bush to end the war due to lack of funding or anything like that were they? Which would have brought the troops home of course.

No, they just "Hated the troops" and were trying to starve them and strand them in Iraq, right?

And it just took 1 time, not 47, for Bush to put them there in the first place.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world saw that America is lead by a political party that refuses to fund its own soldier and refuses to do business with us unless they get a premium, the "Pelosi Premium" That's why the Capital Markets have been voting against the USA since the end of 2006

The rest of the world was mostly against American involvement to begin with, and wanted the Democrats to end the war.

And what the hell does the "Pelosi Premium" have to do with it? Nice attempt at changing the subject. Not to mention that the assertion you made is ludicrous.
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Which means that the Bush administration FAILED in their utmost mission in the War on Terror.

Why did they fail? Because of some moronic invasion of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

What part of the intelligence community do you belong to? Wire or Huminit? Oh, neither, I see. Your premise is entirly false based on a complete lack of knowledge concerning this topic.
[SIZE=+1]The Last Gasp of the Angry White Man[/SIZE]
What we're seeing in these angry town halls these days is the last gasp of the angry white man. He's not quite sure what he's angry about, but he knows he's angry. It's not the world he used to know. He gets the disquieting feeling that he doesn't rule the roost anymore. And it's driving him crazy. One of the chants at the town hall events was, "No national healthcare!" Okay, mission accomplished. No one has proposed such a thing. So, I guess they can go home now befuddled at what they were yelling about. The reality is that what they have been manipulated into arguing against is a public option that would give them more choices, not less in health insurance. It wouldn't nationalize health insurance at all, let alone any part of the rest of the healthcare industry. But this isn't about health insurance. It isn't even about health care. You think those people are really this animated about having less health care options and making sure it costs more for them and their family? No, this is visceral for them. And it has nothing to do with their perceived choices on health care. This is about the sinking feeling in their stomach that they are losing power in this country - losing control. That the reigns of power are slipping out of their hands and they don't know what to do about it except yell, really loud.
In other words, all that talk about "equality" was bullshit
because rich, white, straight, old Republicans want to run everything.

Goddammmm, Jay, you gotta be boooorrrriiiinnngest GLBTNBC refugee of them all.

and I would rather scrub out my peehole with a rusty pipecleaner than read through your Fox News parrot act.
The only nitwit living down to stereotype here is you, Gomer.

Now, could you possibly post something more interesting than watching a dog lick its asshole?
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dems controled the Senate when the war was authorized

And Cons controlled the House. But it wasn't Dems who were the wars biggest supporters, now was it?

Now would this be the war which eliminated the most vociferous proponent if international Islamic Terrorism in the Middle east, until his timely demise at the hands of the Iraqi people? The war which successfully has removed a hostile, terrorist promoting Socialist regime with a democratically elected representative Republic and a US Ally in one of the most destablizing regions on earth?

And you were against that war? Is that what I'm reading here? You were in favor of leaving the most notorious, destabilizing terrorist in the Middle East to govern Iraq and to continue to foment Anti-American discontent; such as that which manifested itself on 9-11 through the brutal mass murder of 3000 innocent people?

So you actually ARE an audacious hoper of NO CHANGE then... Yet you worship at the trough of the BOY King, an advocate of CHANGE and the bower to Islamic Kings...


We should have not gone into Iraq when we did.
The Afghanistan war was half done and we moved our forces to Iraq losing momentum in Afghanistan. The Taliban was on the run and could have been minimized so we would not be in the position we are now. Osama Bin Laden was cornered. We most likely could have captured who was responsible for 9/11. We could have stabilized Afghanistan before making any decision on Iraq. That was all lost after we moved a majority of our troops and attention to Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11.

Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, he feared Islamic terrorists could threaten his power. He was not collaborating to any extent with terrorists. As a Sunni he neutralized Iran. After Saddam and the Sunni regime was gone, Iran gained much power through out the middle east.

In hind sight there is no doubt going into Iraq when we did was a mistake based on false information or information made up to give us the excuse to go in.

Not only was the timing wrong , the strategy was wrong once we went in.
[SIZE=+1]GOP is paying trolls to "blog attack"[/SIZE]
But the Left only gives money to Kos
Link Excerpt:
This is unbelievable. We always knew that there were right-wing political hacks trolling the blogosphere, but this is a new low. There's a company called Advantage Consultants that's offering up "professional blog warriors" to "flood the zone" with comments. In short, astro-turf trolls for the blogosphere... Now don't get me wrong -- there's nothing wrong with being a paid blogger. There's plenty of organizations that have staff or consultants on retainer to write on their blogs - which inevitably means commenting on blogs. But here's the key: Be open and honest about it. Unlike these guys, who promise "complete confidentiality", don't fake it, don't lie, and always disclose. Incidentally, who are these people? Who is Advantage Consultants? Their president is Doug Guetzloe, a right-wing radio host and anti-tax activist in Florida.

I think we have a couple of these turds sounding off right now!
[SIZE=+1]GOP is paying trolls to "blog attack"[/SIZE]
But the Left only gives money to Kos
Link Excerpt:
This is unbelievable. We always knew that there were right-wing political hacks trolling the blogosphere, but this is a new low. There's a company called Advantage Consultants that's offering up "professional blog warriors" to "flood the zone" with comments. In short, astro-turf trolls for the blogosphere... Now don't get me wrong -- there's nothing wrong with being a paid blogger. There's plenty of organizations that have staff or consultants on retainer to write on their blogs - which inevitably means commenting on blogs. But here's the key: Be open and honest about it. Unlike these guys, who promise "complete confidentiality", don't fake it, don't lie, and always disclose. Incidentally, who are these people? Who is Advantage Consultants? Their president is Doug Guetzloe, a right-wing radio host and anti-tax activist in Florida.

I think we have a couple of these turds sounding off right now!
yeah YOU
[SIZE=+1]GOP is paying trolls to "blog attack"[/SIZE]
But the Left only gives money to Kos
Link Excerpt:
This is unbelievable. We always knew that there were right-wing political hacks trolling the blogosphere, but this is a new low. There's a company called Advantage Consultants that's offering up "professional blog warriors" to "flood the zone" with comments. In short, astro-turf trolls for the blogosphere... Now don't get me wrong -- there's nothing wrong with being a paid blogger. There's plenty of organizations that have staff or consultants on retainer to write on their blogs - which inevitably means commenting on blogs. But here's the key: Be open and honest about it. Unlike these guys, who promise "complete confidentiality", don't fake it, don't lie, and always disclose. Incidentally, who are these people? Who is Advantage Consultants? Their president is Doug Guetzloe, a right-wing radio host and anti-tax activist in Florida.

I think we have a couple of these turds sounding off right now!
yeah YOU

Great comeback clownshoes! yeah I just outed myself:lol:..... fuck, how do they breed them this stupid?

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